Business and Management INK

How Has Retailing Evolved?
Business and Management INK
September 30, 2015

How Has Retailing Evolved?

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Are Authentic Leadership and Fairness Connected?
Business and Management INK
September 28, 2015

Are Authentic Leadership and Fairness Connected?

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How Does Organizational Design Influence the Risk-Taking Perceptions of Managers?
Business and Management INK
September 25, 2015

How Does Organizational Design Influence the Risk-Taking Perceptions of Managers?

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Fostering Shared Leadership in Teams
Business and Management INK
September 23, 2015

Fostering Shared Leadership in Teams

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Congratulations to Family Business Review’s Outstanding Reviewer for 2015!

Congratulations to Family Business Review’s Outstanding Reviewer for 2015!

We’re pleased to congratulate Francesco Barbera, winner of Family Business Review‘s Outstanding Reviewer Award for 2015! Dr. Barbera graciously provided us with […]

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Taking a Closer Look at the Building Blocks of Psychological Contracts

Taking a Closer Look at the Building Blocks of Psychological Contracts

[We’re pleased to welcome Ultan P. Sherman of the University College Cork. Dr. Sherman recently collaborated with Michael J. Morley of the […]

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Using Social Marketing in China to Reduce the Spread of Cysticerosis

Using Social Marketing in China to Reduce the Spread of Cysticerosis

[We’re pleased to welcome Mary Dickey of the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Dr. Dickey recently published “Program Evaluation of a […]

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An Interview With Gareth Morgan on Metaphors in Organization Theory

An Interview With Gareth Morgan on Metaphors in Organization Theory

Well-known for his work in organization theory, Gareth Morgan explored the use of metaphors to help examine organization problems in his 1986 […]

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What Effect Does Status Endowment Have on Customer Loyalty Programs?

What Effect Does Status Endowment Have on Customer Loyalty Programs?

[We’re pleased to welcome Lena Steinhoff of the University of Paderborn in Germany. Dr. Steinhoff recently collaborated with Andreas Eggert of University […]

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Working for a Living – Jobs, Employment, Labor, Economics

Working for a Living – Jobs, Employment, Labor, Economics

Today is the day in the US when we give a shout-out to all those who labor.  The first Labor Day celebration in […]

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When Designing Multiple Channels, Mirror Attributes Matter

When Designing Multiple Channels, Mirror Attributes Matter

[We’re pleased to welcome Maik Hammerschmidt of the University of Göttingen in Germany. Dr. Hammerschmidt recently published an article in the OnlineFirst section of […]

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The Art of Referencing in Scholarly Articles

The Art of Referencing in Scholarly Articles

The reference section of an academic work is more complex than you might think. The references not only provide validity to one’s […]

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