Author: Social Science Bites

Welcome to the blog for the Social Science Bites podcast: a series of interviews with leading social scientists. Each episode explores an aspect of our social world. You can access all audio and the transcripts from each interview here. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @socialscibites.

First #socsci Chat on Twitter!
May 8, 2012

First #socsci Chat on Twitter!

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Join us for the official launch of Social Science Bites
May 4, 2012

Join us for the official launch of Social Science Bites

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Richard Sennett on Co-operation
May 1, 2012

Richard Sennett on Co-operation

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Rom Harré on What is Social Science?
May 1, 2012

Rom Harré on What is Social Science?

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Danny Dorling on Inequality

Danny Dorling on Inequality

We live in an age of economic inequality. The rich are growing richer relative to the poor. Does this matter? In this episode of the Social Science Bites podcast Danny Dorling, a human geographer, discusses this question with Nigel Warburton.

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We’re live! Social Science Bites Podcasts

We’re live! Social Science Bites Podcasts

Social Science Bites is a series of interviews with leading social scientists on different aspects of the social world. The series is produced and presented by well known authors Nigel Warburton and David Edmonds…

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