Business and Management INK

Why You Need Twitter In Your Classroom
Business and Management INK
July 1, 2012

Why You Need Twitter In Your Classroom

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Poker: Game of Skill or Chance?
Business and Management INK
June 30, 2012

Poker: Game of Skill or Chance?

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The Key to Attracting Great Employees? Fun!
Business and Management INK
June 29, 2012

The Key to Attracting Great Employees? Fun!

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Publish Your Business Communication Research!
Business and Management INK
June 28, 2012

Publish Your Business Communication Research!

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Climate Change: Is It Too Late?

Climate Change: Is It Too Late?

Editor’s note: Dr. Thomas Sterner, Professor of Environmental Economics at the University of Gothenburg and Visiting Chief Economist at the Environmental Defense […]

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Risky Business: Does ERM Increase Firm Value?

Risky Business: Does ERM Increase Firm Value?

As JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon came under fire for the bank’s $2 billion trading loss, the critical issue of risk management again […]

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Job Satisfaction: Closer Than You Think In Family Business

Job Satisfaction: Closer Than You Think In Family Business

When it comes to job satisfaction, do “family” and “business” seem incompatible to you? A new study in Family Business Review (FBR) […]

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Security Breach: How Managers Should Respond

Security Breach: How Managers Should Respond

After hackers stole millions of LinkedIn passwords this month, resulting in a $5 million class-action lawsuit, the social networking site’s response to […]

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Too Personal For Email?

Too Personal For Email?

There are some things you never want to see in your inbox—a reprimand from your boss, for one—while at other times, email […]

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The Diversity Challenge: Part 5 of 5

The Diversity Challenge: Part 5 of 5

Editor’s note: This post concludes our first diversity series. We’ll be presenting more theme-oriented collections in the coming weeks. Do you have […]

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The Diversity Challenge: Part 4 of 5

The Diversity Challenge: Part 4 of 5

Editor’s note: Today we’re continuing our series on diversity, targeting specific questions to invite discussion and exploration of related topics. If you […]

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The Diversity Challenge: Part 3 of 5

The Diversity Challenge: Part 3 of 5

Editor’s note: Today we’re continuing our series on diversity, targeting specific questions to invite discussion and exploration of related topics. If you […]

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