
Philosopher of Psychology: Rom Harré, 1927-2019
October 22, 2019

Philosopher of Psychology: Rom Harré, 1927-2019

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Plenary + Panel Conferences Don’t Have to Be (So) Painful
October 17, 2019

Plenary + Panel Conferences Don’t Have to Be (So) Painful

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Duffy to Head UK Campaign as Wilsdon Leads Research on Research Institute
October 2, 2019

Duffy to Head UK Campaign as Wilsdon Leads Research on Research Institute

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Don’t Just Publish and Hope – Get Creative to Have Impact
Academic Funding
October 2, 2019

Don’t Just Publish and Hope – Get Creative to Have Impact

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The Academic Conference – and its Discontents

The Academic Conference – and its Discontents

Individuals find it harder to cover conference costs – and departments or research groups have fewer resources to support them. It is not hard to see why there is a sense of grievance. On the other hand, it is not so easy to see what can be done.

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In Praise of Becoming a ‘Slow Professor’

In Praise of Becoming a ‘Slow Professor’

After a friend gave the reviewer a copy of ‘The Slow Professor: Challenging the Culture of Speed in the Academy’ by Maggie Berg and Barbara K. Seeber, it gave him lots of food for thought: Working at a university, after several years of postdoctoral fellowships, why, indeed, not slow down?

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Chronicler of a Generation’s Spirituality: Wade Clark Roof, 1949-2019

Chronicler of a Generation’s Spirituality: Wade Clark Roof, 1949-2019

Wade Clark Roof, a sociologist of religion whose work examined the evolving spirituality of the Baby Boomer generation in such words as A Generation of Seekers, has died.

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International Students in China: Divergent Journeys and Multidimensional Lives

International Students in China: Divergent Journeys and Multidimensional Lives

Mengwei Tu, a lecturer in sociology at East China University of Science and Technology, describes her encounters with two postgraduate students from Pakistan. They highlight both China’s potential to become an attractive destination for international students and the difficulties involved in the internationalization of a society that was isolated from the outside world for much of its recent history.

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ESRC’s Effort to Develop Leadership in the Social Sciences: A Hunt for Unicorns?

ESRC’s Effort to Develop Leadership in the Social Sciences: A Hunt for Unicorns?

Surely preparing Britain’s social science community to take the lead in a future of global and interdisciplinary team research isn’t a quest for a mythical beast? Matt Flinders, who heads an ESRC project trying to nurture that leadership, doesn’t think so – but he understands why someone might think it is.

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The Practice-Research Bridge: Do Marketing Practitioners Read Academic Research?

The Practice-Research Bridge: Do Marketing Practitioners Read Academic Research?

At the Winter Academic Conference of the American Marketing Association, four Austin, Texas-based marketing professionals discussed how they stay up-to-date on the latest marketing strategies and research, the place of research-based recommendations over others, and tips for researchers who want to make an impact in practice.

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Better lives with better toilets: An ESRC Better Lives Essay

Better lives with better toilets: An ESRC Better Lives Essay

Ian Ross is a development economist at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, where his studies and work as a research degree student focuses on the financing of water, sanitation and hygiene, or WASH, services. His PhD topic, and doctoral studentship from the Economic and Social Research Council, looks at cost-effectiveness of sanitation in Maputo, Mozambique, and one aspect on this is also the subject of this co-winning essay from the ESRC Better Lives Writing Competition. The competition asked PhD students who have received money from the ESRC write short essays about how their research leads too better lives.

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Notes on a G-string: An ESRC Better Lives Essay

Notes on a G-string: An ESRC Better Lives Essay

Rosie Cowan ticked numerous beats in her journalism career: politics for the Press Association, business for The Belfast Telegraph, and Ireland and later crime for the Guardian. Now a postgraduate research student in the School of Law at Queen’s University Belfast, she displays both her subject-matter expertise and writing skills in this co-winning essay from the ESRC Better Lives Writing Competition. The competition asked PhD students who have received money from the ESRC write short essays about how their research leads too better lives.

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