Andy Tattersall s an Information Specialist at The School of Health and Related Research and writes, teaches and gives talks about digital academia, technology, scholarly communications, open research, web and information science, apps, altmetrics, and social media. In particular, their applications for research, teaching, learning, knowledge management and collaboration.
Liz Such (pictured) is the overall lead for KNOW-PH and works on the rapid response arm of the program. Liz has a background in public health, social policy and knowledge mobilization. She has worked for universities and for the UK government in social research and has a long history of working on topics relating to social inequalities.
Joe Langleyleads the co-production work and the use of various creative approaches for KNOW-PH. He has a background in design engineering and knowledge mobilization and has worked at Sheffield Hallam University since 2007. A large part of his role explores the use of creative methods and design practices in co-production to help mobilize evidence into practice and policy.
Fiona Marshall has immersed herself in health and social care research, specialising in qualitative approaches. Fiona's mission is to bridge the perspectives of users and providers, fostering trust and collaborative knowledge exchange. Fiona has focused on dissecting large organisations' designs and delivery systems to optimize services, exploring areas like ageing, neurological rehabilitation, disability theory, rural care, and therapies, including virtual reality and animal-assisted interventions.