Author: Robert Dingwall

Robert Dingwall is an emeritus professor of sociology at Nottingham Trent University. He also serves as a consulting sociologist, providing research and advisory services particularly in relation to organizational strategy, public engagement and knowledge transfer. He is co-editor of the SAGE Handbook of Research Management.

UK HE: Markets Are Good for Everyone – Except Academics….
August 4, 2017

UK HE: Markets Are Good for Everyone – Except Academics….

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Reimagining the UK Sociology Curriculum: Internationalization, Decolonialization and Employability
July 13, 2017

Reimagining the UK Sociology Curriculum: Internationalization, Decolonialization and Employability

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Grenfell Tower: The Missing Social Dimension of Fire Regulations
June 18, 2017

Grenfell Tower: The Missing Social Dimension of Fire Regulations

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Leadership and the UK General Election 2017
June 2, 2017

Leadership and the UK General Election 2017

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Negotiating Brexit – A Clash of Legal Cultures?

Negotiating Brexit – A Clash of Legal Cultures?

Membership in the European Union was a contract, and the differing legal approaches between situational British common law and the more codified French approach helps explain some of the rancor as Brexit comes to be applied.

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In Search of Conservative Sociology

In Search of Conservative Sociology

As sociology has drifted further and further from any conservative touchstones, argues Robert Dingwall, it has become less and less able to understand the society that provides its subsistence.

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Brexit and British Science: The Cliff Edge Starts to Crumble

Brexit and British Science: The Cliff Edge Starts to Crumble

The UK science policy establishment has been remarkably sanguine in the face of its government’s plans for Brexit, argues Robert Dingwall.

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Common Rule Reform – A Botched Job

Common Rule Reform – A Botched Job

The rush to publish a revised Common Rule for federally funded human research in the United States has created a flawed regulatory regime, says Robert Dingwall., Time to tear the whole edifice down and start over, he suggests.

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Sociology’s (Selective) Diversity

Sociology’s (Selective) Diversity

Our Robert Dingwall reflects on Tinder’s in-house sociologist and on the just-announced New Year’s Honours list to question just how diverse are current understandings of diversity.

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Black History and the Myth of Mary Seacole

Black History and the Myth of Mary Seacole

In what he describes as the obverse of the Rhodes Must Fall campaign, Robert Dingwall argues that the secular sainthood conferred on Mary Seacole steps on historical scholarship and ignores more genuine exemplars.

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Why Chan and Zuckerberg Cannot Cure All Diseases

Why Chan and Zuckerberg Cannot Cure All Diseases

We often use the metaphor of a war to describe the human struggle against disease. This is a very unhelpful way of thinking, because it generates the sort of hubris exemplified by the Chan Zuckerberg program.

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The Stern Review of the REF – An Economist Against Markets!

The Stern Review of the REF – An Economist Against Markets!

In an effort to prevent ‘gaming’ the REF, new recommendation from Lord Stern cuts down on the freedom of academics to move from institution as they see fit. Is the cure worse than the disease?

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