
“The author has asked not to be identified in case this further affects his career prospects.”
August 7, 2012

“The author has asked not to be identified in case this further affects his career prospects.”

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What to Expect from Peer Review
July 13, 2012

What to Expect from Peer Review

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Digital Social Science Vs Digital Humanities: Who does what & does it matter?
July 2, 2012

Digital Social Science Vs Digital Humanities: Who does what & does it matter?

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Does the framing of the social sciences in the media put social science ECRs at a disadvantage?
May 30, 2012

Does the framing of the social sciences in the media put social science ECRs at a disadvantage?

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Engaging Beyond the Academy

Engaging Beyond the Academy

Social Scientists, Consultancy, and Independent Research

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What are the prospects for global sociology?

What are the prospects for global sociology?

For there to be some sort of global sociology there would need to a recognition of socio-culturally disparate forms of knowledge and institutional settings.

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Research Integrity in the UK – the Spawn of Satan?

Research Integrity in the UK – the Spawn of Satan?

A document drops into my inbox that purports to be a draft Concordat between the major UK funders and university managements on research integrity – a publication that has already been set for July 2012, but someone belatedly thought that it might be a good idea to get disciplinary associations on board.

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Working Moms: The Kids Are All Right

Working Moms: The Kids Are All Right

Working mothers tend to be happier and healthier than mothers who stay at home caring for young children, according to recent research. But many of those who work are often haunted by the question: “Am I screwing up my kids?”

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Satan at work in the university…?

Satan at work in the university…?

How an unholy alliance of arrogant scientists and self-interested federal bureaucrats came to widen the net of ethical regulation intended to deal with abuses in medical research to empirical investigation in the humanities and social sciences.

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Digital Professionalism Part 3: Your Online Persona & Your Employer.

Digital Professionalism Part 3: Your Online Persona & Your Employer.

This month we return to the final part of the digital professionalism series. What happens when your CV isn’t enough and can you be too honest?

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Post-PhD careers plan B: Outside of (Traditional) Academia

Post-PhD careers plan B: Outside of (Traditional) Academia

If you are considering a career outside of academia you firstly need to do your homework, this should be easy, if not obvious to any recently completed PhD. Treat your job hunt like a research project

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Better Drowned than Duffers…?

Better Drowned than Duffers…?

Last Saturday, I went to the theatre to a see a touring production based on Arthur Ransome’s novel, Swallows and Amazons…. it prompted a number of thoughts about risk and risk management in the contemporary world.

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