Higher Education Reform

Junior Scientists are Often Underused as Peer Reviewers
Higher Education Reform
November 20, 2019

Junior Scientists are Often Underused as Peer Reviewers

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The Perils of Industry Funded Research
Academic Funding
November 4, 2019

The Perils of Industry Funded Research

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More Must be Done to Preserve the Freedom to Research
Higher Education Reform
October 31, 2019

More Must be Done to Preserve the Freedom to Research

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Defending Increasingly Threatened Academic Freedoms Globally
Higher Education Reform
October 30, 2019

Defending Increasingly Threatened Academic Freedoms Globally

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If Academic Freedom is Suppressed There, How Do We Act Here?

If Academic Freedom is Suppressed There, How Do We Act Here?

New bans and restrictions of research and teaching on topics such as constitutionalism and civil society have impeded independent scholarship in China. How should universities and academics outside of China react?

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Student Success from the Perspective of Students Themselves

Student Success from the Perspective of Students Themselves

The Community College Libraries and Academic Support for Student Success project examines student success from the perspectives of the students themselves, the challenges they face in achieving it, and the services they think might effectively support them in their attainment of success. Given that three quarters of students surveyed also have jobs, when students’ needs aren’t met in their everyday lives, their academic performances suffer.

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University Rankings Distract From Higher-Education Reform

University Rankings Distract From Higher-Education Reform

University rankings might claim to provide an index through which students, faculty, and the general public might ascertain a number of things: the quality of education provided by an institution, the potential for networking at an institution, the breadth and depth of research being performed at an institution, and more. The institutional quest towards topping the university rankings can, however, derail efforts towards the improvement of society and higher education at large.

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ESRC’s Effort to Develop Leadership in the Social Sciences: A Hunt for Unicorns?

ESRC’s Effort to Develop Leadership in the Social Sciences: A Hunt for Unicorns?

Surely preparing Britain’s social science community to take the lead in a future of global and interdisciplinary team research isn’t a quest for a mythical beast? Matt Flinders, who heads an ESRC project trying to nurture that leadership, doesn’t think so – but he understands why someone might think it is.

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Which Public Universities Get Buckets of Private Money?

Which Public Universities Get Buckets of Private Money?

Even as government spending per-student for higher education institutions has been faltering in the United States, private money has been flowing in. But not all public institutions are getting the same amount of seed money from outsiders.

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Opening the Door to Allow All Truly Gifted Students Entry

Opening the Door to Allow All Truly Gifted Students Entry

Joni Lakin takes a look at David Lohman’s seminal 2005 work in Gifted Child Quarterly. His paper addresses the issue of underrepresentation while tackling a well-intentioned myth that nonverbal tests are the most equitable way to assess students who come from racial, ethnic, or linguistic minorities in the U.S.

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Can Africa’s Science Academies Drive Sustainable Development

Can Africa’s Science Academies Drive Sustainable Development

Most countries in Africa are lagging behind development goal suggested by the United Nations. Science academies have a crucial role to play in developing ways for scientists to help these nations achieve development goals more effectively.

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Why It’s So Hard to Reform Peer Review

Why It’s So Hard to Reform Peer Review

Robert J. Marks, the director of the Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence, argues that academic reformers are battling numerical laws that govern how incentives work. His counsel? Know your enemy!

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