
Round up: Senator Coburn’s report on National Science Foundation funding
Academic Funding
June 1, 2011

Round up: Senator Coburn’s report on National Science Foundation funding

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Campaign for Social Science reaches £50,000 milestone
Academic Funding
June 1, 2011

Campaign for Social Science reaches £50,000 milestone

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Being professional about ‘impact’
May 10, 2011

Being professional about ‘impact’

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John Urry and Chris Rojek: “British Sociology since 1945″
May 9, 2011

John Urry and Chris Rojek: “British Sociology since 1945″

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Has the internet enabled a new type of sex offender?

Has the internet enabled a new type of sex offender?

The nature of internet-based sex offenses is examined in a recent study by Peter Briggs, Walter T. Simon and Stacey Simonsen, published […]

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When did the Big Society turn into Big Brother?

When did the Big Society turn into Big Brother?

A column by Tom Sutcliffe in today’s Independent addresses the question of academic freedom posed by reports that the Arts and Humanities […]

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Recent speeches by UK Universities Minister on the Government’s vision for higher education

Recent speeches by UK Universities Minister on the Government’s vision for higher education

The Universities and Science Minister, David Willetts MP, has made several key speeches recently setting out the Government’s views on the role […]

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21st Century Challenges: Persistent Poverty in Britain

21st Century Challenges: Persistent Poverty in Britain

The Royal Geographical Society is proud to announce that they will be hosting an event at part of the not-for-profit discussion series, “21st […]

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I gave it a nudge but it won’t budge

I gave it a nudge but it won’t budge

New research suggests the superficial appeal of governing by light touch founders in the health arena where so many ‘unhealthy nudges’ are […]

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Does the way social scientists write stop them being heard?

Does the way social scientists write stop them being heard?

The commentator Nick Cohen argues in an article this week that many academics – specifically in social sciences and humanities – are unable to write clearly […]

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The arts and cultural sector faces ‘apocalyptic’ cuts in austere Britain. But new ways of looking at economic value can help to make the case for culture

The arts and cultural sector faces ‘apocalyptic’ cuts in austere Britain. But new ways of looking at economic value can help to make the case for culture

In the government’s programme of cuts it has become clear that the arts may well be hit the hardest. While historically it […]

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Who is influencing public policy and why?

Who is influencing public policy and why?

Reposted from Methodspace: a summary of the NatCen Informing Public Policy New Agendas for Social Research Conference (23-24 April 2009) Chair: George […]

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