Author: Social Science Space

Singapore Endows Professorship Named for First President
December 1, 2015

Singapore Endows Professorship Named for First President

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Social Science’s Impact on Society, Circa 2065: Gioia Barnbrook
December 1, 2015

Social Science’s Impact on Society, Circa 2065: Gioia Barnbrook

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Spending Review: Research Ringfence Holds, But Doesn’t Expand
Academic Funding
November 25, 2015

Spending Review: Research Ringfence Holds, But Doesn’t Expand

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10 Stories of Social Science’s Impact on Society, Circa 2065
November 24, 2015

10 Stories of Social Science’s Impact on Society, Circa 2065

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Call for Mentors – International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development

Call for Mentors – International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development

The ISSBD Mentor Program is a service to provide an early-career scholar with informal mentoring by a mid-career or senior International Society […]

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Nurse Review Offers a Federal Future for UK Research

Nurse Review Offers a Federal Future for UK Research

A new report sought by Britain’s government argues that quality research from the UK’s seven research councils should itself be “at the heart of government” — and to achieve that those councils should be run by a single organization that has much stronger input from government than at present..

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Language Expert Janet Werker Awarded SHHRC Impact Gold

Language Expert Janet Werker Awarded SHHRC Impact Gold

Canada’s Social Science and Humanities Research Council on Monday awarded five academics for their impactful research in a variety of key current issues, including language acquisition, refugees, water policy, homelessness and government surveillance.

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Darwin of the Human Sciences: René Girard, 1923-2015

Darwin of the Human Sciences: René Girard, 1923-2015

René Girard, whose academic career began in literary theory, and whose own theory of mimesis influenced people ranging from J.M. Coetzee to the founder of PayPal, died last week at his home at Stanford.

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Indigenous Education’s Checkered History in the U.S.

Indigenous Education’s Checkered History in the U.S.

As part of a lecture series that commemorates the historic school desegregation court case of Brown vs. The Topeka Board of Education, an expert in indigenous education reviewed the arc of education native Americans in public settings.

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World Bank Unveils Its Own ‘Nudge Unit’

World Bank Unveils Its Own ‘Nudge Unit’

The Global Insights Initiative, with its intriguing acronym of GINI, will bring experimentation to the World Bank’s poverty-fighting efforts by incorporating behavioral and social science into its project design and evaluation.

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Xavier’s Social Science College Loses Social Science in Name

Xavier’s Social Science College Loses Social Science in Name

Xavier University, a venerable Jesuit university in Cincinnati, Ohio serving more than 6,500 students, has renamed its existing College of Social Sciences, […]

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Bridge-building Economist Angus Deaton Wins Nobel

Bridge-building Economist Angus Deaton Wins Nobel

The Nobel committee has awarded Princeton’s Angus Deaton ‘for his analysis of consumption, poverty, and welfare.’ But in fact, he was awarded for building bridges – between disciplines, between theory and reality, between people.

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