Business and Management INK

Social Marketing and Health Messages
Business and Management INK
October 18, 2013

Social Marketing and Health Messages

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Economic Ecosystems
Business and Management INK
October 17, 2013

Economic Ecosystems

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More Than a Thousand Words
Business and Management INK
October 16, 2013

More Than a Thousand Words

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JSR Award Winners!
Business and Management INK
October 15, 2013

JSR Award Winners!

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Examination of Strategic Leadership

Examination of Strategic Leadership

Strategic leadership styles and their need for further empirical research is compellingly discussed in the newly published article in Journal of Leadership […]

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All In The Family

All In The Family

It’s not just the relations that make family businesses different from their counterparts. Forced to consider the extensive long-term in a way that’s […]

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Too Lean?

Too Lean?

Companies are constantly looking for new ways to make their daily processes and big projects as efficient as possible. A new practice, Lean […]

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Mindfulness and Selflessness in Care-Giving

Mindfulness and Selflessness in Care-Giving

Every day we must deal with situations that might make us feel anxious or uncomfortable, especially those who work in care-giving settings. […]

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What is Entrepreneurial Capability?

What is Entrepreneurial Capability?

In their recently published article in Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, Sondos G. Abdelgawad, Shaker A. Zahra, Silviya Svejenova and Harry J. Sapienza […]

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Does the US economy face a ‘‘Fiscal Trilemma’’?

Does the US economy face a ‘‘Fiscal Trilemma’’?

Read more in the Special Issue just published in Public Finance Review. Here are some of the questions that the James Alm […]

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Bullying in the Workplace

Bullying in the Workplace

October is Bullying Prevention Awareness Month and unfortunately the workplace is not immune to this form of abuse. We often think of […]

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From the Archive: Flexible Leader Theory & Firm Performance

From the Archive: Flexible Leader Theory & Firm Performance

Today we are re-running one of our most popular posts. “Human Capital, Efficiency, and Innovative Adaptation as Strategic Determinants of Firm Performance” […]

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