
10 Takeaways on the Academy’s Digital Trust Issues
May 2, 2014

10 Takeaways on the Academy’s Digital Trust Issues

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Universities a Safe Home for Ideas – But Only Safe Ideas
April 29, 2014

Universities a Safe Home for Ideas – But Only Safe Ideas

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How Few Papers Ever Get Cited? It’s Bad, But Not THAT Bad
April 28, 2014

How Few Papers Ever Get Cited? It’s Bad, But Not THAT Bad

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Grabbing the Academic Reader’s Attention – By Design
April 24, 2014

Grabbing the Academic Reader’s Attention – By Design

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How Does False Information Spread Online?

How Does False Information Spread Online?

There’s lots and lots (and lots) of information pumping through the internet. This, argues Farida Vis, makes it doubly important to verify what’s out there and then determine how to deal with the patently false.

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PoliSci Publishing Has a Need for Speed

PoliSci Publishing Has a Need for Speed

Editors of the recently launched journal Research and Politics argue publishing in political science requires a reboot. Time lags in conventional publishing and the limited accessibility of articles can undermine researchers’ attempts to maximize the impact of their work.

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Sense About Science and NHS Choices Launch New Online Forum

Sense About Science and NHS Choices Launch New Online Forum

Sense About Science has teamed up with NHS Choices Behind the Headlines to help people better understand the science behind health claims […]

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Round-up of Social Science Research

Round-up of Social Science Research

The following articles are  drawn from SAGE Insight, which spotlights research published in SAGE’s more than 700 journals. The article linked to below […]

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The Quest for Impact: The Case of Academic History

The Quest for Impact: The Case of Academic History

One of the benefits of ostensibly narrow academic pursuits is how their resulting scholarship can inform the work of more widely lauded popularizers and public intellectuals.

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Meet Dinglebat, P. Brain and Nutter: The Academics in Kid’s Picture Books

Meet Dinglebat, P. Brain and Nutter: The Academics in Kid’s Picture Books

Academics in children’s picture books tend to be elderly, old men, who work in science, called Professor SomethingDumb. Michelle Terras argues it matters if children are shown that researchers are male, mad and muddleheaded.

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Weekly Overview of Social Science News

Weekly Overview of Social Science News

Makerere Social Science dons end strike New Vision MAKERERE University lecturers at the School of Social Sciences Wednesday returned to class, a […]

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Round-up of Social Science Research

Round-up of Social Science Research

The following article is drawn from SAGE Insight, which spotlights research published in SAGE’s more than 700 journals. The article linked to below […]

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