Business & Management INK

Business and Management INK puts the spotlight on cutting-edge insights published by SAGE, whether in our extensive books  program, our more than 100 management and business journals, our SAGE Videos or SAGE Business Cases, as well as other important pieces from the academic business and management arena — by the academics or practitioner authors themselves. Link to us, or if you’re an author or researcher in the SAGE Publishing community, suggest your article, book, case study, video or insights for inclusion by sending an email to Business and Management INK.


Miniature globe resting on grassy scene.

Changing the World or Changing Ourselves?

In this blog post, co-authors Catherine Brentnall and David Higgins reflect on their interest in how educators change themselves and their practice […]

AI graphic with computer cords.

Generative AI Literacy: A Proposed Way Forward

In this article, co-authors Stefanie Beninger, Alex Reppel, Julie Stanton and Forrest Watson reflect on the inspiration behind their research article, “Facilitating Generative AI […]

Splotch of skin care cream on white background.

Exploring the Psychosocial Correlation of Skin Lightening Products

In this article, co-authors Hanan Afzal, Sameer Deshpande, and Joan Carlini reflect on the history and inspiration behind their new research article, “Glowing Beyond Shades: […]

White smoke coming out of building.

Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on the European Union Emission Trading Scheme

In this article, co-authors Abhinava Tripathi, Charu Vadhava, and Ravi Raushan Jha reflect on the inspiration behind their research article, “Pricing efficiency of European carbon […]



Three vintage corded telephones on a wall.

Navigating CSR Communication in an Age of Polarization

In this article, authors Dennis Schoeneborn, Urša Golob, Hannah Trittin-Ulbrich, Matthias Wenzel, and Amy O’Connor reflect on the inspiration behind their research article, “CSR Communication and […]

Shallow focus photo of "Thank you for shopping local" sign hung in a glass storefront window.

What European SMEs Can Teach Us About Innovation and Informal Human Resource Management

In this article, co-authors Desiree Meurs, Marise Born, Yolanda Grift, Maaike Lycklama à Nijeholt, and Joop Schippers offer a sneak peek into the inspiration […]

A close up of a computer screen with the ChatGPT, a generative AI, home page.

When Do You Need to Trust a GenAI’s Input to Your Innovation Process?

In this post, co-authors Frank T. Piller, Tucker J. Marion, and Mahdi Srour reflect on the inspiration behind their research article, “Generative […]

A field and grass trees photo showing deforestation in Finland.

Using Intelligent Self-Limitation to Explore the Distinction Between Environment and Umwelt

In this post, author Morten Knudsen reflects on the inspiration behind his article, “Environment and Umwelt: Grand Challenges and Intelligent Self-Limitation,” published […]

Cable network linking servers behind a mesh screen

The Authors of ‘Artificial Intelligence and Work’ on Future Risk

During the final stages of editing the proofs for Artificial Intelligence and Work: Transforming Work, Organizations, and Society in an Age of Insecurity, […]

Castle pictured on a green field.

From Conflict to Peace: Reflecting on the Leadership of John Hume in Northern Ireland

In this post, author Joanne Murphy reflects on the life and legacy of John Hume, the topic of her article, “Leadership, liminality, […]

Empty black office chairs at cubicles.

The End of Meaningful CSR?

In this article, co-authors W. Lance Bennet and Julie Uldam reflect on the inspiration behind their research article, “Corporate Social Responsibility in […]

Photo of board room.

Boards and Internationalization Speed

This article aims to explore how the boards of international new ventures (INVs) develop throughout the internationalisation and growth phases of the firm.

Closeup of section of measuring tape with all else blurry

How Managers Can Enhance Trust

How to stimulate interpersonal trust in organizations? How can performance management contribute to trust? And, can other types of management control also […]

Painted landscape portrait of a house with a chimney and a tall mountain.

The Role of Place in Sustainability

In this article, co-authors Arno Kourula, Panikos Georgallis, Irene Henriques, and Johanna Mair reflect on the inspiration behind their research article, “Introduction to the Special Issue […]

Vile of glitter spilled out onto white surface.

Turning to Glitter in Management Studies – Why We Should Take ‘Unserious’ Glitter Serious to Understand New Management Practices

In this article, author Jette Sandager reflects on the inspiration behind her research article, “The sensuous governmentality of glitter: Educating managing women scientists […]

Work colleagues sitting together in a conference room.

Utilizing Academic-Practitioner Partnering for Societal Impact

In this article, co-authors Natalie Slawinski, Bruna Brito, Jennifer Brenton, and Wendy Smith reflect on the inspiration behind their research article, “Reflections on deep academic–practitioner partnering for generative societal impact,” published in Strategic Organization.

Bottle of herbs pictured in front of a dark blue backdrop.

Trippin’ Forward: Management Research and the Development of Psychedelics

Charlie Smith reflects on his interest in psychedelic research, the topic of his research article, “Psychedelics, Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy and Employees’ Wellbeing,” published in Journal of Management Inquiry.

Brightly-lit classroom with desks, a map, and a chalk board.

Using Ethnography to Explore Entrepreneurial Extracurricular Activities

Co-authors Birgitte Wraae and Nicolai Nybye reflect on the inspiration behind their research article, “Learning to Be “Me,” “the Team,” and “the Company” Through Entrepreneurial Extracurricular Activities: An Ethnographic Approach,” published in Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy.

The plug-in connectors for various mobile phone types

The Future of Business is Interdisciplinary 

By actively collaborating with industry, developing interdisciplinary programs and investing in hands-on learning opportunities, business schools can equip graduates with the specific skills and experiences that employers are seeking.

Education figure blog that depicts a graph that measures both authority and co-creation. Graph was created by Maria Petrescu.

The Co-Creation Edge in Marketing Education

In this article, co-authors Maria Petrescu, John T. Gironda, Anjala S. Krishen, Adina Dudau, J. Ricky Fergurson, Steven A. Stewart, Philip Kitchen, and Monica Fine reflect on the inspiration behind […]

Home workspace pictured, including a desktop, plants, and other office materials.

Book Review: Exploring, Understanding, and Managing Organizational Paradoxes

In this article, V Kalyani provides brief insights into her recently published book review, entitled “Book Review: Organizational Paradox,” published in Management Communication […]

Colleagues happily congregating together in front of one laptop.

Enhancing Cultural Intelligence in Organizations: A Strategic Approach

In this blog post, co-authors Alexey Semenov and Arilova Randrianasolo reflect on their interest in the intersection between organization and cultural intelligence. This […]

Machine coding lines pictured.

Machine Learning Research Requires Smaller Sample Sizes than Previously Thought

In this post, authors Louis Hickman, Josh Liff, Caleb Rottman, and Charles Calderwood outline the inspiration behind their recently published academic paper, […]

Silhouetted road sign pointing in different directions in front of a sunset sky.

Does CEO Morality Matter for Their Firms’ ESG Performance?

Does something as fundamental and innate as chief executive officers’ moral foundations affect firms’ environmental, social, and governance outcomes?

Labor strike organized by Chile's largest confederation (Central Unitaria de Trabajadores - CUT) from April 19, 2024.

Why Are Union Members More Willing to Strike and Protest than Non-Union Members? Evidence from Argentina and Chile

In this article, co-authors Pablo Pérez-Ahumada and Charo Astorga-Pinto reflect on the inspiration behind their research paper, “Why are union members more […]

Empty conference room with a large table and many empty chairs.

The Work of Understanding The ‘Future of Work’

Understanding changes in the nature of work requires more than just following current trends and buzzwords; it requires leveraging and integrating scholarly traditions that have long studied work in all its richness.

Human hand feeding a baby wild boar through a metal fence.

Turning Real-Life Drama into Scholarly Insight: Lessons from the Wild Boars Rescue

Co-authors Amélie Cloutier and Andrew Webb reflect on the inspiration behind their recently published academic article – the rescue of a soccer team from a cave in Thailand.

Person scrolling through different computer applications.

Using Advanced Machine Learning to Better Understand the Emotional Intensity of Online Reviews

In this article, Sanghyub John Lee and Rouxelle de Villiers reflect on the inspiration of the research article, “Unveiling Emotional Intensity in Online Reviews: […]

People pictured in a workpalce.

Navigating the Maze of Social Interaction: A Framework for Analysis

In the labyrinth of academic exploration, write the authors, there are moments when frustration becomes the catalyst for innovation. Such was the genesis of their paper analyzing social interaction in organizations.

Different colored lego figures pictured in rainbow order, representing LGBTQ+ communities.

Exploring LGBTQ+ Marketing Scholarship and Strategies

In this article, Michael Mehmet, Clifford Lewis, and Nina Reynolds reflect on the inspiration behind their research article, “A Narrative Review of […]

Various skyscrapers pictured.

Exploring the Intersectionality Between Technology Firms and Inequality

In this article, co-authors Brett Anitra Gilbert and Meredith Burnett reflect on their interests and the inspiration behind their research article, “Firm Heterogeneity and […]

Two toy figures shaking hands in agreement.

We Disagree to Agree: A Call to Apply Agreement Metrics More Extensively for Advancing Management Theory

In this article, co-authors Jurgen Willems and Kenn Meyfroodt reflect on the inspiration behind their open-access article, “Group Research: Why are we […]

Empty chair on deserted highway.

Rethinking Approaches to Management Research During Times Marked by Rare, Yet Increasingly Impactful Events

In this article, Vanessa C. Hasse reflects upon what drove her interest in researching rare but impactful events, as well as the […]

Stairs painted with rainbow colors.

Funny or Functional: Customer Engagement in Hedonic vs. Utilitarian Services

In this article, Jenna Adriana Maeve Barrett, Elina Jaakkola, Jonas Heller, and Elizabeth Christine Brüggen reflect on the way that customers engage with certain brands and services.

Supply chain management facility pictured.

‘Push, Pull, Dance’: Public Health Procurement – Saving Lives and Preventing Harm

‘Push, Pull, Dance’ seeks to reimagine ethical supply chains in public health procurement. The authors offer a new theoretical framework for tackling human and labor rights violations, including modern slavery, through public procurement.

Man writing on various sheets of paperwork.

Leading Boards in Chaos and Uncertainty? Have an Enlightened Approach

This article addresses the pivotal question of what sets well-governed companies apart from those jeopardizing stakeholders’ wealth and well-being, and argues that the key to sustainability and effective governance lies in the presence of an enlightened chair.

Two women chatting at a table in a building.

Studying Leadership Coaching in the Workplace

Tatiana Bachkirova and Peter Jackson reflect on coaching and other factors that led to the publishing of their research article, “What do leaders really want to learn in a workplace? A study of the shifting agendas of leadership coaching,”

Map of South America on a globe.

The Case of Leftist Governments in Chile and Uruguay

In this article, Juan Bogliaccini and Aldo Madariaga explore leftist governments in peripheral economics — the topic of their recently published article, […]

Two construction project managers pictured overseeing a construction project.

Exploring Public-Private Partnerships in the National Capital Region of the United States

In this article, Yu Wang, Young Hoon Kwak, and Qingbin Cui reflect on the importance of effective public-private partnerships and how these […]

A meeting of individuals pictured with happy expressions.

With or Without You: Career Capital Development as Experienced by MBA Alumni

In this article, co-authors Elizabeth Houldsworth, Andrea Tresidder, and Tatiana Rowson answer a few questions regarding the inspiration of their recent article, […]

Two female employees discussing something with happy demeanors.

Understanding HR Managers’ Role in Shaping Fair Organizational Policies and Practice

In this article, researchers Katie Geradine and Ishbel McWha-Hermann reflect on the connection between global crises, social inequalities, and the role of human resource managers in the workplace.

Man using research equipment.

Corporate Health Policy: Pioneering a Fresh Avenue of Research

In this article, Lilia Raquel Rojas-Cruz, Irene Henriques, Bryan Husted reflect on the inspiration behind their research article, “Exploring Public Health Research for Corporate Health Policy: Insights for Business and Society Scholars,” in Business & Society.

thoughtful person silhouetted at window while gazing at laptop

Responsible Management Education Week 2024: Sage Asks ‘What Does It Mean to You?’

Sage used the opportunity of Responsible Business Management week 2024 to ask its authors, editors, and contacts what responsible management education means to them.

CO2 emissions figure pictured.

Beyond Net-Zero Targets: When Do Companies Maximize Their Potential to Reduce Carbon Emissions?

Companies with a better understanding of climate change, the authors argue, have realized the need to plan actions beyond the business level.

Man holding sticky note with A.I. written on it.

How AI-Integration is Changing the Workplace

The authors describe how their study investigated how middle managers perceive the impacts of AI-system integration on their work characteristics in the financial services industry.

Data models pictured on computer.

Keeping Qualitative Research Weird!

The authors urge qualitative researchers to retain what makes qualitative research different and powerful and yes… weird: the researcher’s voice, multitudes of potential data sources, and meaningful contextualization.

Man in suit pictured.

Sometimes, We Do Need a Narcissist

Karynne Turner, Feray Adigüzel, and Jatinder S Sidhu reflect on their research article, “Chief executive officer narcissism, corporate inertia, and securities analysts’ stock […]

A group of individuals collaborating at one table together.

From Collision to Collaboration: Bridging University and Industry Relationships

In this article, Will Harvey and Paul Spee reflect on the importance of collaboration between industry and universities. This topic was the catalyst for their research article, “Walking the tightrope of academic and practitioner expectations in field research,” found in Management Learning.

Framework of wooden boards

A Complexity Framework for Project Management Strategies

Contemporary projects frequently pose complexities that cannot be adequately tackled by the classical project management tradition. This article offers a diagnostic tool to help identify the type of complexity of a project and determine the most suitable strategy for addressing it.

Person playing chess.

Bringing Theories into Conversation to Strategize for a Better World

In this article, Ann Langley, Rikkie Albertsen, Shahzad (Shaz) Ansari, Katrin Heucher, Marc Krautzberger, Pauline Reinecke, Natalie Slawinski, and Eero Vaara reflect on the inspiration behind their research article, “Strategizing Together for a Better World: Institutional, Paradox and Practice Theories in Conversation,” found in the Journal of Management Inquiry.

office workers next to big windows and working on large wooden tables

Exploring Discrimination Faced by Asian Nationals in the U.S. Labor Market

Amit Kramer, Kwon Hee Han, Yun Kyoung Kim, and Yun Kyoung Kim reflect on the hypotheses and observations that led to their article, “Inefficiencies and bias in first job placement: the case of professional Asian nationals in the United States.”

Metal beams create framing for large building under construction

Interorganizational Design for Collaborative Governance in Co-Owned Major Projects: An Engaged Scholarship Approach

Large projects co-owned by several organizations with separate, perhaps competing, interests and values are characterized by complexity and are not served well […]

Three individuals walking on academic campus.

The Power of Fuzzy Expectations: Enhancing Equity in Australian Higher Education

Having experienced firsthand the transformational power of education, the authors wanted to shed light on the contemporary challenges faced by regional and remote university students.

Empty government chamber pictured.

How Do Firms Create Government Regulations?

In this post, Jun Xia, Fiona Kun Yao, Xiaoli Yin, Xinran Wang, and Zhouyu Lin detail their research from their new paper, “How Do Political and Non-Political Ties Affect Corporate Regulatory Participation? A Regulatory Capture Perspective,” appearing in Business & Society.

Students learning in the classroom.

Challenging, But Worth It: Overcoming Paradoxical Tensions of Identity to Embrace Transformative Technologies in Teaching and Learning

In this article, Isabel Fischer and Kerry Dobbins reflect on their work, “Is it worth it? How paradoxical tensions of identity shape the readiness of management educators to embrace transformative technologies in their teaching,” which was recently published in the Journal of Management Education.

Android in deep metacognition

Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in the Complex Environment of Megaprojects: Implications for Practitioners and Project Organizing Theory

The authors review the ways in which data analytics and artificial intelligence can engender more stability and efficiency in megaprojects. They evaluate the present and likely future use of digital technology—particularly with regard to construction projects — discuss the likely benefits, and also consider some of the challenges around digitization.

People walking across a crosswalk.

Putting People at the Heart of the Research Process

In this article, Jessica Weaver, Philippa Hunter-Jones, and Rory Donnelly reflect on “Unlocking the Full Potential of Transformative Service Research by Embedding Collaboration Throughout the Research Process,” which can be found in the Journal of Service Research.

Complex series of slats forming rows of squares

Coping with Institutional Complexity and Voids: An Organization Design Perspective for Transnational Interorganizational Projects

Institutional complexity occurs when the structures, interests, and activities of separate but collaborating organizations—often across national and cultural boundaries—are not well aligned. Institutional voids in this context are gaps in function or capability, including skills gaps, lack of an effective regulatory regime, and weak contract-enforcing mechanisms.

Eastern European map.

Empowering David: How Smaller Firms Reconfigure National Dependency on Foreign Multinationals in the Era of Disruptive Technological Change

In this article, Sonja Avlijaš, Pavle Medić, and Kori Udovički reflect on foreign direct investment (FDI) and the way it impacts the development of political economies.

Puzzle pieces pictured.

The Complexities of Making Key Career Decisions

practice. Career decision-making is a process that is difficult to analyze because it is much more complex than selecting the best option in a one-off choice.

Immersive glasses pictured.

Revolutionizing Management Research with Immersive Research Methods

In this article, Anand van Zelderen, Nicky Dries, and Elise Marescaux reflect on their decision to explore nontraditional research.

Sydney, Australia skyline pictured.

Good Governance, Strong Trust: Building Community Among an Australian City Rebuilding Project

In this article, co-authors Johan Ninan, Stewart Clegg, Ashwin Mahalingam, and Shankar Sankaran reflect on their research interests and the inspiration behind their recent […]

Beads spell out "game".

Organizational Learning in Remote Teams: Harnessing the Power of Games for Meaningful Online Exchanges

Could we make workplace online exchanges more meaningful, especially in the early weeks of global lockdowns when we still lacked the protocols for online interaction? This was the question the authors set out to investigate.

Colorful jackets pictured on rack in storefront.

Environmental and Social Sustainability Methods in Online and In-Person Shopping

Service firms are increasingly trying to make their offers more sustainable, but does the same solution work the same way both online and offline? And does it matter if the focus is on environmental or social sustainability?

Group of people collaborating.

Revitalizing Entrepreneurship to Benefit Low-Income Communities

While entrepreneurship scholarship increasingly illustrates the limits of an individualized approach in commercial businesses, this thinking has not yet filtered through to how we strategize entrepreneurship in low income-areas.

Key dangling on a string of metal wire.

The Key to Dismantling Oppressive Global Systems

In this article, Nazarina Jamil, Maria Humphries-Kil, and Kahurangi Dey explore Paulo Freire’s call for responsibility for those who are marginalized and his Pedagogy of Hope to encourage action and inspiration around the dismantling of oppressive global systems.

A pink neon sign in the shape of a smiley face

Using Affective Displays to Predict Customer Satisfaction

In this article, Shelly Ashtar reflects on her longstanding interest in service-related work and how it connects to her research interest in customer satisfaction. Ashtar explores this topic with collaborators Galit B. Yom-Tov, Anat Rafaeli and Jochen Wirtz in “Affect-as-Information: Customer and Employee Affective Displays as Expeditious Predictors of Customer Satisfaction,” in the Journal of Service Research.

Zoom meeting with coffee cup

Building Community in the Remote Workplace

In this article, Will Bennis reflects on his efforts to build community among freelancers and remote workers. What he couldn’t anticipate, however, were the challenges he would face in doing so — challenges that he and Marko Orel expand upon in “Taboo Trade-Offs in the Community Business: The Case of Coworking” in the Journal of Management Inquiry.

Football on field pictured.

Pass Incomplete — How to Keep Healthcare Clinicians from Dropping the Ball

Using the metaphor of American football, Melanie Barlow explores the importance of training healthcare clinicians to appropriately respond to potential errors in care and the effects of failing to do so.



Close-up photo of drooping, purple-red roses.

Uncharted Waters: Researching Bereavement in the Workplace

To me, one of the most surprising things about bereavement is its complexity and that it can last far longer than expected. This is challenging to navigate at work where, unless it was a coworker’s death, no one else’s world has changed.

A drone hovers near mountains.

Disruptive Technologies and Local Regulations: Policy Leaning in Venue Shifting

The fear that without proper constraints technologies may run amok has propelled many local governments to restrict such technologies. How are technology firms to respond to these local restrictions?


Shared Leadership: What Do Employees Think About It?

Traditional approaches to sharing leadership focus on the attitude of the manager. But what about the attitudes of the underlings asked to step up?

Close-up photograph of a musician playing a keyboard with a guitar in their lap and an open laptop sitting in the background.

Organized Creativity: Creative Processes and Constraints

Creativity is often associated with freedom, but creatives like songwriters must work within constraints as well. Sociologist and musician Tobias Theel discusses constraints and the creative process in his reflection on “Organizing Creativity With Constraints—Insights From Popular Music Songwriting Teams,” which was written with Jörg Sydow and recently published in the Journal of Management Inquiry (JMI).

Man talks with man and women in front of Sage-branded exhibit booth

Top Five Takeaways from AOM on Business and Management in a Challenging World 

Some clear themes emerged across the divisions and sub-disciplines at the Academy of management annual meeting this year, which we’ve been reflecting on and refer to as our “Top 5” takeaway themes for business and management in 2023. 

Close up photograph of a steel chain with a shoreline in the background.

From Rejections to Reflections: Unveiling the Role of Horizontal Linkages in Academia

Mental health issues in early-career researchers are on the rise: could “horizontal linkages” amongst peers help foster emotional support? Lucas Amaral Lauriano, Julia Grimm, and Camilo Arciniegas Pradilla reflect on the origins of their paper, “Navigating Academia’s Stressful Waters: Discussing the Power of Horizontal Linkages for Early-Career Researchers.”

Woodcut shows men and mules resting from digging embankment above railway tracks with smoke rising from various other camps in the distance.

What You Should Know About Megaprojects and Why: An Overview

This article by Bent Flyvbjerg examines the misconceptions and strategic misrepresentations that routinely result in the implementation of projects for which there is inadequate justification, absorbing funds that could have been better spent elsewhere.

Close-up photo of child playing with toy cars.

Improving Well-being in Families of Children with Additional Needs

Many families around the world are caring for members with additional needs, which can be complex, unpredictable, and long-term. The challenges related to caregiving of this nature affect not only parents but also siblings, grandparents, and other members of the extended family.

Close-up photo of computer keyboard with multicolor keys.

Gamification as an Effective Instructional Strategy

Gamification—the use of video game elements such as achievements, badges, ranking boards, avatars, adventures, and customized goals in non-game contexts—is certainly not a new thing.

Close-up photograph of a bust and a real, human hand picking its nose.

Finding a Place for ‘Stupidity’ in Research and Teaching

This paper grew out of reflections on the language and nature of ‘stupidity,’ especially as it applies to individuals and collectives working in academic contexts.

Photo of various entrepreneurship books.

Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset for Language-Majored Undergraduates in Vietnam

My research motivation rooted from the global and local, workplace and education contexts, in which a module on entrepreneurial mindset (EM) designed for language majors can be critical for their employability, and possibly their academic and life journey so that they can become lifelong entrepreneurs.

Photo: field of sunflowers.

Entrepreneurship for a Cause

Traditional schools and education systems are designed like industrial conveyer belts tasked with churning out as identical produce as possible, one cohort at a time. But education doesn’t have to be this way.

Photo of brown headphones.

‘Let Freedom Ring’: The Jan. 6 Insurrection and Leadership as an Acoustic Art

After the first performance of Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring May 29, 1913, Parisians rioted. Almost 100 years later Joshua Hawley raised his fist and salute of a gathering tide of activists readying to storm the Capitol building. I bring Hawley and Stravinsky together using music.

Photo: colleagues gathered around conference table.

Community Advisory Boards: Enhancing Cultural Competency and Efficacy

Our society is moving towards including communities in big decisions. Though teams and organizations may be deeply committed to involving communities, they lack clarity around how to go about it.

Photograph of European Union flags.

State Aid in the EU’s Semi-Periphery after the Financial Crisis – Has it Helped Competitiveness?

With this article we intended to fill a gap: neither industrial policy – reinforced after the global financial crisis (GFC) – nor the consequences of transnational regulations feature prominently in the comparative capitalism literature.

Close-up photo of employee holding whiteboard with "Hello, my pronouns are ____/_____" written in rainbow color markers.

Aiming for Gender Diversity Beyond the Binary

Who do you think of when you hear the words ‘managing gender diversity’?

Photograph of red "For Hire" sign.

Employers’ Engagement with Employment Services in Australia

This article presents insights into what compels employers to engage with employment services and the providers who connect them to unemployed candidates.

Abstract image of orange, yellow, and navy-blue paper on light blue background.

The Power of Historical Literature Reviews in Project Management Research    

Most project management scholars find literature reviews important. However, the success rate of publishing such papers is disappointingly low, as it can be challenging to establish a solid contribution in this type of research. We want to demonstrate how the power of a historical literature review may solve this problem and how it enabled us to publish two review articles based on the same stock of articles.

Image: low-angle photograph of city buildings.

Treating Corporate Social Responsibility as a Management Idea

In about 2010, the author started to notice that many companies, particularly in the United Kingdom but also beyond, describe their corporate social responsibility (CSR) engagement in terms of marketplace, workforce, community, and environment.

Image: City buildings.

Consumer Acculturation within Cities as Sites of Consumption and Intercultural Interactions

The author and his team’s findings showed that in a context in which the domination of anti-immigration and xenophobic discourses sharply divides the notions of the home (e.g. Iran) and the host (e.g. Germany) countries, the city can function as a bridge for immigrants to develop a sense of belonging to the hosting society.

Image: jigsaw puzzle pieces.

Diverse Teams: When Differences Make a Difference

This study extends our current understanding of team diversity and offers practical insights into managing diverse teams. It’s not just about differences, but also about how they are communicatively framed.

AI-produced artwork of two robots communicating.

Conscious Empathic AI in Service

Empathic consciousness in AI opens new horizons in service that puts the relationship between the machines and the humans in exciting and uncharted territories.

Headshot of Raffaela Sadun with Social Science Bites logo attached

Raffaella Sadun on Effective Management

While it seems intuitively obvious that good management is important to the success of an organization, perhaps that obvious point needs some evidence given how so many institutions seem to muddle through regardless. Enter Raffaela Sadun, the Charles E. Wilson Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School …

Photo of a cafe worker in a yellow apron leaning against the counter and looking back at some frowning customers.

Customer Incivility: A Call for Constructive Resistance

Conventional wisdom suggests that frontline employees should appease uncivil customers to resolve the unpleasant situation as quickly as possible and minimize the distraction and associated damage. However, this approach has not been effective in reducing or stopping customer incivility.

Close-up image of a globe.

Big Profits, Big Harm: Explaining Human Rights Misbehavior by Developing Country Firms

The authors explore why so many successful firms are abusing human rights when, historically, abusive behaviors were motivated by financial distress and underperformance.

Close-up image of hand holding lightbulb.

Understanding and Improving Workplace Neurodiversity

The authors seek to shape the discourse around neurodiversity as a strength in the workplace.

Image: manager presenting in conference room.

The Authority of Managers in Management Development

The management and leadership development programs designed to strengthen a manager’s authority might actually be damaging it.

Headshot of Tracy L Tuten

Harnessing the Power of Social Learning in Teaching Marketing

Dr. Tracy L. Tuten explores the power of social learning in teaching marketing, emphasizing the importance of collaboration, resource sharing, and the use of platforms like Perusall to foster a sense of community and enhance the educational experience, based on an online reading group of her book ‘Principles of Marketing for a Digital Age.’

1 comment

A Shift to Consider Platform’s Role in Leadership Research

Marilyn Poon, research assistant in the Department of Organization Studies at the University of Innsbruck Austria, discusses leadership research and inspirations behind […]


Employee Creativity at Work when Coping with Life Trauma: The Importance of Organizational Practices

Professor Feirong Yuan discusses the impacts of creativity at work and answers questions about her paper, “Sensemaking and Creativity at Work When […]

Image: Flight attendant in surgical mask collects trash from airline passengers.

­Resilience in the Face of Adversity: Frontline Employees as ‘Heroes’

Dubbed “The Great Resignation,” a record-breaking trend of employees quitting their jobs leads these researchers to study resilience in frontline employees.

Photo: melting glacier.

‘Optopia’ and the Politics of Hope

Having read Kim Stanley Robinson’s “Ministry for the Future” and reflected on it in the context of the managerial literature around the climate crisis, we set out to imagine a middle ground between utopia and dystopia; an optimum scenario which can still leave us with a livable future.

Photograph of crumpled sheets of graph paper.

Common Method Bias in Academic Papers: Cause for Rejection or No Big Deal?

Reviewers and editors sometimes reject papers on the grounds of Common Method Bias, but is CMB as common (or as monstrous) as previously believed?

Close-up of woman reviewing figures in office with male colleague

Exploring the Nexus of ‘Benevolent’ Sexism and Entrepreneurship

The idea that sexism in any form might be benevolent is counterintuitive – but is it genuine? That was a question explored in the paper “Benevolent Sexism and the Gender Gap in Startup Evaluation.”

Photo: Globe sits on shelf under window.

Partnering for Impact: Collaborative Design and Co-Creation

The motivation to pursue the research reported in this article is part of my longstanding commitment as a scholar to advance ideas that make a difference by changing the conversation, inviting us to cast a reflexive gaze towards ourselves, our actions and the purpose and meaning of what who we are and what we do.

Image: students collaborating in a library.

How Frontline Instructors Can Cultivate Effective Student Teams

This study investigates how frontline instructors cultivate student team effectiveness and uncovers some of their tacit theories about student teams.


Disjunctions in Management Learning

Bruno Américo and Stewart Clegg discuss organizational methodology research and answer questions about their paper, “Disjunctions in the Context of management learning: An Exemplary Publication of Narrative Fiction,” published in Management Learning.


When the Right Thing to Do is Also the Wrong Thing: The Pandemic as a CSR Paradox

Professor Heidi Reed discusses the COVID-19 pandemic as a CSR paradox and explores her new paper, “When the right thing to do […]


When Grand Challenges Literature Becomes the Tower of Babel

The management community’s sudden interest in Grand Challenges risks turning Grand Challenges literature into a Tower of Babel.

Photo of large iceberg.

Would You Step on Board an IT Project Named Titanic?

This anecdote illustrates the joy of doing this research. It shows that IT project names sometimes exhibit an unexpected twist and can have a completely different effect than anticipated. One project name even surprised us as researchers on this topic.

10-year impact awards graphic

A Viral Paper on Determining What Makes Online Content Viral

The paper “What Makes Online Content Viral,” published in the Journal of Marketing Research in 2012, is a recipient of Sage’s fourth annual 10-Year Impact Awards. The paper has been cited 1,333 times.

10-year impact awards graphic

Honoring a Prescient Look Corporate Social Responsibility

The paper “What We Know and Don’t Know About Corporate Social Responsibility: A Review and Research Agenda,” published in the Journal of Management in 2012, is a recipient of Sage’s fourth annual 10-Year Impact Awards. The paper has been cited 1,970 times.


A Broader View of Discrimination Toward Muslims in the Workplace

Jaya Addin Linando discusses discrimination against Muslims and answers questions about his new paper, “A relational perspective comparison of workplace discrimination toward Muslims in Muslim-minority and Muslim-majority countries,” published in International Journal of Cross Cultural Management.

Photo of pedestrians walking in a crowd

Welcome Boomerang Employees Back — Effectively

A recent Paychex survey asked individuals who quit their jobs if they were satisfied with their original decision and whether they had any regrets. About 80 percent of the more than 800 employees surveyed said that they did have regrets about quitting. In addition, 78 percent of individuals who left their jobs said that they would like to have their old job back, and 68 percent had tried to do so. Paychex dubbed this the “great regret.” However, these results give employers valuable information about the potential to work with those who have been called “boomerang employees” in previous generations.

Miniature statue of the Thinker.

How to Practice Aristotelian Deliberation in Business Organizations

The authors argue that Aristotelian ethics of deliberation is a safeguard against the risks of ideological conditioning, false debates, and instrumentalization of power by the strongest people.

Close-up image of torso and arm of white humanoid robot.

Can You Be My Teammate? Human-Robot Teams in Organizations

The topic of robots and humans working together in teams, so-called mixed human-robot teams, is of particular interest, as teams are the norm in the workplace for many of us.

Stenciled outline of vehicle connected to a power adapter painted on a green wall.

Business Models for Sustainable Technology

When and how do business model schemas change in internal corporate venturing?

Photo of student with backpack.

Five Elements to Help Universities Better Serve Their Main Stakeholders: Students

As the world continues to evolve, so do the needs of US college students. Heidi M. Neck and Christopher P Neck draw from their combined 50 years of teaching over 100,000 students as they examine what students want in today’s classroom.

Origami boats racing.

Non-Compete Agreements: A Surprising Trend

Non-compete agreements were intended to be utilized for higher-earning employees, but middle-class workers are being affected. Should non-competes be banned?

Two businessmen having a meeting in a park.

Helping Unemployed People Into Work is a Social and Economic Good

Marc Cowling and Ondřej Dvouletý reflect on their article, “UK government-backed start-up loans: Tackling disadvantage and credit rationing of new entrepreneurs,” which was […]

unordered stack of 100 yuan notes

Family Firms’ Concentration of Wealth: Lessons Drawn From the Chinese Experience

Wealth concentration is a widespread global problem. However, there is few researches exploring how political power structures impact the concentration of family wealth, especially the relationship between de jure and de facto political power. Therefore, this has motivated us to pursue this research.

Close-up image of person sitting cross-legged doing yoga.

Karma Yoga: Intelligent Action in the Modern Workplace

Modern workplaces are periled by issues like burnout, depression, and job stress. Is achieving performance and employee well-being a zero-sum game?


The Impact of Global Value Chains and Wage Bargaining Agreements on Wages

Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz, Dagmara Nikulin, and Sabina Szymczak from Gdańsk University of Technology discuss their recent paper “Global value chains and wages under […]


Talking With Paschal Anosike About African Development and His Award-Winning Book

Professor Paschal Anosike, author of the new book ‘Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development in Africa,’ has received the second Sage Social Justice Book Award.

Image: Chinese Yuan banknotes

The Role of Rhetorical Casuistry in China’s Capitalist Transformation

The authors believe that the unique style of the CCP’s rhetoric in the first two decades of the reform era played a critical role in facilitating what they label as a “loosely coupled change”—changes wherein meanings and practices are weakly connected.

Black and white image of a stethoscope.

Islamic Work Ethics in Healthcare Providers

Islam is currently the world’s second-largest religion after Christianity. However, Islam and Muslims seem to have been misunderstood by some non-Muslims in the last two decades, including in the workplace.

Image: stack of books.

Disjunctions in the Context of Management Learning: A Study of Narrative Fiction

This research introduces an innovative literature review method that allows scholarship to address the disjunctions produced in a given field of study, trace multidisciplinary incorporations and map theoretical and methodological innovations.

Close-up image of the manicured hands of two brides.

Improving Service Quality for Consumers Experiencing Vulnerabilities in the Marketplace

With this research, we provide evidence for an intervention strategy that can improve the service quality that consumers experiencing vulnerabilities face in the marketplace.

Hands sit on a laptop displaying a blueprint.

Opening The Black Box Of Benefits Management In The Context Of Projects

The main goal of our study was, hence, to complement the current technical knowledge on benefits management with an in-depth understanding of the social practices that constitute benefits management.


What Are The Causes And Cures Of Poor Megaproject Performance?

What is missing in current research and practice is an understanding of megaprojects as a complete production system—from planning through design, manufacturing, and
construction, to integration and handover to operations. Thinking about megaprojects as
production systems may help us understand how the different dimensions—the six themes
identified in our research—work together to achieve a project’s goals and deliver valuable

Employee at laptop.

Is There a Strategic Organization in the Behavioral Theory of the Firm? Looking Back and Looking Forward

Can the behavioral theory of the firm explain the origins and changes of firm strategy?

Photograph of the tracks of an abandoned rollercoaster in a forest.

The Rollercoaster of Eco-anxiety: Acknowledging Both Hope and Despair in the Classroom

These sustainability business instructors discuss the “rollercoaster” of emotions business students encounter when discussing sustainability content.

Empty shopfront window with red SALE decal.

Sales Promotions and Restrictions: Customers Want the Bad News First

Sales promotions usually list the discount before the restriction. But is this “good news then bad news” structure really the best practice?

black hole of numbers

How Digital Information Transforms Project Delivery Models

As the computational devices used in all aspects of project delivery are becoming progressively smaller and cheaper, digital information is changing what projects deliver, with information becoming itself a deliverable.

Project Management Institute logo

About the PMJ Practitioner Insights Series

PMJ Practitioner Insights is a series of short, empirically relevant articles that disseminate research findings to project practitioners and also benefit academics […]


Agile, Traditional, and Hybrid Approaches to Project Success: Is Hybrid a Poor Second Choice?

The authors found that hybrid approaches deliver similar results to traditional or agile approaches on schedule, budget, and scope delivery, and the hybrid approach outperforms traditional approaches on client satisfaction.

A hijabi factory worker assembles parts at a workstation.

Why is it So Hard to Address Racism and Islamophobia in France?

In France, organizations wishing to combat racism and Islamophobia must do so within a challenging “colorblind” context.

View of tracks from front of speeding train

Medium and Short-term Recommendations to Move Forward on Measuring Social Impact

In the concluding article from their measuring impact in the business field series, Usha Haley and Andrew Jack ask: Who does this system of research benefit, and how do we throw a wider net?

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Waves reverberate around image of planet Earth

Business Education and Impact: Efforts to Turn the Tide

A number of data points suggest that business education has a ways to go before it really steps up addressing social impact and not just literature impact. But there are also a number of data points suggesting it is increasingly supporting efforts to redress that lag.

Chart that demonstrates silence as a semiotic mode.

The Positive Aspects of Silence in Team Meetings

Authors Miikka J. Lehtonen and Valérie M. Saintot argue that we need more refined methodological approaches for studying silence

A remote worker videochats on his laptop.

Did Customer-Salesperson Interactions Change During COVID?

During the pandemic, sales manager Claire Cardy noticed that the dynamics of customer-salesperson interactions had somehow changed. Cardy decided to explore what was happening and why.

Glass office block with venetian blinds closed for all offices except two in the center

Some Opportunities for Future Business and Management Research: Employee Health and Well-Being

Research is needed to evaluate systematically how effective the training and recruiting of managers with high levels of social and interpersonal skills are in terms of positively enhancing bottom-line indicators

A woman at a laptop, appearing stressed.

Measuring Multidimensional Precarious Employment of Women: A View From Spain

Inés P Murillo-Huertas, Raúl Ramos, Hipólito Simón, and Raquel Simón-Albert reflect on their paper, “Is multidimensional precarious employment higher for women?” recently published in the Journal of Industrial Relations.

Snail on a ruller

Why Don’t Business Schools Publish More Impactful Research?

Two experts at Altmetric ask why have business schools not been publishing more impactful research? Are the most prominent, cited, and viral voices that publish in areas of business and economics employed outside of business schools?

Stylized stick figures lifting blocks that range from poor to great

A Decades-Long Journey of Marketing and Public Policy Research to Support the Greater Good

Now more than ever, writes Maura Scott, as business professors, we must generate and disseminate knowledge that can help inform and promote business, as well as society’s greater good.

Four employees fist bump over workspace.

Positive Management Practices as Cornerstone for a Sustainable Transformation

Martin Becker discusses how positive management practices can improve employee well-being and attract talent in highly competitive labor markets.

Graduating students shift their tassels.

Business Schools are Ignoring Students’ Changing Aspirations. They Must Focus on Management as a Calling

Andrew Hoffman writes that business schools are slow to respond to students’ changing ideals, sticking to a heavy emphasis on 50-year-old notions of shareholder primacy and a “greed is good” mentality. He proposes a different business school model that emphasizes management as a calling.

Stack of journals with spines facing outwards

How Might Societal Impact be Recognized within an FT Top 50 Journal?

From a journal editor’s perspective, top journals play a central role in recognizing societal impact of research.


A Quick Examination of Existing Academic Impact Metrics and Concerns in Business Education

A new white paper from SAGE Business examines existing bibliometrics and institutional reward structures at play within business schools. We aim to move the dial toward ways in which societal impact could become central to the assessment of business and management research.

Line graph demonstrating the relationship between CVC/alliance activity and product recall likelihood under different levels of market turbulence. Green and blue lines on solid black background.

Stuck-in-the-Middle Venturing Strategies Can Hurt You and Your Customers

Simon Hensellek of the Technical University of Dortmund discusses “Beneficial, Harmful, or Both? Effects of Corporate Venture Capital and Alliance Activity on Product Recalls,” which he, David Bendig, and Julian Schulte published in Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice.

Wooden boardwalk runs into foggy distance

Rethinking Organizational Crisis Management: How Financial Insecurity Inhibits Ethical Leadership

In a new paper, the authors write that financial insecurity triggers anxiety in supervisors, which inhibits their demonstration of ethical leadership.



A Personal Reflection on Strategic Organization — the Journal (and Field) That Almost Wasn’t

Joel Baum at the University of Toronto discusses the origin story of the journal Strategic Organization in his paper, “Constructing Strategic Organization – A field whose time has come,” published in … Strategic Organization.

words on blocks show 'bad' side being turned to 'good'

From Crisis to Change: Why Bad News Can Be Good News

Can bad news about companies be good news for them? How should companies turn crisis management to change management?

Stylized drawing of graduate surrounded by business tools

Responsible Business Education Awards Seek to Honor Business Impacts

The Financial Times is inviting business school students and faculty members to enter 2023 Responsible Business Education Awards. Those interested may enter until October 28.


Social Inequality Examined Via Soda Consumption Among Youth

P. Christopher Palmedo, a clinical professor of community health and social sciences at the City University of New York, discusses “Exploring Countermarketing Messages to Reduce Youth Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption in The Bronx, NY,” which he, Samantha Flores, Kalya Castillo, Moria Byrne-Zaaloff and Kelly Moltzen saw published in Social Marketing Quarterly.

Justin Trudeau in 2021, flanked by Canadian flags

Exploring the Impact of Character on Crisis Leadership

Character has played a starring role in ancient myths and modern movies alike because it is the foundation of legendary leadership. Unfortunately, legendary leadership in the real world frequently fails the test of time.

Four hands grasping each other's wrists in sign of unity and strength

How African Ubuntu Might Help Decolonize Research

The author and her colleagues identified four practical ways that a complementary use of ubuntu can positively shape how research is done.

Sign in window that reads 'refugees welcome'

Examining the Nexus of CSR Reporting and the Global Refugee Crisis

Professors Kate Cooper and Rong Wang discuss their research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and answer questions on their paper, “From Reactionary to Revelatory: CSR Reporting in Response to the Global Refugee Crisis,” published in Business & Society.


Consumer Experiences and DIY Service Failures

When people experience failure during a do-it-yourself project, there is tension between frustration with failure (a negative outcome) and learning related to the task (a positive outcome).

Picture of empty chairs around table in company boardroom

Governance Diversity on Boards

Agota Szabo explores the notion of “good governance” in boardrooms and discusses the paper, “In the Boardroom: How Do Cognitive Frames Shape American and Dutch Hospitals’ Responses to the Pressure of Adopting Governance Best Practices?” she and Riku Ruotsalainen wrote in the ‘Journal of Management Inquiry.’


Ignorance of History is Not Strength

Simon F. Oliai discusses the rise of populism as reflected in his review of David Owen’s book ‘The Road to Perdition.’

1 comment

Exploring Organizational Identities of The Episcopal Church

Authors Matthew L. Sheep, Alexandra Rheinhardt, Elaine C. Hollensbe, and Glen E. Kreiner discuss research on organizational identity following a watershed event in the Episcopal Church.


How to Mobilize Narratives in Megaprojects?

Promoters and protesters attempt to shape megaproject narratives according to their vested interests. Success of the project then often depends on which of these become the dominant narrative.


When a Crisis Hits: Be Resilient and a Catalyst for Positive Change

Positive resilience — the ability to overcome challenges without taking unfair advantage of others — is a key trait that should be present in an organization’s response to a crisis.


Decent Gig Work in Sub-Saharan Africa?

Desmond T. Ayentimi, a senior lecturer of management at the Tasmanian School of Business and Economics, University of Tasmania, reflects on his most recent paper, “Decent Gig Work in sub-Saharan Africa.”


Qualitative in Every Sense of the Word

Matthew CB Lyle recounts the journey behind his co-authored qualitative methods paper and the uphill trek it represented because, as he puts, ‘I didn’t know anything when I started.’

Black and white staged picture of two boxers in fighting stance with fists extended and referee in background.

Reflecting on the ‘Curated Debate’ Over Using ‘Templates’ in Qualitative Research

One of the currently raging issues in the management field has to do with the use of “templates” in qualitative research.

Cartoon of man blowing whistle with numerous knives at his back

The Emotional Toll of Whistleblowing on Family Identity

Brian Richardson, an associate professor at the University of North Texas and specialist in crisis communication and whistleblowing research, discusses the impacts of whistleblowing on familial relationships and answers questions about his paper “Death Threats don’t Just Affect You, They Affect Your Family”: Investigating the Impact of Whistleblowing on Family Identity


Destructive Leadership and Interdisciplinary Research: Amusing or Bemusing?

Jeremy Mackey, an associate professor of management at Auburn University, discusses the importance of interdisciplinary research and answers questions about the paper, “Musing about Interdisciplinary Research: Is Interdisciplinary Research Amusing or Bemusing?”

Drawing of worker at home on laptop with cat seeking attention and phone buzzing

Understanding the Needs of New Hires in a Post-COVID World of the Virtual Workplace

The authors found the unique conditions of working during the pandemic created a natural portal into understanding remote work habits.

H1B visa

A Reflection of ‘Managing Diverse Workforce: How to Safeguard Skilled Migrants’ Self-Efficacy and Commitment’

To maximize skilled migrants’ contributions to the professional society of the host economy, Leila Afshari writes, there is a need for mutual understanding of their potentials and the career options available for them in the society.


The Gender Banter: Implications of Not Practicing What We Preach

“When you educate a man, you educate a person, but when you educate a woman, you educate an entire generation.” The same applies to empowering women to find their footing in organized employment.


Doing Decolonizing 

Business schools and universities across the world are being swept up by a diversified array of decolonizing movements in response to the […]


How Do Amazingly Effective Teams Emerge?

What if we were able to predict which teams are capable of amazing levels of effectiveness even before they’ve had enough time to generate measurable performance? 


Exploring Myths about Casual Employment

Writing from Australia, which has one of the highest rates of casual employment in the world, the authors look at how employers’ quest for flexibility harms the so-called ‘casual’ workforce.


What Do We Know About Entrepreneurship and Peace? And What Do We Need to Find Out?

As violent conflicts become both more pervasive and more localized, a better understanding of how entrepreneurship and peace interact in conflict zones will prove most useful.


Rethinking Cross-Cultural Training: ‘Maybe It’s Culture and Maybe It Isn’t’?

Training to help multicultural teams to mesh and feel comfortable together is reckoned a good thing – unless its done in an overly simplistic manner.

workers cluster around screen at end of table

Pathways to Foster Employee Engagement Towards Sustainability

How can organizations get their members to engage in sustainability practices? The authors outlines several mechanisms.


Boost Member Engagement and Strengthen Your Organization’s Identity with Organizational Hashtags

How might social media strengthen organizational bonds? Stephanie Dailey takes a look at hashtags can foster member identification.


Advancing the Study of ‘Time’ in Job Crafting

Hannah Weisman writes how her team’s paper acknowledges the important role that “time” may play in shaping employees’ engagement in job crafting and job crafting outcomes.

Graphic connecting faces in social network

Evaluating Team Interdependence from the Perspective of Networks

Recognizing the central role of interdependence as a key factor defining teams and team processes, these researchers decided to study the subject.

Drawing of caregiver and elderly woman

Being Available Around the Clock: Giving Voice to Romanian Live-In Caregivers in Austria

The authors saw the need for action to give Romanian live-in caregivers in Austria a voice by studying their experiences from a psychological perspective.

Aerial view of Hundreds of rescue workers surrounding collapsed concrete building on Rana Plaza

After Rana Plaza: Scholars Study Exploitive Labor Regimes in Bangladesh

Worker exploitation in garment supply chain factories is not just about sweatshops, note the authors of “After Rana Plaza: Governing Exploitative Workplace Labour Regimes in Bangladeshi Garment Export Factories” which appeared in the Journal of Industrial Relations.

Man in chair yelling into two megaphone with text ovrlay of 'an open minded attentive demeanor while in conversation with an employee'

‘Boss, Are You Still Listening?’

Effective communication is a foundational leadership skill, yet it feels like a lost art in this era of distractions.


Emancipating Women 

In this post, Holly Slay Ferraro, an associate professor in the Villanova School of Business and Academic Director for DEI Research and […]

At dusk, pier on lake leads off to abrupt end

A Time and Space for Climate Change in Business and Society Research

Most academic research on climate change at the nexus of business and society supports a view that the best agenda is enlightened business-as-usual. The authors suggest real progress needs to account for the flow of time and primacy of place.

Outlines of various human figures in different genders and colors

What Does Inclusion Actually Mean?

What does it actually mean for an organization to be inclusive? The authors of this post offer suggestions and context for organizations trying to answer that question.


(Macro)Marketing for Sustainability and Society with Mark Peterson: Watch the Teaching Business for People and Planet Webinar

“There is also a dimension of intergenerational justice, making these decisions [sustainable business practices], so that our generation is not ripping off […]

Woman seated at table at casual business meeting

How We Talk About Entrepreneurship Inhibits Women’s Entrepreneurship

Society, the authors, find, suppresses women’s entrepreneurship just by the way it talks about entrepreneurs.

one dark sheep stands in a field surrounded by lighter color sheep

Funking Up the Domain: How Outliers Skew Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

We know that one outlier has the potential to influence the size and direction of effects, the significance of hypothesized relationships, and significantly alter the results of published works, but what happens when there are dozens of outliers in a sample?


Followership is (FINALLY) Equally Important

The authors write that their research demonstrates followership as the often-missing piece in the leadership puzzle.

Engineering students in discussion over design work

Engineering an Entrepreneurial Mindset

Today we look at how engineering education can guide students to developing an entrepreneurial mindset most effectively, as discussed in “First-Year Engineering […]


Four Types of Strategic Networks and How They Benefit the Innovation Performance of Energy Firms

In this post, co-authors Fabian Reck and Alexander Fliaster, both at the University of Bamberg, reflect on their research paper, “Far-Reaching or […]


Digital Transformation Needs Organizational Talent and Leadership Skills to Be Successful

Who drives digital change – the people of the technology? Katharina Gilli explains how her co-authors worked to address that question.


The Invisible Challenges ‘Foreign’ Authors Must Face

‘Scholars from the periphery’ often pay a price — unintentional but no less real — for their geography. In this post, Amon […]


Making the Invisible Visible

Despite their pertinence for academia, the authors found little methodological guidance on one of ‘The’ key and most time-intensive steps in meta-analytic research projects – Coding.


Metaverse – Together Alone?

How virtual reality platforms respond, and how they protect users and their data, that will ensure the metaverse is a force for good, not the opening of a door to a malevolent underworld.

Woman with computer screen images covering her

The Two Faces of Technology—What’s Behind the Love/Hate Relationship?

Technology is here to stay, and the authors argue that now is a crucial time for understanding what is really going on “under the hood” of technology.


Co-Creation With Our Reviewers

For all sorts of reasons, our article “A Design Thinking Approach to Teaching Sustainability” should not have been written. This blog entry […]

Mass of paper chains in a pile

Paper Is No Longer A Thing, But We Have Failed to Notice

The current convention that envisions the manuscript as a self-contained universe produces a range of negative consequences extending beyond papers’ obscene length: many scholars seem to cite papers based on their abstracts or even title alone; reviewing literature takes lots of time; noncore research communities are badly served; new requirements on research transparency and openness are difficult to meet; and, finally, our papers are not particularly enjoyable to read.

Empty seats surrounding large meeting table in wood-paneled room

Do Business Decisions Differ When Racial Minorities Make the Decisions in the Boardroom?

The answer may seem obvious, yet empirical evidence is often mixed as to whether the racial composition of a firm’s board of directors influences corporate decisions.

Bounce Back Loan landing page from the British Business bank

Saving Private Business – The UK Bounce Back Loan

Authors Marc Cowling, Paul Nightingale, Nick Wilson, and Marek Kacer find “everything researched and written about COVID-19 in whatever context – medical, […]

Drawing of a businessman with arms raised against backdrop of world map

The More Enthusiastic, the Better? Lessons from Crowdfunding

Surely an entrepreneur’s pitch should be enthusiastic and passionate, right? Well, the authors’ research finds that there are instances where unbridled enthusiasm, especially without accompanying expertise, turns off funders.


Don’t Let Your Gender Impede Efforts to Gain Credibility in Negotiations

The research is clear:  the more credible the messenger, the more credible the message. Nowhere is this more important than when negotiating. […]


An Unabridged View of Digital in the Built Environment

While the built environment is an important sector globally, it is notoriously one of two sectors with low digitization.

Grid showing the chief, clan, custodian, consortium model modes of governance for enterprise blockchains

The Boon and Bane of Blockchain

Successful blockchain managers have a thorough understanding of the network structures for which blockchains are used, choose the appropriate governance mode, and adapt it dynamically to changes in the network structure.


Preparing the Next Generation of Graduates Using Interdisciplinary Team-Based Learning 

Professional bodies and industry leaders often suggest there’s a mismatch between the theoretical knowledge students acquire at university and the skills they […]

Comparing Felt Responsibility for Ethical Purchasing in Professional and Personal Roles

Comparing Felt Responsibility for Ethical Purchasing in Professional and Personal Roles

Liz Cooper explains the motivation behind the paper she co-wrote with Ben Marder, “Role morality discrepancy and ethical purchasing: exploring felt responsibility […]

Two American Revolutionary War generals and a younger officer holding a map survey terrain

Looking Inside Military Generals’ Charisma: The Workings of Top-Leaders’ Squires

There is a third type of actor in the leader-follower power construct, suggests Michael Sang.

The sign in front of the Hope Resource Center on a grassy setting

Sourcing Organizational Authority at Shadowed Organizations

the authors set out to answer the question, “How are sources of organizational authority made present in the context of a crisis pregnancy center?”


Sensing: The Elephant in the Room of Management Learning

“Sensing,” the authors have written, “is indispensable for constructing knowledge and should be employed on par with the intellect, particularly in today’s complex and uncertain context. Yet, we have observed learners’ reluctance to engage with sensing and attempted to understand the reasons for it.”

Graphic shows loop of arts-based approach to photo elicitation through framing, audience, doing and power

What You See is Not What You Get: Photo-Elicitation’s Missing Arts-based Elements

The authors provide a conceptualization of photo-elicitation as an (experiential) learning and teaching tool which shows the interaction between photo-elicitation’s arts-based elements and relevant learning processes and outcomes.

sad face selected in checklist

The Perils of Measuring Performance, Inside and Outside Academia

Quantification can reformulate something as complex and multidimensional as teaching into a one-dimensional score. And such a score gives the possessor a sense of control and understanding. But, given the implications of quantification, this is an illusion.


Time for Management Researchers to Tackle Tipping

As take-out and delivery via apps quickly became the norm during the pandemic, the author noticed seeing many more prompts to tip and intensifying rhetoric around tipping in some media outlets. This uptick surfaced many important policy and research questions the author wanted to draw attention to.

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Woman looking over top of book with anger in her eyes

Negative Emotions Feed into Crisis Responses But Do Not Impact All Managers Equally

This study furthers our understanding that threat-driven perception of crisis is not univocal since some top managers can show steady and cold-headed decision-making trajectory even when they feel that crisis is threatening the survival of their business.


Does Your Data Suffer from Common Method Variance?

In this post, authors Brian K. Miller and Marcia J. Simmering reflect on their recent research article, Attitude Toward the Color Blue:  […]

Children in Ghana playing game with one wearing a blindfold

Listening to Individual, Social, and Cultural Signals Can Lead to a Novel and Successful Business

Immanent sensemaking highlights the everyday practices through which entrepreneurs interact with, interpret, and account for their experience of reality.

Chalkboard with word 'stakeholder' written on it

A Comprehensive Literature Review on Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder engagement has become a popular term in management literature and practice. Here, the authors offer an inclusive stakeholder engagement definition and provide a guide to organize the research.  

Two illuminated question marks in a pile of unlit ones

Bill Edgar on Core Competences and the Importance of Long-Form Presentation

The first SAGE Open Long Form monograph, “Corporate Core Competencies’ Essence, Contexts, Discovery, and Future: A Call to Action for Executives and Researchers,” has now been released. It discusses how even though researchers and managers value and even extol the importance of core competencies, they often present “a sprawling, even fragmented picture of core competencies’ essence and contribution.”

Per Skalen and Johanna Gummerus

Listening to the Lessons of the Swedish Music Market

The quick pace of change and the establishment of new industry actors inspired the authors to ask: what is driving service innovation and digitalization in the Swedish music market and how can we understand service in this context?

Rows and rows of mirros serving the Ivanpah solar project in the desert

A Reflection: Vanguard Projects as Intermediation Spaces in Sustainability Transitions

The climate crisis cannot be divorced from the study of projects. New scholars should embrace this cross-disciplinary way of thinking, especially as shifting policies have impacted project conceptualization.

elevated boardwalk wends around side of Wugong Mountain

How Organizations Can Help Employees Adapt to Big and Frequent Changes

The full weight of things like financial meltdowns and deadly pandemics, write Lu Chen and Kaixuan Tang, “fall on individuals like a mountain.” How does that play out at work or in other organizations where these individuals are active?


An Invisible Bias with Real Implications for Women Leaders

The underrepresentation of women in senior leadership positions across all sectors is clearly not a pipeline issue. Research points to bias as one reason they aren’t getting ahead.

Speedometer-type dial for reputation ranging from bad to excellent

Addressing Reputation’s Reputation in Management Research

Reputation’s own reputation in management research meant that proselytizing the benefits of reputation’s wider use would fall flat if we did not also provide pragmatic ways to address some of its current shortcomings.

the letters E M M done as a logo

You, Me, and EMM

It isn’t immediately obvious why inclusion of a moderator’s cause should make much difference in a model. Only when one does the path analytic math does one see that the obvious approach to testing these models doesn’t work.

Medieval illustration of men harvesting wheat with reaping-hooks

From Speculation to Substantiation: Is Job Satisfaction Changing?

In this article, authors Mindy Shoss, an associate professor of psychology in the industrial/organizational psychology program at the University of Central Florida, […]


Entrepreneurs: Everybody Needs Somebody

Authors Aviel Cogan, Tobias Pret, and Melissa Cardon reflect on their recent article “Everyday social support processes: Household members’ instrumental and emotional […]

Homepage screenshot of the Macromarketing Pedagogy Place website

Hacking a University Class and Bringing a Macro-Sustainability Perspective

Author Stefanie Beninger discusses the perspective of sustainability within university settings and the pros of having macro-sustainability efforts throughout

Woman holding head up while staring at laptop screen

Where Do Our Eyes Go During All Those Video Meetings?

During the dramatic halt to in-person events in 2020, the use of video call software skyrocketed, transforming Zoom into a household name, […]


Linking SME International Marketing Agility to New Technology Adoption

Olimpia C. Racela and Amonrat Thoumrungroje reflect on their paper, “Linking SME international marketing agility to new technology adoption,” published in the […]

Elderly person and caregiver

Vital Service Captivity: Coping Strategies and Identity Negotiation

This research examines how the elderly are enduring those vital service captivity situations by giving voice to them, their families, and also to nursing home staff.

Shopkeeper at small stall in Yemen serves female shopper

How Has COVID-19 Affected Small and Medium Enterprises?

The authors saw a need to summarize and synthesize a broad swath of literature on how exogenous crises including but not limited to COVID-19 impact upon business and society.

Sugar-cube figure on sugar cube stairs about to jump into steaming coffee

Paradoxical Leadership + Toxic Leaders = Paratoxical Leadership

When employees are given conflicting demands, the resulting dilemma leaved them damned if they do, and doomed if they don’t.

One blue cable in strand of white cables being wound

Post-Merger Integration: It’s All About Positive Emotions, Isn’t It?

The alignment of systems, processes and structures all pose challenges in a merger, but these seem small in comparison to the integration of people.

Graphic showing design thinking, critical thinking, education and augmentation theory attributes

Stop Trying to Turn Marketers into Design Thinkers

Facilitating collaboration of marketing and design should involve teaching both disciplines about the others’ ways of thinking and not just the others’ skills or techniques.


Improvising Amidst Instability: A Balanced Handling of Paradoxical Tensions

It is fundamental to understand what happens during a process of improvisation and how organizational agents can better manage such processes.


What is Always Passing Us by But Also Missing in Hierarchy Research? Time

The most influential theory about informal hierarchies is built on the assumption that informal hierarchies don’t change. However, these authors’ work shows that informal hierarchies do change at predictable times.

men in orange vests in informal workyard

Understanding Internationalisation of Informal African Firms Through A Network Perspective

The work of Christopher Boafo, Richard Afriyie Owusu and Karine Guiderdoni-Jourdain offers an understanding of the internationalization of informal smaller firms in two major enterprise clusters in a sub-Saharan African economy through a network perspective.

Boarded-up restaurant seen from street

Organized Crime and Its Effect on New Businesses

The authors wanted to understand how new businesses in particular might be influenced by prevalent organized crime because they are among the smallest and most fragile organizations.

Shadows of object show square, circle and triangle

Coping with the Inclusiveness-Efficiency Paradox in Cross-Sector Partnerships

Tension between realizing inclusiveness on the one hand, and efficiency on the other was one that accompanied and puzzled the partnership throughout its time of existence, led the authors to make it the focus of their scholarly attention.

The Financial Times 2022 Responsible Business Education Awards

Research That Shows Impact from the Financial Times Responsible Business Education Awards

The Financial Times recently released a special report on their 2022 Responsible Business Education Awards. With the growing focus on social impact […]

V-shaped flight of geese overfly chairlift

How and When Success Becomes the Fate of Projects

A new paper in the the “Project Management Journal” suggests that knowledge-oriented leadership and valuing people should be promoted as primordial elements and strategic tools to build team cohesion for higher project performance and success.

Paths diverge in woods

Would You Forego Citations for Journal Status?

Presenting evidence from a new analysis of business and management academics, the authors explore how journal status is valued by these academics and the point at which journal status becomes more prized than academic influence.

Food waste thrown out with greenwaste

Competent Partner, Champion of Sustainability–Can Entrepreneurs Play Out Both Cards at the Same Time?

Our research shows that the entrepreneurial firms present themselves as either a competent business partner, much like any knowledge-intensive service firm markets itself, or as champions of sustainable development.


Why Are Marketing Analytics Skills Vital, and How Can Business Schools Teach It?

Yes, there is a body of research and theory on analytics in marketing, and the subject is taught in some institutions. However, there is a lack of coherence

Australasian Reporting Awards logo

Winning the Australasian Reporting Awards: Does It Matter?

In a study published in the Australian Journal of Management, the authors examine whether the Australasian Reporting Awards assessment criteria reliably reflect the observable quality of financial reporting.

Leadership Saves Lives programme materials

Building Perspective-Taking Across Diverse Teams and Organizations

The authors of a new paper in the Journal of Management Inquiry asked how might perspective-taking be developed as a multidimensional cooperative process and problem-solving capability more widely across teams and organizational systems?



Grid showing the chief, clan, custodian, consortium model modes of governance for enterprise blockchains

The Boon and Bane of Blockchain

Successful blockchain managers have a thorough understanding of the network structures for which blockchains are used, choose the appropriate governance mode, and adapt it dynamically to changes in the network structure.


What Led Me to Review ‘Opening Doors on Diversity in Leadership’

Amanda Paul at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto reviewed Opening Doors to Diversity in Leadership, […]

Cube made of blocks falling apart

Pandemic-Related Disruptions and Perceptions: How They Matter for Entrepreneurship

Do potential entrepreneurs see COVID-driven upheaval as an opportunity or as a barrier to fulfill entrepreneurial dreams, and to what extent does this vary among potential entrepreneurs depending on their level of self-efficacy?


COVID-19 One, Responses Many: Did Transcultural Patterns Define Ebbs and Flows?

Delineating the domain of transcultural crisis management, this study by Gita Bajaj of the Institute of Management Technology in Dubai; Surabhi Khandelwal […]

Monder Ram

ESRC Honors Aston University’s CREME for Outstanding Business Impact

The Centre for Research in Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship (CRÈME) was recently named the winner of the Outstanding Business and Enterprise Impact Award, from the ESRC Celebrating Impact Prize 2020.

Hands cupped with world in it

What’s Better—Broad or Focused Stakeholder Management?

Not all corporate social responsibility is created equal, especially for firms focused on implementing it and benefiting from their investment. Here, Limin Fu, Dirk M. Boehe, Marc O. Orlitzky discuss their current research into determining what is the right mix of good intentions, stakeholder engagement and competitive advantage.

silhouettes of adults under magnifying glass

Should I Stay or Should I ‘Found’? Insights on Venturing Motives and Venturing Types in the Family Business Context

Are entrepreneurial activities in business-owning families initiated “autonomously” as a bottom-up process by individual family members?

Crisis against blue background

What Happens to Family Firms’ Entrepreneurial Behavior After a Major Crisis?

With the current pandemic creating continuing crises for firms around the planet, Ana M. Moreno-Menéndez, a professor of business organization at the Universidad de Sevilla, Unai Arzubiaga of Universidad del País Vasco, Vanessa Díaz-Moriana of Vanessa Díaz-Moriana and Vanessa Díaz-Moriana, also at the Universidad de Sevilla looked at “The Impact of a Crisis on Family Firms’ Entrepreneurial Orientation: The Role of Organisational Decline and Generational Change,” in the International Small Business Journal.

Debbi Haski Leventhal

Corporate Social Responsibility with Debbie Haski-Leventhal: Watch the Teaching Business for People and Planet Webinar

“What many businesses now understand is that CSR is not a department or role or office or report, but a mindset.” Debbie […]


Transforming How We Teach?

The authors of a new paper in ‘Management Learning’ believe that a reflexive relationship to their identities produces liberating forms of knowledge, which in turn seems to lie at the heart of transforming how they teach.


The Pivotal Role of Educational Leaders in Achieving Racial Equity in Schooling and Education

As a racialized woman raising racialized children, Shezadi Khushal thinks about the impact of racism on identity, mattering and belonging; and on student academic performance and outcomes. For this reason, I have engaged in the scholarship of anti-racist educational leadership.

Helene Ahl and Susan Marlow

A Behind the Scenes Look at an Award-Winning Paper on Entrepreneurship

What goes into making an exceptional academic article? In this interview, the editor-in-chief and an associate editor of the journal Human Relations ask that of Helene Ahl and Susan Marlow, authors of the journal’s official 2021 article of the year. In “Exploring the false promise of entrepreneurship thro

Kamal Harris speaking in front of US flag

Women and Leadership: Navigating Pathways to Success

Women continue to be underutilized and underrepresented in senior-decision making roles, notes Shezadi Khushal as she explains lessons she drew from the book ‘Women and Leadership.’

Lemur showing surprised reaction

What’s Wrong with Writing and Publishing Interesting Academic Articles?

Novelty is fine in management – and other social science – as long as that’s not the only thing driving the research.

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Putting a Critical Perspective to Use in Management Education

The authors of a new paper on management education were motivated to pursue this research because we felt that critical thinking and the importance of having a critical approach were treated too narrowly in the traditional leadership and management literature.


Leader Communication About Crowdsourcing and Participative Management: More Rhetoric Than Reality?

In this post authors Jim Westphal of the University of Michigan, David H. Zhu at Arizona State University, and Rajyalakshmi Kunapuli of […]

stack of blue ribbon medals

Do Awards Incentivize Non-Winners to Work Harder on CSR?

When companies awarded for their corporate social responsibility efforts perform better financially, non-winners will be more motivated to respond to their competitors’ wins.


Building Understanding of How Virtual Environments Impact Leadership

Place and space concepts help to illuminate how the place an organization inhabits and related beliefs have a significant impact on leadership […]


Perceived Support Profiles in the Workplace: A Longitudinal Perspective

In this post, authors Gaëtane Caesens, Alexandre J. S. Morin, Nicolas Gillet, Florence Stinglhamber reflect on their recent research article, “Perceived Support […]

interview at table near window

To Lead or Not to Lead – That Is the Question

Our curiosity about how to decipher leading from non-leading questions resulted in a typology of how interview questions can lead in three ways; through introduced content, presupposition and evaluation.

Battered Lebanese flag

Why Entrepreneurship Is Only Sometimes Good for Peace and Stability

How can countries that are affected by conflict – such as Syria, Ethiopia, Yemen, Myanmar, and Afghanistan – be helped? Increasingly, the […]


Rethinking Readiness: What it Takes for Your Customers and Employees to Succeed in Today’s Networked Service Environments

Today, customers and employees need a broader form of “readiness” to successfully face fundamentally altered capability and motivational demands. Enter ‘actor ecosystem readiness.’

Graphic connecting faces in social network

Entrepreneurs: Don’t Mess With Your Close Social Ties

It’s sometimes said that it’s not what you know that counts, but who you know. In the essay below, authors Kim Klyver, […]

Graphic reads 'A roadmap for business research with societal impact'

New Report Offers Roadmap for Impactful Business School Research

The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business has released, “Research That Matters: An Action Plan for Creating Business School Research That Positively Impacts Society.”

Listening with headphones while using laptop

The Myth of the COVID-Transformed Workplace: New Podcast Series

Widespread changes to work life prompted by COVID led many to declare the workplace had come to a “new normal.” This podcast series from CHOICE’s The Authority File asks if these changes will remain permanent


Webinar: Measuring Societal Impact in Business Research: From Challenges to Change

Listen to SAGE’s webinar on new ways we can look at and measure the societal impact of research within Business & Management. […]

Distressed man holds stack on money to forehead

Wage Inequality Offers Short-Term Boost and Long-Term Problem

Although it may pay off in the short-term, new research suggests wage inequality is not in a firm’s long-term interest.

Road forks in the woods

Leadership at Crossroads: To Dehumanize or Humanize Leadership Education?

Narrowly focused on leadership as a goal-focused activity, conventional approaches to teaching it, argues Shaista Khilji, have led to the dehumanization of leadership.

Gert Jan Hofstede and Geert Hofstede

Geert Hofstede: A Paradigm’s Paternity

The son of famed social scientist Geert Hofstede argues the his father’s most important book, In the 40 years since publication, has gone through a Kuhnian cycle: anathema – revelation – normal science. It’s not over yet.

active listening in practice

Communicate, Connect, Sell!

Professor Lisa Spiller noticed that sales management textbooks she looked at were missing topics like storytelling, neuro-linguistic programming, determining willingness-to-buy, servant leadership, and sales analytics. So she wrote a book that did.

geert hofstede at home

Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Hofstede’s ‘Culture’s Consequences’

There may be two possible reactions to the anniversary of Geert Hofstede’s ‘Culture’s Consequences’: that in 2021 the work may be considered outdated; or that Geert Hofstede’s work is timeless.

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Tourism Crises cover

Tourism’s Crisis Management. Lessons for all Businesses and How Crisis Management Found Me

Whether a crisis impacts retailers, banks, manufacturers, miners, construction, traders or tourism, says David Beirman, the management of recovery operates under a surprisingly similar set of rules.

Doing Business in Asia cover

‘Doing Business in Asia’: How to Thrive in an International Collaboration

Professor Terence Tsai outlines how he was recruited to work on the new book, Doing Business in Asia, and what factors led to the smooth completion of the collaborative writing involved.

Geert Hofstede

Geert Hofstede, 1928-2020: The Engineer of Cross-Cultural Psychology

Twenty years ago the second edition of one of the more influential books in social science, Geert Hofstede’s Culture’s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions and Organizations Across Nations, appeared.

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Business & Management Impact: Free Resources Page

SAGE has launched a new webpage, Business & Management Impact, with a range of free resources for researchers, instructors, students, and policymakers. […]


What Can Go Wrong When People Get Financial Advice?

Today we look at professionalism in the financial planning industry as explored in the paper “Ethics in financial planning: Analysis of ombudsman decisions using codes of ethics and fiduciary duty standards” in the Australian Journal of Management.


Reinventing Management the Responsible Way With Oliver Laasch: Watch the Teaching Business for People and Planet Webinar

In this video you can view the first episode of SAGE Publishing’s new webinar series, “Teaching Business for People and the Planet” […]

two plants growing at different rates

When Does CSR Add Value to Brands?

It’s long been trumpeted that companies acting on corporate social responsibility do better. But does CSR — actually — improve brands? Shawn Pope and Jimi Kim decided to find out.

10-year Impact Award graphic

Understanding the Foundations of Customer Engagement

Since it appeared in the Journal of Service Research a decade ago, the paper “Customer Engagement Behavior: Theoretical Foundations and Research Directions” has ben cited in other academic papers more than 1,300 times.

Ice at the edge of free water

Motivating Your Team Through Being Humble

Research suggests that the ancient wisdom of humility that partially originated from Eastern culture can benefit contemporary countries that cherish diverse heritage.

Graphic network of industry 4.0

Why Jobs-to-Be-Done is Foundational to Digital Marketing

That’s a lot of new complexity to address in marketing—but the best place to start is with a detailed understanding of customers and their needs.

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sensory Marketing cover

The Secrets of the Human Mind (and Marketing)

The author of the book ‘Sensory Marketing’ explains how it fills a gap in the marketing literature in analyzing and discussing how companies could apply multisensory cues for vision, sound, smell, touch, and taste in business practice.

Project management cover

Project Managing a Book on Project Management

perhaps the most challenging aspect of writing this new book on project management, says co-author Stewart Clegg, was translating both the language and style of the root text.


New Edition of ‘Advertising & Promotion’ and the Obliteration of the Mad Men Paradigm

The advertising and promotion world is very different since the first edition of our book, Advertising & Promotion, appeared in 2005. The […]


Are Big Tech Companies Bad for Innovation?

In digitized global markets, how do local governments regulate competition? Andreas Kornelakis and Pauline Hublart looked at the question in “Digital markets, competition regimes and models of capitalism: A comparative institutional analysis of European and US responses to Google,” recently published in the journal Competition & Change.


Watch the Webinar: Tourism Management under COVID-19

In the posted video of the webinar, “Tourism Management under COVID-19: The Research Priority and Changing Publishing Landscape” two senior experts in […]


Oliver Laasch Debut Guest on Business and Management Webinar Series

A new webinar series sponsored by SAGE Publishing – the parent of Social Science Space and Business and Management INK – features […]

Balancing rocks

Threading the Needle: Balancing Core Values in Servicescapes

How can service providers serve both customers’ security and their need for autonomy? In a study of the nursing homes, the authors tackle that question.

Ethics word cloud by Teodoraturovic

Why Don’t Multi-National Initiatives Always Work Equally in All Locations?

The enterprise had experienced governance issues in some territories and efforts to roll out a global ethical conduct program proved less effective in certain parts of the world than in others. This could not just be ascribed to local execution or lack thereof, so I became intrigued to understand and explain this.

Citation needed sign

Writing Scholarly Articles That Get Cited More Than the Competition

When readers — even academic readers — do not understand an article, they are unlikely to read it, much less absorb it, share it and be influenced by its ideas.


Love and Justice at the End of Life: Studying Palliative Care in India

The study shows that transformative service systems have to transcend the narrow confines of markets and seamless resource integration to embrace a dialectic of justice and agape that is marked by unintended consequences, conflicts, and compromises.

Montage of trimp and fifth avenue quote cartoons

If You Like President Trump, You Probably Won’t Wear a Mask

We found that not only did approval/liking of President Trump strongly, and positively, predict Americans’ approval of his handling of the pandemic, but it also had significant, negative effects on personal protection behaviors.


Different Strokes on Transgenerational Entrepreneurship

The article “Different Strokes for Different Folks: The Roles of Religion and Tradition for Transgenerational Entrepreneurship in Family Businesses”, recently appearing in […]

Southwest jet on tarmac

Connecting Across Differences with Relational Coordination

Nearly 30 years after the establishment of relational coordination theory, the empirical evidence supporting its use has not yet been synthesized, despite frequently being cited in the literature

Gossiping co-workers

Have You Heard the Latest About Workplace Gossip?

The abstract to the paper, “An Integrative Definition and Framework to Study Gossip” appearing in the journal Group & Organization Management states, “The omnipresence of workplace gossip makes understanding gossip processes imperative to understand social life in organizations.”

Stack of books

SAGE Business & Management Books Win TAA Textbook Awards

Management book titles have won one of the coveted TAA Textbook Awards across two categories: the Textbook Excellence Award and the Most Promising New Textbook Award.

Matador toy set

Design Principles for Creating Impactful Entrepreneurship Education for All

“In wide entrepreneurship education,” write Yvette Baggen, Thomas Lans and Judith Gulikers in their essay below, “the messy, uncertain and iterative entrepreneurial process of value creation is key.” If it’s messy and uncertain, a little help on finding good next steps for the educator to take is welcome.

MManagement Theory cover

Chopping Away at the Myths Attached to Management Theory

Today we bring you the story behind A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about management theory, a new book by Todd Bridgman and Stephen Cummins


Consumption as Intercultural Communication and Interaction

When was the last time you went out for a Thai meal, got items from the ethnic isle of a supermarket, wore […]

Greyston bakery employees

Let’s Incite Subversively Responsible Management Practices!

According to the author of the book ‘Principles of Management,’ we have to mind the management practices that make and potentially break our world even if, and especially if they seem so mundane and ‘normal.’


Creating Social Value in the Context of Institutional Failure

Although reliance on social networks could supplement some of the deficiencies in formal institutions, they are unlikely to entirely supplant the need for contractual governance mechanisms. We thus sought to understand how multi-stakeholder collaborations can create social value in contexts of institutional failure – or “institutional voids” in international business jargon.



Complexity Theory matrix

View From South Africa: Complexity Theory and University Leadership

Cyrill Walters investigated the current styles of leadership in South African higher education institutions and has developed a model of the primary competencies leaders need.

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Why We Should Abandon ‘Gender Differences in Competition’ to Explain Women’s and Men’s Unequal Position in Work

Have you ever taken a look at some new research and felt — or perhaps known — that the researchers just didn’t […]

Drawing of original mechanical Turk

What Does Trustworthy and Credible MTurk Research Look Like? Recommendations and Checklist

The use of Amazon’s Mechanical Turk in management research has increased from 6 papers in 2012 to 133 in 2019. Given that the practice is rapidly increasing but scholarly opinions diverge, the Journal of Management commissioned this review and consideration of best practices.

Ethics drawing

Future Business Leaders, Ethical Values, and National Economic Freedom: A View from Business Students in Eight Countries

Ethics, goes one line of reasoning, are great for those who can afford them. It’s a cynical view, to be sure, but what effect does the economic terrain affect ethical orientation?

stack of open books

How to Write, Evaluate, and Use Methodological Literature Reviews

Does a checklist of best practices for conducting a methods literature review sound useful? We thought so too.

John Macdonald statue toppling captured by bbc

A Call to Decolonize Business Schools

The authors call for business schools to re-evaluate the symbols we are promoting. Who are we elevating? Which ideologies? Specifically, we ask that business schools do the work to not just Indigenize (add to), but decolonize (unlearn).

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Businesses See the Value of Social Sciences, But Does Higher Education Policy?

The social sciences are recognized for their role in evaluating policy and offering practice-based interventions about ‘what works’. However, they are less […]

Elderly person and caregiver

Innovating Service Design Meant Adding Value at the End of Life

Figuring out how to do service research with a very special population – but one we will all be part of eventually — was a challenge met by the creators of Trajectory Touchpoint Technique.

Hss and STEM scientists hard at work

Social Science, STEM and Career Skills: Not ‘Either/Or’ But ‘Both/And’

As Lina Ashour has recently written, SAGE Publishing has helped make possible a report by the UK’s Campaign for Social Science on […]


Testing-the-Waters Policy With Hypothetical Investment: Evidence From Equity Crowdfunding

While fundraising is time-consuming and entails costs, entrepreneurs might be tempted to “test the water” by simply soliciting investors’ interest before going through the lengthy process. Digitalization of finance has made it possible for small business to run equity crowdfunding campaigns, but also to initiate a TTW process online and quite easily.


Management-by-Generation: Does Your Generation Provide the Answer to How You Should Be Managed?

Establishing management techniques for an age diverse workforce according to their distinct generational characteristics which differentiate their orientations to work is an idea worth examining, argue Cara Reed and Robyn Thomas.

Looking at face in mirror

Instilling a Higher Sense of Purpose in Business Education

For all the talk of social consciousness at academic conferences, personal wealth remains the imprimatur of business success par excellence. How then, we asked ourselves, can business schools expect their students to take ethics and social responsibility truly seriously?

ripples in water

Business and Biodiversity: A View from the Inside

‘Do well by doing good’ is a mantra for management that sounds promising, but is it realistic? In today’s post, Clément Feger, an assistant professor at AgroParisTech and a researcher at Montpellier Recherche en Management at the Université de Montpellier, offers work he did that looks at one company’s efforts to foster sustainability in the environment and the balance sheet, and offers models for others to follow.

world is changing headline

Changing Perspectives, Changing Views: COVID and Agile Organizations

Chris Worley, professor of organizational theory and management at Pepperdine University’s Graziadio Business School, and Claudy Jules, the head Google’s Center of Expertise on Organizational Health and Change, offer context behind their commentary, “COVID-19’s Uncomfortable Revelations About Agile and Sustainable Organizations in a VUCA World,” in the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science.

H1B visa

Integrating Newcomers: Studying the Socialization of Skilled Migrants

Quite often discussions about skilled migrants center on the receiving country’s reaction to the migrants, rather than the experiences of the migrants themselves. In this article from the Journal of Management, Phyllis Tharenou, vice president and executive dean of the College of Business, Government and Law of Flinders University, and Carol T. Kulik, a research professor of human resource management at the University of South Australia Business School, address this absence specifically in the academic management literature.

collaboration defined in dictionary

Collaboration, Coordination and Cooperation Between Organizations

The terms “collaboration,” “coordination” and “cooperation,” write Xavier Castañer and Nuno Oliveira in a recent paper published by the Journal of Management, underpin both the organizations they describe and the study of those organizations, and yet the terms themselves are inconsistently defined and therefore their use can be imprecise or even downright confusing.

Juicero website screen capture

What’s Your Exit Strategy?

Innovation systems that focus solely on exiting and generating investor profits are not designed to help nurture the best innovations for society.

10-year Impact Award graphic

How One Study on Entrepreneurial Orientation Would Impact the Field

Researchers Andreas Rauch, Johan Wiklund, G.T. Lumpkin, and Michael Frese began looking at the connection between business performance and ‘entrepreneurial orientation’—the entrepreneurial governing style of a business. 

Mark Easterby-Smith

Pioneer of Mangement Research Methodology: Mark Easterby-Smith, 1948-2020

Mark Easterby-Smith, a pioneer in the creation of research methodology for management studies and co-author of the foundational text of that field, died on April 15 after a long battle with Parkinson’s disease. He was 72.


Infectious Diseases and Long-Run Innovation Consequences

Today we welcome two scholars from Texas’s Baylor University whose research into how pathogens affect innovation has taken on new prominence in the wake of the current pandemic.


Empty Grocery Shelves! Are Supply Chains Resilient Enough?

Toilet paper shortages, profiteering from hand sanitizer and empty shelves in grocery stores. Thanks to COVID-19, governments in most industrialized nations are […]


A Brief Guide to Eco-Leadership

SAGE author Simon Western has written a guide to eco-leadership, a new leadership paradigm for organizations in the climate emergency. For Academic Book Week, we asked him to present a short guide to its principles.


Unleashing the Opportunity of Research in Latin America

An upward trend in the productivity of Latin American researchers, increased collaboration between them and scholars from other regions, and societal, cultural, and economic characteristics all make Latin America an ideal “natural laboratory” to build and test management theories.


It’s About Time: For Shareholders and Bondholders Alike, Temporal Orientation is What Really Counts

When it comes to supporting long-term value enhancing strategies, the temporal orientation (i.e., whether they are dedicated or transient investors) of both shareholders and bondholders matters much more than the type of security they purchased


Measuring and Modeling the Unobservable

The authors of a recent article in Project Management Journal We believe the implications arising from this recent research have the potential to change the debate regarding the relative merits of the several structural equation modeling methods.


Why Unlearning Matters? How to Unlearn?

The importance of unlearning, or abandoning obsolete beliefs, values, knowledge, and routines, for the growth of both organizations and individuals, is generally well-known in management learning and human resource fields. But it often misses action on the level of the individual.