
Management is a Social Science
June 22, 2018

Management is a Social Science

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The Conscience of the Racially Conscious: Ambalavener Sivanandan, 1923-2018
June 20, 2018

The Conscience of the Racially Conscious: Ambalavener Sivanandan, 1923-2018

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ESRC 2018 Impact Prizes Range from Sex to Slavery
June 20, 2018

ESRC 2018 Impact Prizes Range from Sex to Slavery

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ESRC Impact Prize Ceremony this Wednesday
June 18, 2018

ESRC Impact Prize Ceremony this Wednesday

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Report: Math Skills Increasingly Important for Social Science Grads

Report: Math Skills Increasingly Important for Social Science Grads

A new report from Britain’s Campaign for Social Science, Positive Prospects: Careers for Social Scientists and Why Data and Number Skills Matter, argues that at least for the social sciences, graduates in the United Kingdom can find work and will make as much as the body of physical science and technology graduates that are held up as the most marketable.

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Pair to Receive Economic Statistics’ Shiskin Award 

Pair to Receive Economic Statistics’ Shiskin Award 

Barry Bosworth, the Robert V. Roosa Chair in International Economics at the Brookings Institution, and Danny Pfeffermann, director of Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics, will receive the 2018 Julius Shiskin Memorial Award for Economic Statistics.

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The Value of Big Data Creation

The Value of Big Data Creation

How do firms transform big data and why do firms differ in their abilities to create value from big data? in a research article that tries to find answers to these questions. Jing Zeng and Keith Glaister find “it is not the data itself, or individual data scientists, that generate value creation opportunities. Rather, value creation occurs through the process of data management.”

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Research Must Try to Influence Change

Research Must Try to Influence Change

There is no doubt that good communications and framing research for your audience is important to influencing policy and having impact. But shouldn’t we be aiming higher than producing and packaging research that simply meets the demands of policy actors? James Georgalakis argues that research and researchers need to challenge dominant paradigms and expose inconvenient truths.

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Impact Still Helping Higher Education; But at What Cost?

Impact Still Helping Higher Education; But at What Cost?

Tina Basi and Mona Sloane argue that REF 2021 offers the opportunity to frame a discussion on the purpose of universities that is less focused on economics and more focused on people and public engagement, returning closer to the Humboldtian model of higher education.

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What is The Relationship Between Research and Policy?

What is The Relationship Between Research and Policy?

Christina Boswell and Katherine Smith set out four different approaches to theorizing the relationship between knowledge and policy and consider what each of these suggests about approaches to incentivising and measuring research impact.

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Academy of Management Report on Measuring Scholarly Impact

Academy of Management Report on Measuring Scholarly Impact

Usha Haley shares findings of a recent Academy of Management report that sought to answer the impact of scholarly research. By surveying 20,000 members & conducting a selection of interviews, most scholars felt the present system of evaluation and rankings has led to an over reliance on traditional techniques and methodologies, and even “junk science”.

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Nick Seaver on Dissecting the Algorithmic Organism

Nick Seaver on Dissecting the Algorithmic Organism

When discussing the nexus of computer science and social science, the transaction is usually in one direction – what can computer scientists do for social scientists. But a recent paper from Tufts University anthropologist Nick Seaver reverses that flow, using the tool of ethnography to interrogate the tools of engineering.

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