Higher Education Reform

Studying Economics: Of the Elites by the Elites
Higher Education Reform
January 9, 2015

Studying Economics: Of the Elites by the Elites

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Playing the Game of REF
Higher Education Reform
December 19, 2014

Playing the Game of REF

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With the REF, We Can Evaluate the Impact of Impact
Higher Education Reform
December 18, 2014

With the REF, We Can Evaluate the Impact of Impact

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How Will Zero-Hour Contracts Change UK’s Academic Culture?
December 16, 2014

How Will Zero-Hour Contracts Change UK’s Academic Culture?

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Peer Review Has Problems. Let’s Fix Them

Peer Review Has Problems. Let’s Fix Them

In a conclusion to his two earlier articles on post-publication peer review, Andy Tattersall argues that while new ways to measure scholarly value may not be perfect yet, it’s still high time to start introducing them more widely.

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Will SPOCs Live Long and Prosper?

Will SPOCs Live Long and Prosper?

We’re familiar with MOOCs — massive online courses. But what’s happened to the smaller — and more human-sized — online courses of yore?

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Students Don’t Know What’s Good For Them

Students Don’t Know What’s Good For Them

When students evaluate their courses and instructors, they tend to rate higher when they got good grades, and not good learning. That’s pretty common sensical, so why do we keep asking students if they’re happy?

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Teaching Communities of Faculty About Scholarly Communication

Teaching Communities of Faculty About Scholarly Communication

Two Miami University librarians details how their school’s ‘faculty learning community’ cultivated awareness of the entire scholarly communication landscape and created stronger faculty advocates for change, but also highlighted key differences between established and newer faculty.

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What Happens When Lectures Are Ranked?

What Happens When Lectures Are Ranked?

What does happen happens when lecturers are ranked? Daniel Nehring offers some thoughts on the uses and misuses of student evaluations

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Don’t Let A Snob Story Become a Sob Story

Don’t Let A Snob Story Become a Sob Story

There are a number of species of snobbery that show up on campus and it’s useful to develop skills for counting or even reversing its malign influence. Step one: learn to laugh.

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Do Students in Germany and England See University Differently?

Do Students in Germany and England See University Differently?

In a cross-posting with Viva Voce podcasts, Richard Budd at the University of Bristol describes the differences between English and German university systems and student attitudes toward them.

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How Germany Managed to Abolish University Tuition Fees

How Germany Managed to Abolish University Tuition Fees

If Germany has done it, why can’t we? That’s the question being asked by many students around the world in countries that charge tuition fees to university. Barbara Kehm explains how Germany reached this point, and whether it’s likely to stay there.

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