Business and Management INK

Making Change Happen: Part 2 of 4
Business and Management INK
January 9, 2013

Making Change Happen: Part 2 of 4

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Making Change Happen: Part 1 of 4
Business and Management INK
January 8, 2013

Making Change Happen: Part 1 of 4

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How Entrepreneurship Evolves
Business and Management INK
January 7, 2013

How Entrepreneurship Evolves

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Doing Business by Respecting the Earth
January 6, 2013

Doing Business by Respecting the Earth

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How Generations Make Travel Decisions

How Generations Make Travel Decisions

When it comes to travel decision-making, how do Baby Boomers, Gen X, and Gen Y compare? The answer is crucial for marketing […]

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Race, Gender, and Communication in the Workplace

Race, Gender, and Communication in the Workplace

Whether a manager is black or white, male or female, the stereotypes that persist in today’s workplace can affect perceptions of managerial […]

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What Really Drives the Research Design?

What Really Drives the Research Design?

Kwok, Linchi (In press). “Exploratory-triangulation design in mixed methods studies:  A case of examining graduating seniors who meet hospitality recruiters’ selection criteria.” […]

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Philip Kotler on Marketing With a Conscience

Philip Kotler on Marketing With a Conscience

In the latest edition of the American Marketing Association’s Marketing News, Philip Kotler, the S.C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International […]

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The New Psychology of Leadership

The New Psychology of Leadership

Ready for a ground-breaking leadership read to start off your new year? Don’t miss Administrative Science Quarterly’s review of “The New Psychology […]

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Top INK Posts of 2012

Top INK Posts of 2012

Happy New Year’s Eve! To celebrate the last day of 2012, we’ve highlighted a few of our popular posts from this year. […]

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Book Review: Wins, Losses, and Empty Seats

Book Review: Wins, Losses, and Empty Seats

Michael Bradley of UMBC, Baltimore reviewed David George Surdam’s book “Wins, Losses, and Empty Seats: How Baseball Outlasted the Great Depression” in […]

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Institutional Work in ‘The Wire’

Institutional Work in ‘The Wire’

What does the HBO TV series The Wire have to do with institutional work? Mike Zundel and Robin Holt of the University […]

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