Higher Education Reform

A Remedy for Broken Science, Or an Attempt to Undercut It?
Higher Education Reform
May 8, 2018

A Remedy for Broken Science, Or an Attempt to Undercut It?

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Mariya Ivancheva: ‘At Stake is the Future of Public Higher Education’
Higher Education Reform
May 1, 2018

Mariya Ivancheva: ‘At Stake is the Future of Public Higher Education’

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Ewan Mackenzie: ‘A Sense of Hope for Achieving Broader Change’
Higher Education Reform
April 26, 2018

Ewan Mackenzie: ‘A Sense of Hope for Achieving Broader Change’

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Research Must Try to Influence Change
Higher Education Reform
April 26, 2018

Research Must Try to Influence Change

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Impact Still Helping Higher Education; But at What Cost?

Impact Still Helping Higher Education; But at What Cost?

Tina Basi and Mona Sloane argue that REF 2021 offers the opportunity to frame a discussion on the purpose of universities that is less focused on economics and more focused on people and public engagement, returning closer to the Humboldtian model of higher education.

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Audrey Verma: ‘A Clean-up Crew for the Messes and Excesses of Neoliberalism’

Audrey Verma: ‘A Clean-up Crew for the Messes and Excesses of Neoliberalism’

In this debut interview conducted by Social Science Space’s Daniel Nehring, Audrey Verma explains her inspirations in organizing the forum, how her claims of the feminization and racialization of higher ed are borne out in academe, and why critiques of neoliberal impulses in universities have had so little traction in the past four decades.

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Announcing a New Series on Academic Capitalism

Announcing a New Series on Academic Capitalism

In the coming weeks, Social Science Space will publish a series of interviews on academic capitalism and academic resistance. These interviews pertain to the event “Between the discourse of ‘resilience’ and death by committee – Reclaiming collective spaces for academic resistance,” organised by the Early Career Forum of the British Sociological Association and hosted by Newcastle University.

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Should Universities Be Parents?

Should Universities Be Parents?

Increasingly, says Robert Dingwall, UK universities are taking a more paternal role in the lives of their students, taking — or perhaps resuming — more active roles in addressing their charges’ mental health, criminal conduct and self-care.

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The Gender Pay Gap Persists at Canadian Universities

The Gender Pay Gap Persists at Canadian Universities

There is still a gender pay gap at nearly all Canadian universities, with especially big gaps at Canada’s 15 research-intensive universities, Megan Frederickson shows. It’s not accounted for by greater talent or solely the ghost of sexism past.

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A Cry From Canada: Freedom of Expression Under Attack at Our Universities

A Cry From Canada: Freedom of Expression Under Attack at Our Universities

The former president of the University of Saskatchewan argues that freedom of expression is under attack in Canada’s universities through an accumulation of episodes that diminish its significance and through a vector of intellectual laziness accompanied by ideology and anger.

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Scientists in Need of Arts Training

Scientists in Need of Arts Training

How can universities train our scientists, technologists and engineers to engage with society rather than perform as cogs in the engine of economic development? Author Richard Lachman asks for educational system to require STEM students to take art and humanities courses, not as an attempt to “broaden minds” but as a necessary discussion of morals, ethics and responsibility.

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Academics: The Belaboured Profession

Academics: The Belaboured Profession

With the exception of star academics and leading figures of the United Kingdom’s academic establishment, lecturers today are held in little regard, argues our Daniel Nehring. The specialized aspects of the academic experience are little recognized and even less honored.

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