
Musicologist Beverly Diamond Wins Gold Medal for Impact
November 3, 2014

Musicologist Beverly Diamond Wins Gold Medal for Impact

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OMG, Zambia’s New Interim President Is … an Economist
October 31, 2014

OMG, Zambia’s New Interim President Is … an Economist

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Canada’s Impact Award Winners to be Announced Monday
October 30, 2014

Canada’s Impact Award Winners to be Announced Monday

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Charting the Road From Attention to Citation
October 30, 2014

Charting the Road From Attention to Citation

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Mobilizing Social Science to Fight Ebola

Mobilizing Social Science to Fight Ebola

The National Science Foundation is calling for some shovel-ready social science research to help combat the current crises circling around the Ebola explosion. Social science has some experiences in the field already.

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Tirole Win Continues NSF/SBE Win Streak

Tirole Win Continues NSF/SBE Win Streak

The latest winner of the Nobel in economics saw the National Science Foundation support his formative work, just as it has for every winner since 1998.

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Shake By All Means, But Social Science is Not Natural Science

Shake By All Means, But Social Science is Not Natural Science

Will Davies responds to the calls for a social science shake-up by questioning the status of the social sciences in 2014 as something other than mere understudies to the natural sciences. The shared terrain of the two, he argues, seems to rest on various acts of forgetting on the part of the social sciences, but no acts of learning on the part of the natural sciences.

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What Can REF Teach Us About Impact?

What Can REF Teach Us About Impact?

Discussions around the REF have tended to be negative, but what exactly is viewed poorly varies by interest group[. Two academics who conducted an analysis of the media’s covefage of the framework argue there is much that can be learned for future assessment exercises and it is ever-more important that we get it right when thinking about ‘impact’ in research and the pressures academics face.

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Help ESRC Find the 50 Biggest Social Science Achievements

Help ESRC Find the 50 Biggest Social Science Achievements

In honor of its 50th anniversary next year, Britain’s social science research council wants you to help it identify 50 signal achievements made possible by social science.

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A Pioneering Behavioral Science Think Tank at the Crossroads

A Pioneering Behavioral Science Think Tank at the Crossroads

Social Science Space talks to Margaret Levi about her goals for re-imagining the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences.

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Proof Over Promise: Finding An Impact Factor for Your Career

Proof Over Promise: Finding An Impact Factor for Your Career

Publishing in a high-impact journal carries the implicit promise that somehow an individual article also will be highly cited. But the proof of this logic remains unsubstantiated. How about measuring career impact more than journal impact? The authors offer one option they’ve developed.

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What Do Academia’s Ubiquitous Rankings Accomplish?

What Do Academia’s Ubiquitous Rankings Accomplish?

Why does it matter whether you study or work at the sociology department that comes first, 12th or 89th in a ranking? Why does it matter whether the journal you publish in is included and ranked in a certain index, or not? Let us know your thoughts.

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