
Campus Free Speech, Online?
July 1, 2021

Campus Free Speech, Online?

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Report: Putting the Academic Freedom Index into Action
June 29, 2021

Report: Putting the Academic Freedom Index into Action

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How Will COVID-19 Affect Academic Freedom?
June 28, 2021

How Will COVID-19 Affect Academic Freedom?

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Marking the First Decade of the First Social Science Megajournal
Open Access
June 21, 2021

Marking the First Decade of the First Social Science Megajournal

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Should We Mandate a Course in Ethics for All Research-Based PhD Candidates?

Should We Mandate a Course in Ethics for All Research-Based PhD Candidates?

The Indian University Grants Commission (UGC) has introduced a number of policies aimed at addressing issues around the robustness and quality of Indian research. One focus of these policies has been the introduction of mandatory publishing ethics training for Indian PhD students aimed at reducing unethical or predatory research and publishing practices. In this blogpost, Santosh C. Hulagabali, reflects on the successful development of this course in his own institution and how ethical training may influence scholarly communication more broadly in India.

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Paths from a PhD to the Private Sector

Paths from a PhD to the Private Sector

The impact of the pandemic on all sectors is only beginning to emerge and given the need for greater flexibility, adaptability and […]

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Publishers: Changing the Names of Trans People in Their Own Work is Not Enough

Publishers: Changing the Names of Trans People in Their Own Work is Not Enough

Theresa Jane Tanenbaum argues that publishers must commit to correcting all of their records when a scholar changes their name and not just the ones that are easy to correct.

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Is Science Communication Training Worth the Candle?

Is Science Communication Training Worth the Candle?

Most science communication training programs query participants and get positive responses. But more probing research has shown that students consistently overestimate how well they perform.

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Why Social Science? Leaders Need to Know How to Lead with Evidence

Why Social Science? Leaders Need to Know How to Lead with Evidence

Being bad at math can kill people. Even experts who should understand medical science and help us make good health decisions sometimes […]

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Aussie Study Argues Book Publishing Sidelined in Ranking Universities

Aussie Study Argues Book Publishing Sidelined in Ranking Universities

Academic book publishing is under threat. Global university rankings and competition for funding and international student enrolments are reshaping the research landscape. […]

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A Micro Syllabus on Asian American Experiences and Politics

A Micro Syllabus on Asian American Experiences and Politics

Un-modeling the ‘model minority’ — a term often used to describe Asian American populations in the United States — is a crucial […]

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Should We Be Concerned that Data Journalists Are Doing Science Now?

Should We Be Concerned that Data Journalists Are Doing Science Now?

Gone are the days when science journalism was like sports journalism, where the action was watched from the press box and simply conveyed. News outlets have stepped onto the field. They are doing the science themselves.

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