
Award Recipient Promotes Archives-Centered Educational Opportunities
June 25, 2021

Award Recipient Promotes Archives-Centered Educational Opportunities

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Understanding the Foundations of Customer Engagement
June 22, 2021

Understanding the Foundations of Customer Engagement

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Event: Value of Science: Data, Products and Use
June 21, 2021

Event: Value of Science: Data, Products and Use

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2021 ASA Election Results: New Leadership for 2022
June 3, 2021

2021 ASA Election Results: New Leadership for 2022

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AERA Offers Summer Series of Professional Development Courses

AERA Offers Summer Series of Professional Development Courses

For a second summer, the American Educational Research Association is offering a series of online courses for researchers on using data, software and productivity tools in research.

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Webinars: Connecting Public Scholarship with U.S. Government

Webinars: Connecting Public Scholarship with U.S. Government

This June, the Federation of Associations for Behavioral and Brain Sciences, in collaboration with the Scholars Strategy Network, are offering a webinar series on public scholarship.

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Event: Advancing the Well-Being of LGBTQI+ Populations

Event: Advancing the Well-Being of LGBTQI+ Populations

Join the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine for a free event discussing the report, Understanding the Well-Being of LGBTQI+ Populations. […]

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Duke Policy Professor Wins NSF Early-Career Prize

Duke Policy Professor Wins NSF Early-Career Prize

Nicholas Carnes, a Duke University social scientist and scholar of public policy, is one of two recipients this year of the National Science Foundation’s Waterman Award.

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National Academies Seeks Experts to Assess 2020 U.S. Census

National Academies Seeks Experts to Assess 2020 U.S. Census

The National Academies’ Committee on National Statistics seeks nominations for members of an ad hoc consensus study panel — sponsored by the U.S. Census Bureau — to review and evaluate the quality of the 2020 Census.

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SSRC Names Anna Harvey as Next President

SSRC Names Anna Harvey as Next President

Anna Harvey, founding director of the Public Safety Lab at New York University, has been named the 15th president of the New York-based Social Science Research Council.

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Webinar: Myths and Realities of U.S. Inequalities

Webinar: Myths and Realities of U.S. Inequalities

While poverty and inequality in the United States are appalling realities, it’s safe to say that a substantial body of myth enshrouds the sad facts. Join sociologists Mark Rank and Dawne Mouzon as they lead an hourlong online discussion on “Myths and Realities of U.S. Inequalities.”

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Online Event: A Turning Point for International Climate Policy?

Online Event: A Turning Point for International Climate Policy?

On May 13, from 3 to 4:30 p.m. EDT, the American Academy of Political and Social Science will host an online seminar, co-sponsored by SAGE Publishing, focused on international economic and policy approaches to environmental regulation. “A Turning Point for International Climate Policy? New Approaches to Environmental and Economic Cooperation” features this year’s recipient of the AAPSS Daniel Patrick Moynihan Prize, Nobel-winning economist William Nordhaus.

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