Higher Education Reform

Can Brands be Intellectuals?
Academic Funding
May 27, 2013

Can Brands be Intellectuals?

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The Myth of Academic Stardom
May 14, 2013

The Myth of Academic Stardom

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Stand Out and Be Counted: Quantitative Skills
May 2, 2013

Stand Out and Be Counted: Quantitative Skills

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Accountability, Compliance and Bureaucratisation in Higher Education
April 26, 2013

Accountability, Compliance and Bureaucratisation in Higher Education

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Modernizing Universities?

Modernizing Universities?

Universities are starting to look like the behemoths of the US auto industry of the 1980s, with highly-paid CEOs buried in their offices looking only at numbers.

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So Much Noise: Are Academics being Over-Branded?

So Much Noise: Are Academics being Over-Branded?

The Ivory Tower has been toppled and academia has an impact in the ‘real world’. The problem is that this may have come at the expense of truly innovative and critical scholarship.

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Open Access and the Privatisation of Knowledge

Open Access and the Privatisation of Knowledge

Is OA the flip side to privatisation of Higher Education? Is there a way in which OA is a means of justifying the economic inaccessibility of HE by providing a public good?

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Why Study Social Science

Why Study Social Science

We study social science because social phenomena affect people’s lives in profound ways. If you want to start with Cantor’s focus—physical illness and death—then social phenomena are tremendously important.

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Are Vocational Education, Liberal Arts on a Collision Course?

Are Vocational Education, Liberal Arts on a Collision Course?

As even liberal arts colleges continue to turn their back on the liberal arts, where will the technocrats produced by higher education hone their thinking skills to address the current crisis in governing?

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Liberal Arts: Still Valuable

Liberal Arts: Still Valuable

Emory’s recent decision to shut down or suspend various academic departments and programs has rightly generated campus-wide and national attention.

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How Does Sociology Feel?

How Does Sociology Feel?

Just as it is insufficiently recognised in public debates, the emotional side of forced flexibility in academic labour does not appear to be a major topic of conversation among established sociologists

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Antebellism: The Neoliberal Compromise of the Political

Antebellism: The Neoliberal Compromise of the Political

Why we need to pay closer attention to the President of Emory’s shocking comparison of University budget cuts with the three-fifths compromise, and what it says about America now, not then.

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