Business and Management INK

Are Big Tech Companies Bad for Innovation?
Business and Management INK
June 7, 2021

Are Big Tech Companies Bad for Innovation?

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Watch the Webinar: Tourism Management under COVID-19
Business and Management INK
June 2, 2021

Watch the Webinar: Tourism Management under COVID-19

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Oliver Laasch Debut Guest on Business and Management Webinar Series
Business and Management INK
May 28, 2021

Oliver Laasch Debut Guest on Business and Management Webinar Series

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Threading the Needle: Balancing Core Values in Servicescapes
Business and Management INK
May 21, 2021

Threading the Needle: Balancing Core Values in Servicescapes

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Why Don’t Multi-National Initiatives Always Work Equally in All Locations?

Why Don’t Multi-National Initiatives Always Work Equally in All Locations?

The enterprise had experienced governance issues in some territories and efforts to roll out a global ethical conduct program proved less effective in certain parts of the world than in others. This could not just be ascribed to local execution or lack thereof, so I became intrigued to understand and explain this.

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The Insufferable Smugness of Working from Home

The Insufferable Smugness of Working from Home

Back in the day, I attended one of those schools where male character was thought to be formed by endless afternoons of […]

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Writing Scholarly Articles That Get Cited More Than the Competition

Writing Scholarly Articles That Get Cited More Than the Competition

When readers — even academic readers — do not understand an article, they are unlikely to read it, much less absorb it, share it and be influenced by its ideas.

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Love and Justice at the End of Life: Studying Palliative Care in India

Love and Justice at the End of Life: Studying Palliative Care in India

The study shows that transformative service systems have to transcend the narrow confines of markets and seamless resource integration to embrace a dialectic of justice and agape that is marked by unintended consequences, conflicts, and compromises.

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If You Like President Trump, You Probably Won’t Wear a Mask

If You Like President Trump, You Probably Won’t Wear a Mask

We found that not only did approval/liking of President Trump strongly, and positively, predict Americans’ approval of his handling of the pandemic, but it also had significant, negative effects on personal protection behaviors.

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Different Strokes on Transgenerational Entrepreneurship

Different Strokes on Transgenerational Entrepreneurship

The article “Different Strokes for Different Folks: The Roles of Religion and Tradition for Transgenerational Entrepreneurship in Family Businesses”, recently appearing in […]

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Connecting Across Differences with Relational Coordination

Connecting Across Differences with Relational Coordination

Nearly 30 years after the establishment of relational coordination theory, the empirical evidence supporting its use has not yet been synthesized, despite frequently being cited in the literature

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Have You Heard the Latest About Workplace Gossip?

Have You Heard the Latest About Workplace Gossip?

The abstract to the paper, “An Integrative Definition and Framework to Study Gossip” appearing in the journal Group & Organization Management states, “The omnipresence of workplace gossip makes understanding gossip processes imperative to understand social life in organizations.”

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