Author: Social Science Space

A Giant in Mentoring Political Leaders: Lucius Barker, 1928-2020
July 2, 2020

A Giant in Mentoring Political Leaders: Lucius Barker, 1928-2020

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Preventing Fatal Police Shootings: It Can Be Done – Archived Webinar
May 25, 2020

Preventing Fatal Police Shootings: It Can Be Done – Archived Webinar

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Addressing the Psychology of ‘Together Apart’: Free Book Download
May 25, 2020

Addressing the Psychology of ‘Together Apart’: Free Book Download

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Carnegie Names 2020 Fellows
Recent Appointments
May 15, 2020

Carnegie Names 2020 Fellows

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British Academy Report Finds HSS Graduates Resilient in Economic Downturns

British Academy Report Finds HSS Graduates Resilient in Economic Downturns

A new report from the British Academy offers a reassuring message to the humanities and social science community: Graduates in the arts, humanities and social sciences in the United Kingdom are as resilient to economic upheaval as other graduates and are just as likely to remain employed as STEM graduates during downturns.

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Pioneer of Mangement Research Methodology: Mark Easterby-Smith, 1948-2020

Pioneer of Mangement Research Methodology: Mark Easterby-Smith, 1948-2020

Mark Easterby-Smith, a pioneer in the creation of research methodology for management studies and co-author of the foundational text of that field, died on April 15 after a long battle with Parkinson’s disease. He was 72.

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Bringing Realism to Criminology: Roger Matthews, 1948-2020

Bringing Realism to Criminology: Roger Matthews, 1948-2020

Roger Matthews, one a group of influential British criminologists who challenged both the dominant rightist “administrative” conception of law and order and what they viewed an idealistic perspective of crime from the left, has died from the effects of the coronavirus.

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Congress Seeks Immediate Research Ideas for Stimulus Legislation

Congress Seeks Immediate Research Ideas for Stimulus Legislation

mmittee of the U.S. House of Representatives wants to make sure that all sciences continue to play a role in fighting the coronavirus, and asks for ideas on how the next economic stimulus package in the United States can support research.

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Social Science Space Celebrates International Women’s Day 2020!

Social Science Space Celebrates International Women’s Day 2020!

Today, March 8, is International Women’s Day. Observed since 1911, the annual event “celebrat[es] the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women’s equality.” This year IWD is themed “Each for Equal,” and seeks both to raise awareness about and then against bias, and foster action to ensure equality.

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Status List of 2020 Social Science Conference Cancellations

Status List of 2020 Social Science Conference Cancellations

Status List of 2020 Social and Behavioral Science Conferences Amid concerns about the spread of the new coronavirus and its accompanying disease, […]

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Jargon May Be Even Worse for Communicating Complexity Than You Thought

Jargon May Be Even Worse for Communicating Complexity Than You Thought

Jargon, a specialized language or set of expressions used by a specific group, is by its nature exclusionary, so it’s likely no surprise that scientific, technical or legal jargon may leave outsiders in the cold. A series of studies from researchers at Ohio State University suggests that jargon may turn off people well beyond an offending passage, and that one popular way to soften any harm – using jargon but immediately defining it – may not work.

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White House Budget Would Reduce NSF, Kill Minerva

White House Budget Would Reduce NSF, Kill Minerva

Although the budgets released by the administration of U.S President Donald Trump have been seen more as gestures than serious spending plans, […]

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