Business and Management INK

Marketing Journal Rankings
Business and Management INK
February 18, 2011

Marketing Journal Rankings

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Impacts of Economic Crisis on Tourism
Business and Management INK
February 17, 2011

Impacts of Economic Crisis on Tourism

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JME Podcast on Basic Business Lessons
Business and Management INK
February 16, 2011

JME Podcast on Basic Business Lessons

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Rewards for all SAGE Journal Reviewers
Business and Management INK
February 15, 2011

Rewards for all SAGE Journal Reviewers

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Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

“Emotional Intelligence and Transformational and Transactional Leadership: A Meta-Analysis”, by P.D. Harms of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, and Marcus Credé […]

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Team Performance

Team Performance

“When Does Teamwork Translate Into Improved Team Performance? A Resource Allocation Perspective”, by Christopher O.L.H. Porter of Texas A & M, Celile […]

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Tax Preferences for Hybrid Cars

Tax Preferences for Hybrid Cars

“The Incidence of Hybrid Automobile Tax Preferences”, by B. Andrew Chupp of Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois, Katie Myles and E. Frank Stephenson, both […]

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Leadership Development

Leadership Development

“Leadership Development via Action Learning”, by H. Skipton Leonard of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, and Fred Lang of the U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington […]

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Institutional Entrepreneurship

Institutional Entrepreneurship

“The State, Power, and Agency: Missing in Action in Institutional Theory?”, by Stewart Clegg of the University of Technology, Sydney, was one […]

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Workplace Wellness

Workplace Wellness

“Innovations in Workplace Wellness: Six New Tools to Enhance Programs and Maximize Employee Health and Productivity”, by George Thomas DeVries III of […]

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Generational Differences in Work Values

Generational Differences in Work Values

“Generational Differences in Work Values: Leisure and Extrinsic Values Increasing, Social and Intrinsic Values Decreasing”, by Jean M. Twenge of San Diego […]

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Revenue Structure and Nonprofit Borrowing

Revenue Structure and Nonprofit Borrowing

“Revenue Structure and Nonprofit Borrowing”, by Wenli Yan of Indiana University, Bloomington, Dwight V. Denison and J.S. Butler, both of the University […]

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