
Round-up of Social Science Research
November 4, 2014

Round-up of Social Science Research

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Round-up of Social Science Research
November 4, 2014

Round-up of Social Science Research

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The Maddox Winners: Promoting Good Science Can Be a Contact Sport
October 28, 2014

The Maddox Winners: Promoting Good Science Can Be a Contact Sport

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How Do You Say, ‘Read Me?’ Or Choosing Keywords to Retrieve Information
October 21, 2014

How Do You Say, ‘Read Me?’ Or Choosing Keywords to Retrieve Information

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Tweet Nothings? Academic Freedom and Private Rants

Tweet Nothings? Academic Freedom and Private Rants

At what point to private (and perhaps unpalatable) opinions expressed off-campus impinge on a scholar’s employment? This abstract question has been made concrete in two recent cases.

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Building Buzz Really Is a Good Career Move

Building Buzz Really Is a Good Career Move

Tweeting and talking to reporters sure must be a good thing for boosting buzz about researchers’ work and then ultimately their careers, right? A new study says absolutely, but it also questions the benefits of some other career-boosting activities.

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It Matters When Science is Misunderstood

It Matters When Science is Misunderstood

A much-shared screed against various types of science –including, predictably, most social science–has James Dyke scratching his head and quoting Wolfgang Pauli: ‘This isn’t right. This isn’t even wrong.’

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Start Making Sense: Sense About Science Coming to US

Start Making Sense: Sense About Science Coming to US

The British-based nonprofit that helps the public understand the barrage of research data encountered routinely is starting a similar effort in the United States.

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Social Science in the News

Social Science in the News

Making Social Science Relevant Again: Engaging Students Through Wicked Problems From Big Think The most frequently voiced criticisms of higher education is that […]

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Leveling the Career Playing Field … with Audio

Leveling the Career Playing Field … with Audio

Viva Voce is a website platform that allows social science researchers to set up five minute podcasts about their research.
Gemma Sou argues podcasts are an ideal medium for early career researchers as social media tend to mirror the academic environment, with CV-like publication lists and stratified networks. By literally giving researchers a voice, findings can be brought to life and a more level playing field for researchers can be established.

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My Experiences Launching an Open Access Journal

My Experiences Launching an Open Access Journal

While preparing for a panel on the subject at APSA this week, political scientist Erik Voeten looks over the launch of the open access and peer-reviewed journal ‘Research & Politics’ and discusses the opportunities and challenges of this kind of publishing.

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L’affaire Salaita: Can Activism Go a Tweet Too Far?

L’affaire Salaita: Can Activism Go a Tweet Too Far?

Social media allows scholars to discuss and debate current affairs like never before, but on a very public stage. Brent E. Sasley and Mira Sucharov examine and assess one academic’s tweets on the Israel-Gaza crisis and the questions raised over his style and approach.

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