Author: Social Science Space

Playtime in the Camps: An ESRC Better Lives Essay
April 9, 2019

Playtime in the Camps: An ESRC Better Lives Essay

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CASBS Director Levi Receives 25th Annual Skytte Prize
March 28, 2019

CASBS Director Levi Receives 25th Annual Skytte Prize

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Trump Administration Requests 12 Percent Cut to NSF Budget
Academic Funding
March 19, 2019

Trump Administration Requests 12 Percent Cut to NSF Budget

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Bridging Research and Policy: Alan Krueger, 1960-2019
March 18, 2019

Bridging Research and Policy: Alan Krueger, 1960-2019

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DARPA Aims to Score Social and Behavioral Research

DARPA Aims to Score Social and Behavioral Research

The U.S. military’s innovation incubator, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, has signed the Center for Open Science to create a research claims database as DARPA’s first step to assign a ‘credibility score’ to social and behavioral science research.

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The Pragmatic Utopian: Erik Olin Wright, 1947-2019

The Pragmatic Utopian: Erik Olin Wright, 1947-2019

Sociologist Erik Olin Wright, who died last week at age 71, spent his career trying to imagine practical alternatives to capitalism.

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President Signs Bill on Evidence-Based Policy

President Signs Bill on Evidence-Based Policy

In what’s been billed as “the first step in a longer process of ensuring the government is fully invested in using science to improve the effectiveness of its operations,” on January 14 President Trump signed the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018.

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OBSSR Aims to Define Behavioral and Social Science Research

OBSSR Aims to Define Behavioral and Social Science Research

The U.S. National Institutes of Health’s Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research, which has a rather lengthy revised definition that it’s currently asking experts to assess.

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Impact in Action: Denise Baden

Impact in Action: Denise Baden

Today Social Science Space completes a series drawn from five winners of Britain’s Economic and Social Science Research Council’s 2018 Impact Prize to learn how they built meaningfulness into their own research and how they measure impact more broadly. We end with Denise Baden of the University of Southampton, winner of the Outstanding Impact in Business and Enterprise prize.

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Impact in Action: Kevin Bales

Impact in Action: Kevin Bales

Kevin Bales’ work on modern slavery won his one of Britain’s Economic and Social Science Research Council’s 2018 Impact Prize. We’ve asked him how he built meaningfulness into his own research and how to measure impact more broadly.

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Impact in Action: Abigail Dymond

Impact in Action: Abigail Dymond

New year, new research? Hear from five ESRC Impact Prize winners on how and what real research impact looks like as you set your own research goals for 2019. Today it’s Abigail Dymond from the University of Exeter.

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Impact in Action: Matt Flinders

Impact in Action: Matt Flinders

In the next few days Social Science Space will hear from five winners of Britain’s Economic and Social Science Research Council’s 2018 Impact Prize to learn how they built meaningfulness into their own research and how they measure impact more broadly. We continue today with Matthew Flinders of the University of Sheffield, winner of the Impact Champion prize.

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