Author: Robert Dingwall

Robert Dingwall is an emeritus professor of sociology at Nottingham Trent University. He also serves as a consulting sociologist, providing research and advisory services particularly in relation to organizational strategy, public engagement and knowledge transfer. He is co-editor of the SAGE Handbook of Research Management.

We Must Learn to Live With the Virus – Just Like Samuel Pepys Lived With the Great Plague
Public Policy
November 12, 2020

We Must Learn to Live With the Virus – Just Like Samuel Pepys Lived With the Great Plague

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The Coffin Cure: Why Vaccine Regulation Matters
Public Policy
October 8, 2020

The Coffin Cure: Why Vaccine Regulation Matters

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Should Doctors Be in Charge of Pandemic Policy?
October 6, 2020

Should Doctors Be in Charge of Pandemic Policy?

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Coronavirus UK – Patrician Policymaking
Public Policy
August 13, 2020

Coronavirus UK – Patrician Policymaking

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Coronavirus UK – Is COVID-19 a Disease?

Coronavirus UK – Is COVID-19 a Disease?

Having locked ourselves into a particular way of thinking and acting in relation to COVID-19, argues Robert Dingwall, it is very difficult for this to be questioned – but it must not go unchallenged if we are to balance the moral goals of medicine with the other moral goals that make up a good society.

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Coronavirus UK – A Nasty Infection But Let’s Have a Sense of Proportion

Coronavirus UK – A Nasty Infection But Let’s Have a Sense of Proportion

Of course the government should have a Plan B for a second wave. But this might also be a moment to ask where pandemic management is taking us.

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Coronavirus UK – Understanding the UK Government’s Policy on COVID-19

Coronavirus UK – Understanding the UK Government’s Policy on COVID-19

The UK government has regularly been denounced by many in the public health community for its absence of strategy in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Much of this criticism, however, reflects a simple dislike of the strategy or of the government that has authored it. On closer inspection, the UK government does have an intellectually coherent position – just one that is different from that preferred by many public health specialists and activists, and, to some extent, the biomedical community in general.

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Coronavirus UK – Could We Live With a ‘Second Influenza’?

Coronavirus UK – Could We Live With a ‘Second Influenza’?

Six months into this pandemic, we have learned that it is not going to wipe out human life on this planet. This means, argues Robert Dingwall, that it is time for a public policy reset.

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COVID-19 UK: How Do Pandemics Come to an End?

COVID-19 UK: How Do Pandemics Come to an End?

In the midst of the present chaos, it is easy to forget that the world has had pandemics before and that they have come to an end. Can we learn anything from these experiences that might help us in dealing with COVID-19?

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Coronavirus UK – Models or Crystal Balls?

Coronavirus UK – Models or Crystal Balls?

As far back as we have records, humans have tried to predict the future. Some societies turned to prayer, divination or oracles. Others to tarot cards or crystal balls. In the modern world, much of that function is fulfilled by mathematical models. Is this new technology of forecasting really an upgrade?

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Coronavirus UK – Why Closing Schools is (Generally) a Bad Idea

Coronavirus UK – Why Closing Schools is (Generally) a Bad Idea

School closures are widely seen as a quick fix for COVID-19 transmission. The UK government’s resistance to this measure has provoked considerable concern, including a petition to Parliament that has gathered over a half-million signatures at the time of writing. In practice, argues Robert Dingwall, the effects would mainly be risky for children and the consequences would other institutions’ efforts to work as normally as possible.

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Coronavirus UK: Self-Isolation Must Not Mean Self-Imprisonment

Coronavirus UK: Self-Isolation Must Not Mean Self-Imprisonment

The United Kingdom’s reputed the self-isolation proposal, and its attendant controversy about the alleged influence of social and behavioral scientists on the government’s approach, is a nice indicator of how limited the social science influence actually is – and why it needs to be greater.

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