Author: Robert Dingwall

Robert Dingwall is an emeritus professor of sociology at Nottingham Trent University. He also serves as a consulting sociologist, providing research and advisory services particularly in relation to organizational strategy, public engagement and knowledge transfer. He is co-editor of the SAGE Handbook of Research Management.

Florence Nightingale at Home (with COVID-19)
Public Policy
August 5, 2021

Florence Nightingale at Home (with COVID-19)

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COVID Variants – Time to Stop Jumping at Shadows
Public Policy
July 5, 2021

COVID Variants – Time to Stop Jumping at Shadows

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The Insufferable Smugness of Working from Home
Business and Management INK
May 17, 2021

The Insufferable Smugness of Working from Home

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COVID-19: Blood on Whose Hands?
Public Policy
May 16, 2021

COVID-19: Blood on Whose Hands?

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Resisting the Biosecurity State

Resisting the Biosecurity State

These are extraordinary times, and not just because we are coming through the greatest national trauma since the Second World War. The […]

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Vaccine Passports, Governments, and Adult Movies

Vaccine Passports, Governments, and Adult Movies

Immunity certification for adult movies developed in California during the late 1990s, after a serious outbreak of HIV among the performers. Robert Dingwall examines the model in light of calls for a coronavirus passport system for the vaccinated.

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Opinion: We Must Resist the Powerful Voices Arguing for Zero COVID

Opinion: We Must Resist the Powerful Voices Arguing for Zero COVID

Do we treat the coronavirus as an ordinary risk of life, much as we do with the other 30 respiratory viruses that have infected humans throughout history? Or do we try to eliminate the virus from the UK altogether – the so-called Zero COVID approach?

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No One Can Ensure Total Safety… We Must Fight Pandemic of FEAR

No One Can Ensure Total Safety… We Must Fight Pandemic of FEAR

With this pandemic, argues Robert Dingwall, fear amplification has been policy, based on the advice of a particular group of behavioral scientists advising the United Kingdom’s government.

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Start Talking Now About Life After Jabs Make COVID Less Deadly Than the Flu

Start Talking Now About Life After Jabs Make COVID Less Deadly Than the Flu

The reports from Britain’s hospitals in the last few days have been truly worrying. No one should doubt the reality of what […]

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Trying to Lock Down Until COVID is Eradicated Would Be Dangerous Folly

Trying to Lock Down Until COVID is Eradicated Would Be Dangerous Folly

It is possible that we could abolish death by COVID, argues Robert Dingwall, by continuing the restrictions of 2020 indefinitely – the problem, of course, is that we would simply die from something else.

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COVID, Simmel and the Future of Cities

COVID, Simmel and the Future of Cities

Robert Dingwall summons the writings of Georg Simmel to present ‘crucial arguments against the break-up of urban life that is envisioned by some contemporary Utopians: the case against the 15-minute city needs to be heard.’

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Medical Imperialism and the Fate of Christmas

Medical Imperialism and the Fate of Christmas

What happens, asks Robert Dingwall, when governments attempt to impose a moral code on the everyday lives of citizens without the consent of those citizens?

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