Author: Oliver Laasch

Oliver Laasch is a senior lecturer in innovation and entrepreneurship at the University of Manchester and an adjunct associate professor of strategy at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China. He wrote the United Nations Principles of Responsible Management Education's (PRME) first official textbook Principles of Responsible Management (SAGE, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Indian editions) and the Research Handbook of Responsible Management (Elgar). Laasch has edited two inspirational guides of the PRME and 27 books as founding editor of the PRME/BEP book collection. He founded the Center for Responsible Management Education and co-convened of the Responsible Management Education in Action workshop series at the Academy of Management meetings, which won the best PDW award in 2014.

Let’s Incite Subversively Responsible Management Practices!
Business and Management INK
January 27, 2021

Let’s Incite Subversively Responsible Management Practices!

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