
How to Live Tweet at an Academic Event
March 19, 2014

How to Live Tweet at an Academic Event

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9 Basics for Anyone Submitting to a Scholarly Journal
March 19, 2014

9 Basics for Anyone Submitting to a Scholarly Journal

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6 Reasons Why Researchers (of Any Age) Should Get Tweeting
March 19, 2014

6 Reasons Why Researchers (of Any Age) Should Get Tweeting

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What I Say When My Colleagues Ask Me If They Should Be On Twitter
March 17, 2014

What I Say When My Colleagues Ask Me If They Should Be On Twitter

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A Postdoc’s Lament: Creativity and Innovation in Academic Sphere

A Postdoc’s Lament: Creativity and Innovation in Academic Sphere

How does the experience of impermanent, precarious employment on the margins of academia affect young scholars’ ability to engage in creative labor? Is such creative labor still possible?

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Northwestern’s Fay Lomax Cook Tabbed to Head SBE

Northwestern’s Fay Lomax Cook Tabbed to Head SBE

Northwestern University social policy professor Fay Lomax Cook, the longtime head of the Institute for Policy Research, has been appointed to head the National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Social, Behavioral &; Economic Sciences.

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How to Carefully Choose Useless Titles for Academic Writing

How to Carefully Choose Useless Titles for Academic Writing

An informative title for an article or chapter maximizes the likelihood that your audience correctly remembers enough about your arguments to re-discover what they are looking for. Without embedded cues, your work will sit undisturbed on other scholars’ PDF libraries, or languish unread among hundreds of millions of other documents on the Web. That must be what what we want, based on on what we do.

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AERA Appoints Inaugural Editors for New Open-Access Journal

AERA Appoints Inaugural Editors for New Open-Access Journal

The American Educational Research Association, the nation’s largest professional organization devoted to the scientific study of education, has named three professors from […]

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The Personal Consequences of the Academic Jobs Crisis

The Personal Consequences of the Academic Jobs Crisis

The story of a young German academic who followed the agreed-upon career path only to find the roadsigns don’t always lead to where they indicate.

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CEO Kirsty Hughes to Leave Index on Censorship

CEO Kirsty Hughes to Leave Index on Censorship

After two years at the helm of Index on Censorship, Chief Executive Kirsty Hughes will be leaving the leading international freedom of […]

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How to Avoid That Fatal Social Media Faux Pas

How to Avoid That Fatal Social Media Faux Pas

University professors are not immune to epic fails when using social media. But the lesson learned isn’t to withdraw completely, argues Ereika Darics, but to know thine audience.

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The Ongoing Evolution of Universities into Newsrooms

The Ongoing Evolution of Universities into Newsrooms

Social media and alternative ways of measuring academic impact are helping turn universities into giant newsrooms, argues Maxine Newlands. That’s not necessarily bad, and it may be inevitable.

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