Business and Management INK

Book Review: Epinets: The Epistemic Structure and Dynamics of Social Networks
December 3, 2015

Book Review: Epinets: The Epistemic Structure and Dynamics of Social Networks

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Environmental Proactivity: An Economic Booster for Firms?
Business and Management INK
December 2, 2015

Environmental Proactivity: An Economic Booster for Firms?

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Introducing the New Editor of World Future Review!
Business and Management INK
December 1, 2015

Introducing the New Editor of World Future Review!

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How Do CEOs Shape Corporate Culture?
Business and Management INK
November 30, 2015

How Do CEOs Shape Corporate Culture?

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Delectable Reads: An Abundance of Book Reviews and Articles About Food

Delectable Reads: An Abundance of Book Reviews and Articles About Food

Still thinking about all of the delicious Thanksgiving food from yesterday? Here is a food-themed collection of book reviews and articles for you to dig […]

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Announcing the Winner of Public Finance Review’s Outstanding Paper Award of 2015

Announcing the Winner of Public Finance Review’s Outstanding Paper Award of 2015

We’re pleased to congratulate Timothy F. Page and Karen Smith Conway, winners of the Outstanding Paper Award of 2015 from Public Finance […]

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Gather Classroom Data and Encourage Learning with the Attendance2 App

Gather Classroom Data and Encourage Learning with the Attendance2 App

[We’re pleased to welcome Cathy Finger of St. Mary’s College. Professor Finger published a review entitled “iOS Application, ‘Attendance2′” in the April 2015 issue […]

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Unequal to the Task: Task Segregation As a Mechanism of Inequality for Women at Work

Unequal to the Task: Task Segregation As a Mechanism of Inequality for Women at Work

Gender inequality studies have long focused on identifying the material disparities between men and women in the workforce, including researching the gender […]

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Journal of Management Education’s Editors on the Invisibility of Reviewers

Journal of Management Education’s Editors on the Invisibility of Reviewers

For reviewers, anonymity can be both a good thing and a bad thing. While anonymous reviews allow reviewer’s freedom to evaluate submissions […]

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Technology Extends Learning and Engagement Outside of the Classroom

Technology Extends Learning and Engagement Outside of the Classroom

[We’re pleased to welcome Gavin Northey of University of Western Sydney. Professor Northey published an article entitled “Increasing Student Engagement Using Asynchronous Learning” […]

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The Business of Bumble Bees: A Look at the Relationship Between Business and Biodiversity Loss

The Business of Bumble Bees: A Look at the Relationship Between Business and Biodiversity Loss

Small though they may be, bumble bees play a large part in the environment. As pollinators, bees assist in the reproductive process […]

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Book Review: How Matter Matters: Objects, Artifacts, and Materiality in Organization Studies

Book Review: How Matter Matters: Objects, Artifacts, and Materiality in Organization Studies

Paul R. Carlile, Davide Nicolini, Ann Langley, Haridmos Tsoukas , eds.: How Matter Matters: Objects, Artifacts, and Materiality in Organization Studies. Oxford: […]

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