
Facing Ugly Truths: A Sense About Science Lecture
October 6, 2015

Facing Ugly Truths: A Sense About Science Lecture

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Reversing Academe’s Sometimes Perverse Incentives
September 29, 2015

Reversing Academe’s Sometimes Perverse Incentives

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Data Sharing in Historical Perspective
September 23, 2015

Data Sharing in Historical Perspective

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Why Did the Proton Cross the Road? Humor and Science Communication
September 10, 2015

Why Did the Proton Cross the Road? Humor and Science Communication

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Round-up of Social Science Research

Round-up of Social Science Research

  The following articles are drawn from SAGE Insight, which spotlights research published in SAGE’s more than 800 journals. The articles linked below are […]

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Survey Finds Scholars’ Perception of OA Improving

Survey Finds Scholars’ Perception of OA Improving

The head of insights at Nature Publishing Group and Palgrave Macmillan shares findings from a recent survey of authors that finds few researchers are now unaware of open access, but their perceptions of quality still remain a significant barrier to further OA involvement.

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Please Follow the Golden Rule for Peer Review

Please Follow the Golden Rule for Peer Review

Few peer reviewers are provided with any training or mentoring on how to undertake a review, and generally learn by doing. Sometimes, though, it’s hard to navigate the line between being both critical and supportive.

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Here Be Dragons: The Perils of Predatory Publishing

Here Be Dragons: The Perils of Predatory Publishing

The need to ‘publish of perish’ may send many academics adrift in unknown and dangerous waters of the predatory and vanity journals. It’s worth keeping a weather eye before sailing over the edge.

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Let’s Un-Invite the Idea of Disinvitations

Let’s Un-Invite the Idea of Disinvitations

When people with well-known, if controversial, ideas are disinvited from speaking engagements just because those known views bother some people who know how to send email or to tweet, something is very wrong, argues Russell Blackford.

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Round-up of Social Science Research

Round-up of Social Science Research

The following articles are drawn from SAGE Insight, which spotlights research published in SAGE’s more than 800 journals. The articles linked below are free […]

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Lessons from the LaCour Retraction

Lessons from the LaCour Retraction

We need honest researchers who monitor their own behavior; we need to have scrutiny by other researchers in the field; and we need an engaged public. But what do we have, asks Judith Stark.

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Authors, Academics Join to Support Academic Freedom

Authors, Academics Join to Support Academic Freedom

Leading academics and influential authors worldwide have signaled their concern by signing a statement backing academic freedom as a special issue of ‘Index on Censorship’ examines the threats facing universities.

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