
Learn From COVID-19 Myths – Don’t Just Debunk Them
March 20, 2020

Learn From COVID-19 Myths – Don’t Just Debunk Them

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Breaking Bad News: How to Talk With the Misinformed
March 17, 2020

Breaking Bad News: How to Talk With the Misinformed

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When Updates End
March 9, 2020

When Updates End

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Academic Writing Needs More from Me, Myself and I
March 5, 2020

Academic Writing Needs More from Me, Myself and I

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A Renaissance Primer on Academic Writing

A Renaissance Primer on Academic Writing

Stoyan V. Sgourev, possibly the only management professor teaching (and indulging in) art history, argues that many of the key principles that guided the evolution of painting during the Italian Renaissance can be usefully applied to the domain of academic writing. Leonardo quite likely never intended to articulate advice on writing as an intellectual activity, but Stoyan borrows generously from his style and writings in formulating a number of basic principles that can help connect with the reader in a similar way to his paintings.

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Jargon May Be Even Worse for Communicating Complexity Than You Thought

Jargon May Be Even Worse for Communicating Complexity Than You Thought

Jargon, a specialized language or set of expressions used by a specific group, is by its nature exclusionary, so it’s likely no surprise that scientific, technical or legal jargon may leave outsiders in the cold. A series of studies from researchers at Ohio State University suggests that jargon may turn off people well beyond an offending passage, and that one popular way to soften any harm – using jargon but immediately defining it – may not work.

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Making Sense of Data in the 2019 General Election

Making Sense of Data in the 2019 General Election

Statistics are not the final objective answer to things. They can be interpreted in lots of different ways, even when none of those ways is wrong per se. That opens up a space for public debate, which is good news, but it also opens up a space where statistics can either be lauded as the truth (when they are not), or dismissed out of hand as ‘biased’.

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Sizing Up a ‘One Size Does Not Fit All’ Mass Media

Sizing Up a ‘One Size Does Not Fit All’ Mass Media

If you were going to create an encyclopedia about “mass media,” your first task likely would be to define both words in the term. Doing so was immeasurably easier in the 1920s, when the term “mass media” first started making the rounds, but it’s grown corresponding harder as both the popular conception of ‘mass’ has mutated and the very media itself has evolved from purely paper to heavily broadcast to OMG online.

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‘The Old Models Are Not Working’: A Librarian on the New Big Deal

‘The Old Models Are Not Working’: A Librarian on the New Big Deal

The academic publishing paradigm is changing, driven in large part by calls for open access to publicly funded research. In this second of two parts, the university librarian for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill explains the thinking behind of a pilot program UNC inked with a major academic publisher.

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Anatomy of the New Big Deal in an Open Access Age

Anatomy of the New Big Deal in an Open Access Age

The academic publishing paradigm is changing, driven in large part by calls for open access to publicly funded research. In this first of two parts, SAGE Publishing’s vice president of open research explains the genesis of a pilot program his company has inked with a major U.S. research university.

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Textbook Merger Papers Over One Learning Benefit

Textbook Merger Papers Over One Learning Benefit

As the educational reading landscape shifts to digital, Naomi Baron argues we must find proven strategies to help students become more aware of the best ways to read and study online – especially as regular printed textbooks gradually begin to disappear.

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Plenary + Panel Conferences Don’t Have to Be (So) Painful

Plenary + Panel Conferences Don’t Have to Be (So) Painful

The default format for most academic conferences is a plenary followed by panel presentations. If we can’t revolutionize conference design, we can at least consider Duncan Green’s seven tips for improvement (electric shocks optional).

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