
Watching China Watching Its Students Overseas
Public Policy
July 15, 2021

Watching China Watching Its Students Overseas

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Should We Mandate a Course in Ethics for All Research-Based PhD Candidates?
June 11, 2021

Should We Mandate a Course in Ethics for All Research-Based PhD Candidates?

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Why Don’t Multi-National Initiatives Always Work Equally in All Locations?
Business and Management INK
May 19, 2021

Why Don’t Multi-National Initiatives Always Work Equally in All Locations?

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The Insufferable Smugness of Working from Home
Business and Management INK
May 17, 2021

The Insufferable Smugness of Working from Home

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Quick Tips on Being an Ethical Co-Writer

Quick Tips on Being an Ethical Co-Writer

Co-authorship is now for many social science disciplines the default mode of academic authorship. Reflecting on this, Helen Kara provides insights and advice for authors looking to co-write and co-publish in an ethical way.

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What a Chastened Discipline Can Teach All of Social Science About Open Science

What a Chastened Discipline Can Teach All of Social Science About Open Science

A new article in PS: Political Science & Politics analyses psychological science in the aftermath of a “replication crisis” and “credibility revolution” and explicitly examines “what social scientists can learn from this story.”

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Integrity at a Crossroads: Protecting U.S. Science From the Next Trump

Integrity at a Crossroads: Protecting U.S. Science From the Next Trump

How can we ensure that, when power shifts again, the U.S. government remains fundamentally grounded in empirical reality and committed to pursuing policies that are informed by the best available science?

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Overconsumption or a Move Towards Minimalism?

Overconsumption or a Move Towards Minimalism?

(Over)consumption, climate change and working from home. These are a few of the concerns at the forefront of consumers’ minds and three […]

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Webinar: Research Ethics in Practice

Webinar: Research Ethics in Practice

Ethical research involves much more than a pre-study review or forms to explain how the study adheres to the institution’s rules about […]

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Journalism vs. Ethnography: Checking the Facts

Journalism vs. Ethnography: Checking the Facts

While journalism might at times be seen as a sort of ‘ethnography lite,’ when it comes to checking out the field reporter’s facts it’s much more of a heavy hitter.

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Why Social Science? With Prevalent Misogyny, Women Still Don’t ‘Rule’ Equally to Men

Why Social Science? With Prevalent Misogyny, Women Still Don’t ‘Rule’ Equally to Men

Fifty years after Ruth Bader Ginsberg worked to secure constitutional equality for women, misogyny is still alive and well in the American […]

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Academic Freedom Includes the Responsibility to Act Ethically

Academic Freedom Includes the Responsibility to Act Ethically

Academic freedom is only one wing by which the academy flies, says Jimi Adesina. The other is the duty of scholars to act ethically and responsibly.

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