
The Quest for Impact: The Case of Academic History
March 31, 2014

The Quest for Impact: The Case of Academic History

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Meet Dinglebat, P. Brain and Nutter: The Academics in Kid’s Picture Books
March 27, 2014

Meet Dinglebat, P. Brain and Nutter: The Academics in Kid’s Picture Books

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A Sheepskin Isn’t the Same as a Balance Sheet
Higher Education Reform
March 25, 2014

A Sheepskin Isn’t the Same as a Balance Sheet

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Where is UK Government Getting Its Research?
March 24, 2014

Where is UK Government Getting Its Research?

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In UK, Fewer Researchers Supported But More Research

In UK, Fewer Researchers Supported But More Research

Jane Tinkler breaks down the key findings from the UK government report on the impact of research council funding over the last year. With income cuts playing a significant role, the number of principal investigators and research fellowships with research council funding have both gone down–even as the remainder’s output has gone up.

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Wanna Turn Heads in Washington? Here’s How

Wanna Turn Heads in Washington? Here’s How

A survey of White House advisers from three administrations reveals that what they want from researchers is less options than opinions, and less journal citations than citations by journalists.

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Embed With Our Enemies: Making Process Itself a Calling Card

Embed With Our Enemies: Making Process Itself a Calling Card

While academic social science is extremely effective at generating public value, it is less adept at communicating this value. Sam Baars believes researchers should reflect on the ways in which social value is created not just from the findings of our research, but also the way in which it is conducted. He pushes for the adoption of a more ‘embedded’ approach to research which involves working more closely with the public, and public institutions, at a local level.

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Include Me In: Social Sciences and the Innovation Deficit

Include Me In: Social Sciences and the Innovation Deficit

With a little more wiggle room in the U.S. budget this year, proponents of strong federal support for R&D and higher education are trying to get their message out about America’s lagging innovation. Social science and the STEM fields are making common cause in the campaign.

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How to Carefully Choose Useless Titles for Academic Writing

How to Carefully Choose Useless Titles for Academic Writing

An informative title for an article or chapter maximizes the likelihood that your audience correctly remembers enough about your arguments to re-discover what they are looking for. Without embedded cues, your work will sit undisturbed on other scholars’ PDF libraries, or languish unread among hundreds of millions of other documents on the Web. That must be what what we want, based on on what we do.

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Social Sciences Learn the Tactical Benefits of Concentration

Social Sciences Learn the Tactical Benefits of Concentration

As it is released in North America, a book on the impact of social science in Britain suggests guidance for raising the disciplines’ profiles in the U.S. and beyond.

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Measuring Impact Via Influence, Not Bank Balance

Measuring Impact Via Influence, Not Bank Balance

A new project from the British Academy sets down the calculator in the latest attempt to tot up the value of the social sciences and humanities.

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Two Myths and One Truth About Congressional Testimony

Two Myths and One Truth About Congressional Testimony

Impact is all the rage right now, but what happens when you’re finally given a path to a bully pulpit? Testimony is only the tip of the iceberg – there’s much more opportunity if you look a little deeper.

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