
The Trailblazing Dr. Sadie T.M. Alexander
February 3, 2021

The Trailblazing Dr. Sadie T.M. Alexander

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Controlling the COVID-19 Pandemic Hinges on Behavior
January 26, 2021

Controlling the COVID-19 Pandemic Hinges on Behavior

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New Year Honours List 2021 Celebrates Many in Social Science
January 21, 2021

New Year Honours List 2021 Celebrates Many in Social Science

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To Share Research More Widely, Knock Down University Barriers
January 20, 2021

To Share Research More Widely, Knock Down University Barriers

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Why Does Social Science Not Bite?

Why Does Social Science Not Bite?

David Canter considers why the social sciences failed to influence behavior in order to stop the spread of COVID-19. The virologists had been preparing for a new virus for some years, so were already ahead of the game when they had to start creating a new vaccine. What preparations had social psychologists, sociologists or anthropologists for the inevitable emergence of a new pandemic?

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What I Have Learned from Social Science

What I Have Learned from Social Science

Ziyad Marar, Sage’s president of global publishing, reflects on how his career and his studies of psychology, linguistics and philosophy leave him thinking a social science imagination benefits us as individuals and improves society more generally, especially in times of upheaval and reconfiguration.

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Return Political Science to the Noble Science of Politics

Return Political Science to the Noble Science of Politics

As the ‘impact agenda’ weighs ever more on political scientists (and the academy as a whole), ). this should be seen less a threat to autonomy than an opportunity to rise to political science’s inherent public responsibilities.

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2020 Proved Value of Social Science to Wider World

2020 Proved Value of Social Science to Wider World

If there is one thing that has become abundantly clear through this pandemic it is that a pandemic, like so many of the other really big and pressing issues facing us such as structural racism or climate change, are not problems to be faced by one discipline or sector alone.

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Leith Mullings, 1945-2020: Anthropologist Behind the Sojourner Syndrome

Leith Mullings, 1945-2020: Anthropologist Behind the Sojourner Syndrome

Leith Mullings, an anthropologist whose work on what she dubbed the Sojourner Syndrome created a baseline understanding of the “weathering” that the amplified stresses of race, class, and inequality have on African Americans, and in particular African American women, died on Cancer on December 12.

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Think of Impact Statements As Maps, Not Short Stories

Think of Impact Statements As Maps, Not Short Stories

Lai Ma 2302 Impact

As a precondition to receiving research funds, many research funders require applicants to state how their project will ultimately achieve impacts prior to any work being undertaken. Reflecting on a study of these impact statements made to the Science Foundation Ireland Investigators Programme, Lai Ma, argues that such statements often introduce a narrow short-term bias to considerations of impact and presents four ways impact statements could be used more productively.

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Reward and Recognize Open Science?

Reward and Recognize Open Science?

Calls to align incentives in academia to promote open research practices are not new. However, in recent years research funders are increasingly implementing policies and schemes designed to promote open science practices amongst researchers. In this post, Maria Cruz and Hans de Jonge outline details of the Dutch Research Council’s (NWO) new Open Science Fund, which they suggest is the natural next step towards a culture of open science in Dutch research.

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To Better Serve Students and Future Workforces, We Must Diversify the Syllabi

To Better Serve Students and Future Workforces, We Must Diversify the Syllabi

Ellen Hutti and Jenine Harris have quantified the extent to which female authors are represented in assigned course readings. In this blog post, they emphasize that more equal exposure to experts with whom they can identify will better serve our students and foster the growth, diversity and potential of this future workforce. They also present one repository currently being built for readings by underrepresented authors that are Black, Indigenous or people of color.

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