
Meet The Social Scientist, a New Networking Initiative for STEM
March 27, 2019

Meet The Social Scientist, a New Networking Initiative for STEM

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Carol Dweck Talks Mindset, Recognition and Advice for Young Scholars
March 20, 2019

Carol Dweck Talks Mindset, Recognition and Advice for Young Scholars

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CASBS Announces 2019-20 Fellows
March 19, 2019

CASBS Announces 2019-20 Fellows

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Bridging Research and Policy: Alan Krueger, 1960-2019
March 18, 2019

Bridging Research and Policy: Alan Krueger, 1960-2019

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Recalling Some of Our Site’s Exceptional Women

Recalling Some of Our Site’s Exceptional Women

In honor of International Woman’s Day, Social Science Space highlights some past posts from innovative leaders in social science, academics whose work continues to lead social science and academia into the future.

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Faculty Need To Be More Than Their Vita

Faculty Need To Be More Than Their Vita

At his business school, writes Larry Peters, success came from engaging faculty at all levels in expanding their roles and their time to accomplish what they needed and what the school and department needed. ‘We came to see,’ he writes, ‘as individuals, that we needed to be partners with the school’s leaders to help ensure that the collective could succeed.’

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‘Detoxing from Academia’: One Black Scholar’s Journey

‘Detoxing from Academia’: One Black Scholar’s Journey

JeffriAnne Wilder, a sociologist and leading scholar specializing in diversity, race relations and women’s empowerment, has almost two decades of experience in higher education. In this interview, she details who influenced — from her mom to bell hooks — and why she left her tenured professorship to work for a non-profit.

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In Age of Open Science, Should Your Presentation Appear Online?

In Age of Open Science, Should Your Presentation Appear Online?

Elie Diner presents arguments for and against sharing research presentations online, arguing that sharing research presentations should be seen as part of the mainstream of open scholarship and is a natural way for academics to present their preliminary findings.

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The Loneliness of the Long-Suffering Researcher

The Loneliness of the Long-Suffering Researcher

Isolation and loneliness, as opposed to solitude, seem to the be the lot of many midern researchers. Research shows that 40 percent of academics, and more than half below the age of 35, view isolation at work as the main factor affecting their mental health. And many academics turn to counselling to learn ways to cope with emotional distress.

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How Do I Share My Article? Top Tips for After Publication

How Do I Share My Article? Top Tips for After Publication

Publishing an article in a reputed academic journal is no mean feat. From the initial grant proposal, through to writing the paper, formatting it to meet journal guidelines and then waiting for peer review to be complete, a huge amount of time and work is required. And that’s assuming you’re accepted first time! Here’s how we counsel people about this at SAGE.

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The Pragmatic Utopian: Erik Olin Wright, 1947-2019

The Pragmatic Utopian: Erik Olin Wright, 1947-2019

Sociologist Erik Olin Wright, who died last week at age 71, spent his career trying to imagine practical alternatives to capitalism.

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The Civic Responsibility of Ethnographers

The Civic Responsibility of Ethnographers

What duty do social scientists have to report illegal activity that they witness as part of their fieldwork? If you answered quickly, you may not have thought about the issue all that deeply.

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