Business and Management INK

Could Smartphones Become a Teaching Tool?
Business and Management INK
April 14, 2014

Could Smartphones Become a Teaching Tool?

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Out of Whack: AQ, PQ, Miscue?
Business and Management INK
April 12, 2014

Out of Whack: AQ, PQ, Miscue?

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A Focus on High-Quality Research
Business and Management INK
April 11, 2014

A Focus on High-Quality Research

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How Are Editorial Boards Comprised for Marketing Journals?
Business and Management INK
April 10, 2014

How Are Editorial Boards Comprised for Marketing Journals?

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How the Internet Has Changed Our Travel Habits

How the Internet Has Changed Our Travel Habits

The World Wide Web celebrated its 25th birthday this year, leaving us to reminisce about what life was like before it. But just […]

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Why Are Some Leaders Selfish?

Why Are Some Leaders Selfish?

Abraham Lincoln once said that if you wanted to test a man’s character, give him power. While one would hope that a […]

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Are Academics Too Serious?

Are Academics Too Serious?

Last December, President Obama said in an interview with talk-show host Steve Harvey that “You can’t take yourself too seriously.” The president went […]

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Out of Whack: A Scene from a Tenure and Promotion Review Committee Meeting

Out of Whack: A Scene from a Tenure and Promotion Review Committee Meeting

[We’re pleased to reproduce Journal of Management Inquiry‘s most recent “Out of Whack” by Charles M. Vance.] Read “Out of Whack” for […]

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Modeling Relational Events

Modeling Relational Events

[Editor’s Note: We are pleased to welcome Eric Quintane who collaborated with Guido Conaldi, Marco Tonellato, and Alessandro Lomi on their paper […]

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How Do Students Choose Colleges?

How Do Students Choose Colleges?

It’s finally spring time! According to the College Board, most high school students take the SAT for the first time in the […]

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Can Virtual Teams Work Together as Well as Traditional Teams?

Can Virtual Teams Work Together as Well as Traditional Teams?

A good team is like a well oiled machine. Members have a collective understanding of what needs to be done and how […]

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Can We Be Happy in a Post-Apocalyptic  World?

Can We Be Happy in a Post-Apocalyptic World?

Scientists predict that in the years to come both temperatures and sea levels could rise, diminishing valuable resources and leaving civilization in […]

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