
REF: An Idea Whose Time Never Came
Academic Funding
December 24, 2014

REF: An Idea Whose Time Never Came

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Playing the Game of REF
Higher Education Reform
December 19, 2014

Playing the Game of REF

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With the REF, We Can Evaluate the Impact of Impact
Higher Education Reform
December 18, 2014

With the REF, We Can Evaluate the Impact of Impact

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Leiden Statement Emphasizes Importance of Social Science, Humanities
December 1, 2014

Leiden Statement Emphasizes Importance of Social Science, Humanities

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Let’s Make Them All ‘Research Multi-versities’

Let’s Make Them All ‘Research Multi-versities’

Although universities and funding bodies pay lip-service to the importance of multi-discipline research, a physicist and an anthropologist argue there is a long way to go before the reality matches the rhetoric.

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Five Ways We Could Use Altmetrics in the Next REF

Five Ways We Could Use Altmetrics in the Next REF

Although many are excited by the possibilities for using alternative metrics to supplement research assessment, others are concerned about gaming the figures. Mike Thelwall provides his recommendations for uses of altmetrics in Britain’s national research evaluation exercises.

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Musicologist Beverly Diamond Wins Gold Medal for Impact

Musicologist Beverly Diamond Wins Gold Medal for Impact

Canada’s Social Science and Humanities Research Council awarded ethnomusicologist Beverly Diamond its top prize for scholarship and impact .

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OMG, Zambia’s New Interim President Is … an Economist

OMG, Zambia’s New Interim President Is … an Economist

A lot has been made about Guy Scott being a white man. But Stephen Chan argues that’s one of the less remarkable aspects of Zambia’s fill-in leader.

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Canada’s Impact Award Winners to be Announced Monday

Canada’s Impact Award Winners to be Announced Monday

Canada’s premiere government-sponsored awards for outstanding work in HSS fields will be announced in Ottawa next week.

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Charting the Road From Attention to Citation

Charting the Road From Attention to Citation

Previous studies show there is low correlation between altmetrics and citation, but how do altmetrics compare to other metrics? Xianwen Wang and his colleagues recently conducted a study to answer this question.

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Mobilizing Social Science to Fight Ebola

Mobilizing Social Science to Fight Ebola

The National Science Foundation is calling for some shovel-ready social science research to help combat the current crises circling around the Ebola explosion. Social science has some experiences in the field already.

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Tirole Win Continues NSF/SBE Win Streak

Tirole Win Continues NSF/SBE Win Streak

The latest winner of the Nobel in economics saw the National Science Foundation support his formative work, just as it has for every winner since 1998.

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