
Open Writing is the Necessary Precursor to Open Science
November 18, 2016

Open Writing is the Necessary Precursor to Open Science

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Inaugural Nine Dots Prize Seeks Answers to Wicked Problems
October 20, 2016

Inaugural Nine Dots Prize Seeks Answers to Wicked Problems

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Archived Webinar: Librarians and the Freedom to Read
October 10, 2016

Archived Webinar: Librarians and the Freedom to Read

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The Financialisation of Academic Knowledge Production
Academic Funding
October 5, 2016

The Financialisation of Academic Knowledge Production

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Archived Webinar: Fostering a Scientifically Informed Populace

Archived Webinar: Fostering a Scientifically Informed Populace

Two scholars who investigate how the public learns about science and then chooses to trust it (or not) address that question in this hour-long webinar sponsored by the journal ‘Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences’ and its parent organization, the Federation of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences.

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A Cautionary Tale in the Quest for Novelty

A Cautionary Tale in the Quest for Novelty

Novel breakthroughs in research can have a dramatic impact on scientific discovery but face some distinct disadvantages in getting wider recognition and are often cited as a plus in getting published. But new findings suggest an inherent bias in bibliometric measures against novel research.

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Back to School – ABCs

Back to School – ABCs

Just in time for the first days of school, Michelle Stack offers an A-to-Z lesson in concepts that should be packed in every university-level schoolbag.

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One Strategy Does Not Fit All: A Look at Impression Management

One Strategy Does Not Fit All: A Look at Impression Management

Impression management describes the act of trying to control the first impression someone might have of an individual. It refers to shaping […]

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Illustrating the Intricacies of Team Communication

Illustrating the Intricacies of Team Communication

Illustrating communication and conversation in organizational teams is easier than it seems–all you need is a ball of string. The recent Management Teaching […]

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Harvesting the Opportunities in Psychology, Open Science and Government

Harvesting the Opportunities in Psychology, Open Science and Government

In this column from the Association for Psychological Science, David Yokum, a leader of the Obama administration’s Social and Behavioral Sciences Team, details what that nudge team has been doing.

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Social Networking Sites as an Emerging Organizational Form

Social Networking Sites as an Emerging Organizational Form

Because the landscape of the digital industry is always changing, its organizational structures have to be more malleable in form; the development […]

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African Academics Prey to (Academic Journal) Predators

African Academics Prey to (Academic Journal) Predators

In the past few years there has been an insidious rise in predatory journals and publishers, notes Adele Thomas, and African academics have not been immune to their predation.

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