
Thinking of Taking an Academic Job in China? Better Think Twice
Higher Education Reform
July 30, 2020

Thinking of Taking an Academic Job in China? Better Think Twice

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A Giant in Mentoring Political Leaders: Lucius Barker, 1928-2020
July 2, 2020

A Giant in Mentoring Political Leaders: Lucius Barker, 1928-2020

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10 Tips for Spotting Misinformation Online
June 24, 2020

10 Tips for Spotting Misinformation Online

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Book Review: The Scopus Diaries and the (Il)Logics of Academic Survival
May 19, 2020

Book Review: The Scopus Diaries and the (Il)Logics of Academic Survival

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Carnegie Names 2020 Fellows

Carnegie Names 2020 Fellows

Earlier this week the Carnegie Corporation of New York named the 2020 class of 27 Andrew Carnegie Fellows. Each fellow will receive $200,000 to go toward scholarly research over the next two years in the humanities and social sciences that addresses important and enduring issues confronting our society. The anticipated result of each award is a book or major study.

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British Academy Report Finds HSS Graduates Resilient in Economic Downturns

British Academy Report Finds HSS Graduates Resilient in Economic Downturns

A new report from the British Academy offers a reassuring message to the humanities and social science community: Graduates in the arts, humanities and social sciences in the United Kingdom are as resilient to economic upheaval as other graduates and are just as likely to remain employed as STEM graduates during downturns.

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AERA Offering Methods, Comms Professional Development Series

AERA Offering Methods, Comms Professional Development Series

Even amid a pandemic academics have an ongoing need and desire for professional development, and the American Educational Research Association has responded by offering a virtual academy. The Virtual Research Learning Series offers nine four-hour courses, the first starting on May 19 and the ninth in mid-September.

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CASBS Names 38 to 2020-21 Fellows Class

CASBS Names 38 to 2020-21 Fellows Class

The Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS) at Stanford University has named 38 scholars, representing 20 U.S. institutions and 11 international institutions and programs, to its 2020-21 class of fellows.

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Pioneer of Mangement Research Methodology: Mark Easterby-Smith, 1948-2020

Pioneer of Mangement Research Methodology: Mark Easterby-Smith, 1948-2020

Mark Easterby-Smith, a pioneer in the creation of research methodology for management studies and co-author of the foundational text of that field, died on April 15 after a long battle with Parkinson’s disease. He was 72.

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What’s That, You Want to Run an Online Experiment?

What’s That, You Want to Run an Online Experiment?

This post will explore some of the tools and platforms that can help with a key stage of the online research process: creating your survey or experiment. Specifically, we’ll be looking at options for running online experiments, with a slight focus on the more complex platforms – those designed to collect reaction time data (e.g., cognitive tasks), or to deliver complex experimental paradigms with a range of response types. We’ll examine the pros and cons of Qualtrics, Gorilla, Inquisit Web, as well as the good old DIY approach.

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Bringing Realism to Criminology: Roger Matthews, 1948-2020

Bringing Realism to Criminology: Roger Matthews, 1948-2020

Roger Matthews, one a group of influential British criminologists who challenged both the dominant rightist “administrative” conception of law and order and what they viewed an idealistic perspective of crime from the left, has died from the effects of the coronavirus.

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Ken Prewitt Wants to Retrofit The Social Sciences

Ken Prewitt Wants to Retrofit The Social Sciences

“In a world facing many complex, formidable problems,” Kenneth Prewitt asks, “how can the social sciences become a decisive force for human […]

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