
Stale to Stellar: The Truth Behind Creating an Engaging Webinar
October 8, 2020

Stale to Stellar: The Truth Behind Creating an Engaging Webinar

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Can Action-Oriented Research Help Social Science Be More Relevant?
October 1, 2020

Can Action-Oriented Research Help Social Science Be More Relevant?

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Making a Modern Encyclopedia Into a Tool for Lifelong Learning
September 11, 2020

Making a Modern Encyclopedia Into a Tool for Lifelong Learning

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5 Ways To Make Your Writing Assignments Better
August 13, 2020

5 Ways To Make Your Writing Assignments Better

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National Academies Taps Social Science Expertise for Policy-Maker Use

National Academies Taps Social Science Expertise for Policy-Maker Use

While hopes for a medical answer to the current COVID-19 remain strong, the reality is that social, behavioral and economic science drives […]

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Digital Overload and the Nostalgic Joys of Analog

Digital Overload and the Nostalgic Joys of Analog

As a global pandemic leaves many drowning in the digital, the pleasures of our analog past are ripe for re-discovery. This post from Kip Jones recounts his feelings about the joys of physical media.

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They Don’t Want You to Know That Not All Conspiracy Theories Should Be Treated the Same

They Don’t Want You to Know That Not All Conspiracy Theories Should Be Treated the Same

Ever since the coronavirus spread across the world, suspicions have proliferated about what is really going on. Questions arose about the origins […]

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How Can Wise Graphics Use Cut Through the Complexity of COVID-19?

How Can Wise Graphics Use Cut Through the Complexity of COVID-19?

Editor’s Note: If you’re curious about the ways in which data visualization and graph use can generate impact with regard to the […]

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In Search of Today’s Fannie Lou Hamers and Martin Luther Kings

In Search of Today’s Fannie Lou Hamers and Martin Luther Kings

Vincent Adejumo says that his scholarship in the discipline of black politics can explain why there aren’t any national African American leaders at this moment, filling roles like Martin Luther King Jr., Fannie Lou Hamer and others once did.

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The Virtue of Checking Documentation: You Never Know What You Will Find

The Virtue of Checking Documentation: You Never Know What You Will Find

New revelations about the influential ‘Being Sane in Insane Places’ experiment by David Rosenhan provide a valuable lesson for other social scientists. You never know what you will find once you begin fact-checking sources against available documentation.

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We Know Little About How Data Viz Affects Our COVID Perceptions

We Know Little About How Data Viz Affects Our COVID Perceptions

The language of data visualisation has become commonplace, and data visualisations are widely used to communicate about the pandemic to the public. However, as Helen Kennedy observes, their power to influence the public is still little understood.

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Ken Prewitt Wants to Retrofit The Social Sciences

Ken Prewitt Wants to Retrofit The Social Sciences

“In a world facing many complex, formidable problems,” Kenneth Prewitt asks, “how can the social sciences become a decisive force for human […]

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