
Publiscize: Instant Outreach in the First Person
August 12, 2014

Publiscize: Instant Outreach in the First Person

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Read the Award-Winning Article from Organization and Environment!
Business and Management INK
August 8, 2014

Read the Award-Winning Article from Organization and Environment!

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Round-up of Social Science Research
August 1, 2014

Round-up of Social Science Research

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Diets on the Internet: You Might as Well Make Them Up
August 1, 2014

Diets on the Internet: You Might as Well Make Them Up

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Should Self-Citation Count?

Should Self-Citation Count?

There has been much discussion over how useful citation metrics, like Google Scholar’s H-index, really are and to what extent they can be gamed. Specifically there appears to be concern over the practice of self-citation as it varies widely between disciplines. So what should academics make of self-citations? Referring back to our Handbook on Maximising the Impact of Your Research, the Public Policy Group assess the key issues and advise that self-citations by researchers and teams are a perfectly legitimate and relevant aspect of disciplinary practice. But individuals should take care to ensure their own self-citation rate is not above the average for their particular discipline.

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Beating the Flawed Metric That Rules Science

Beating the Flawed Metric That Rules Science

The perceived importance of a scientific paper should reflect the deepest wisdom of the scientific community, argues Nikolaus Kriegeskorte, rather than the judgments of three anonymous peer reviewers. So where does that leave ‘impact factor’?

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Viva Voce Podcasts: What You Do, Not What You’ve Done

Viva Voce Podcasts: What You Do, Not What You’ve Done

Make an impact! make an impact! Early career social scientists here that refrain all the time. Gemma Sou cast around for a way to give her colleagues a voice in that quest, and hit upon podcasts.

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How Concerned Should We Be About Gaming Altmetrics?

How Concerned Should We Be About Gaming Altmetrics?

Kim Holmberg argues altmetrics have exciting potential for measuring the impact of public outreach. But where do we draw the line between promoting our own work and gaming the altmetrics?

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What Do Rising Retraction Rates Mean for Peer Review?

What Do Rising Retraction Rates Mean for Peer Review?

Could the increasing number of retractions in quality journals be a sign that its time to embrace post-publication open evaluation as a corrective to pre-publication peer review?

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The Economist as Rock Star

The Economist as Rock Star

‘Rock stars’ are people whose work has incredible public influence, and/or incredible influence on public perception of economic thinking such that they become a by-word for the credibility of ideas.

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Round-up of Social Science Research

Round-up of Social Science Research

The following articles are drawn from SAGE Insight, which spotlights research published in SAGE’s more than 700 journals. The articles linked below are free […]

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Taking the Measure of Your Data, Software, Posters, Etc.

Taking the Measure of Your Data, Software, Posters, Etc.

There are ways to learn about the impact of the all the collateral material that signify an academic career. If only there were some sort of ‘ultimate guide’ to show how …

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