Business and Management INK

JABS Best Paper Award Winner Announced
Business and Management INK
May 12, 2011

JABS Best Paper Award Winner Announced

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Global Mindset: A Construct Clarification & Framework
Business and Management INK
May 11, 2011

Global Mindset: A Construct Clarification & Framework

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Word of Mouth & New Service Adoption
Business and Management INK
May 9, 2011

Word of Mouth & New Service Adoption

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The Development of Measures for Use in Survey Questionnaires
Business and Management INK
May 5, 2011

The Development of Measures for Use in Survey Questionnaires

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Engagement, Leadership, & Personality

Engagement, Leadership, & Personality

Andrew J. Wefald, Kansas State University, Rebecca J. Reichard and Shawn A. Serrano, both of Claremont Graduate University, recently published “Fitting Engagement […]

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The Ideal Academic Leader

The Ideal Academic Leader

“From the Follower’s Viewpoint: A Configurational Approach to the Ideal Academic Leader,”  by Jack Smothers and Mark N. Bing, the University of Mississippi, Darin White, Samford University, […]

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Managing Voluntary Turnover

Managing Voluntary Turnover

Paul T.Y. Preenen, Irene E. De Pater, Annelies E.M. Vianen, all of University of Amsterdam, and Laura Keijzer, of TNO Quality of Life, collaborated […]

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Flexible Leader Theory & Firm Performance

Flexible Leader Theory & Firm Performance

“Human Capital, Efficiency, and Innovative Adaptation as Strategic Determinants of Firm Performance” by Rubina Mahsud, Gregory E. Prussia, Seattle University, and Gary Yukl, […]

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A Multilevel Systems Model of Leadership

A Multilevel Systems Model of Leadership

Angelo J. Kinicki, Arizona State University, Katherine J.L. Jacobson, University of New Mexico,  Benjamin M. Galvin, University of Washington Bothell, and Gregory E. […]

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The Art of Acquisition Integration

The Art of Acquisition Integration

“Contradiction and Sensemaking in Acquisition Integration“by Samia Chreim and Marzieh Tafagood, University of Ottawa, was published in Online First in  Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. […]

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Property Rights Design and Market Process

Property Rights Design and Market Process

“Property Rights Design and Market Process: Implications for Market Theory, Marketing Theory, and S-D Logic” was recently published in Online First in Journal of […]

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Control Variables in Management Research

Control Variables in Management Research

Guclu Atinc, and Marcia J. Simmering, both of Louisiana Tech University, and Mark J. Kroll, University of Texas at Brownsville, collaborated on “Control […]

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