
Report Aims to Solidify Importance of Humanities, Social Science To Canada
December 7, 2021

Report Aims to Solidify Importance of Humanities, Social Science To Canada

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How Metrics Affect Peer Review for Academic Jobs and Grants
December 1, 2021

How Metrics Affect Peer Review for Academic Jobs and Grants

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Work from Female Researchers Is Less Cited. But It’s Read More. Why?
November 18, 2021

Work from Female Researchers Is Less Cited. But It’s Read More. Why?

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What’s Wrong with Writing and Publishing Interesting Academic Articles?
Business and Management INK
November 10, 2021

What’s Wrong with Writing and Publishing Interesting Academic Articles?

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Keeping an Eye on Who We Cite – and Who We Don’t

Keeping an Eye on Who We Cite – and Who We Don’t

“Make sure you’re not only citing white guys!” That was the unmistakable takeaway Wednesday as Deen Freelon discussed his research into citation inequities in the social sciences.

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Political Scientist James C. Scott Receives A.SK Social Science Award

Political Scientist James C. Scott Receives A.SK Social Science Award

American political scientist James C. Scott today receives the 2021 A.SK Social Science Award from the WZB Berlin Social Science Center. The award, donated by Chinese entrepreneurs Angela and Shu Kai Chan, is one of the world’s largest awards in the social sciences

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Who Gets to Be Part of the Social Science Canon?

Who Gets to Be Part of the Social Science Canon?

Drawing on a quantitative study of sociologists in the 20th century, Nicole Holzhauser argues that not only the content of scientific work, but also social capital has historically played a significant role in allocating recognition and power.

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Why Social Science? Because Vaccination is a Human—Not Technical—Process

Why Social Science? Because Vaccination is a Human—Not Technical—Process

Leveraging the sociocultural dimensions of health knowledge, not a technical focus, is what will move the needle on vaccine uptake.

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New Report Offers Roadmap for Impactful Business School Research

New Report Offers Roadmap for Impactful Business School Research

The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business has released, “Research That Matters: An Action Plan for Creating Business School Research That Positively Impacts Society.”

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Getting a Handle on Both Societal and Scientific Impact

Getting a Handle on Both Societal and Scientific Impact

In this post, Jorrit Smit and Laurens Hessels, draw on a recent analysis of different impact evaluation tools to explore how they constitute and direct conceptions of research impact. Finding a common separation between evaluation focused on scientific and societal impact, they suggest bridging this divide may prove beneficial to producing research that has public value, rather than research that achieves particular metrics.

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Nobelist David Card Made the Minimum Wage Respectable

Nobelist David Card Made the Minimum Wage Respectable

This year’s Nobel Prize in economics has been awarded to Canadian -born but US-based economist David Card for his work with Alan Krueger in reversing the perception that raising the minimum wage inevitably reduces the number of jobs.

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NAS Creates Council to Address Research Integrity and Trust

NAS Creates Council to Address Research Integrity and Trust

A new blue-ribbon council convened by the United States’ National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine aims to tackle questions about nettlesome issues like conflict of interest, measuring impact and handling retractions.

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