
Impact in Action: Brett Heasman
January 2, 2019

Impact in Action: Brett Heasman

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The A to Z: Tips for Writing an Impact Case Study
December 27, 2018

The A to Z: Tips for Writing an Impact Case Study

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Ebola Response and the Utility of Social Science
December 19, 2018

Ebola Response and the Utility of Social Science

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For 2019, Resolve to Grant Overdue Recognition
December 19, 2018

For 2019, Resolve to Grant Overdue Recognition

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Chetty, Crenshaw, Krugman Among AAPSS Inductees for 2019

Chetty, Crenshaw, Krugman Among AAPSS Inductees for 2019

The American Academy of Political and Social Science announced today five eminent scholars who will join the academy as fellows in 2019: Raj Chetty, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Paul Krugman, Nicholas Lemann, Alondra Nelson will officially join the academy on the evening of October 3, 2019, in a ceremony in Washington, DC.

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Finance is a Subject Social Science Must Study

Finance is a Subject Social Science Must Study

If we are to hope to find a solution to the instability of the financial system, write the team behind a new edited volume, it is important to present finance as a social and political space.

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Metricization, the SSCI Syndrome and Devaluing Books in Academic Sociology

Metricization, the SSCI Syndrome and Devaluing Books in Academic Sociology

Is scholarship that doesn’t appear in the Social Science Citation Index — a commercial index of ‘internationally leading’ journals in the social sciences, compiled by Clarivate Analytics — worthless? Before you say ‘Of course not,’ know that some universities essentially are saying yes.

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Did Emile Durkheim Foresee Today’s Chaos?

Did Emile Durkheim Foresee Today’s Chaos?

Emile Durkheim, one of the pioneers of the discipline of sociology, died 101 years ago this month. Although few outside of social science departments know his name, his intellectual legacy may provide us with some assistance in diagnosing the perennial problems associated with modernity.

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Social Science Data Solving Social Housing Problems

Social Science Data Solving Social Housing Problems

The ESRC describes Knowledge Transfer Partnerships as a relationship between a company/organization and staff in a knowledge base institution in which the the institution’s knowledge base is applied to a challenge presented by the organization. Here, Farida Mustafazade describes her experience in such a partnership.

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Extreme Polarization Is Bad But Need Not Be Inevitable

Extreme Polarization Is Bad But Need Not Be Inevitable

Are Americans now stuck in animosity and anger that will undermine democracy, or can the nation pull out of it? Here, Jennifer McCoy shares some of the findings of a collaborative research project she led that examined political polarization in 11 countries, including the United States. Their research shows that the most democratic of actions – participating in elections – is exactly the thing to do to help reduce polarization.

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Renowned Mindset Scholar Receives SAGE-CASBS Award

Renowned Mindset Scholar Receives SAGE-CASBS Award

Carol Dweck, the Stanford-based psychologist whose work brought the idea of “mindset” into the education mainstream, will receive the 2018 SAGE-CASBS Award.

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SSHRC Impact Awards Get Metaphysical for 2018

SSHRC Impact Awards Get Metaphysical for 2018

Canada’s Social Science and Humanities Research Council, now in its 40th year, handed out five Impact Prizes earlier this month to honor those showing the potential and applicability of government-funded research and exploration.

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