
2019 SAGE Concept Grant Winner: Text Wash
June 28, 2019

2019 SAGE Concept Grant Winner: Text Wash

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Social Scientists Working with LinkedIn Data
June 27, 2019

Social Scientists Working with LinkedIn Data

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2018 Concept Grant Interview with MiniVan
June 20, 2019

2018 Concept Grant Interview with MiniVan

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2018 SAGE Concept Grant Winners Interview- Ken Benoit from Quanteda
May 28, 2019

2018 SAGE Concept Grant Winners Interview- Ken Benoit from Quanteda

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2018 SAGE Concept Grant Winners Interview- Digital DNA Toolbox

2018 SAGE Concept Grant Winners Interview- Digital DNA Toolbox

As SAGE Ocean builds up to this year’s winner announcement of the 2019 SAGE Concept Grant, they caught up with the three winners from 2018 to see what they’ve been up to and how the seed funding has helped in the development of their tools.

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Try Out – and Build On – Our Social Science Terminology Service

Try Out – and Build On – Our Social Science Terminology Service

At SAGE’s new online Social Science Thesaurus, click around to discover information on over 61,000 concepts in the social and behavioral sciences, such as definitions of key terms and how they relate to other concepts. You can search for a specific concept, or try clicking the ‘Hierarchy’ tab and browse through the social sciences from the top down.

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3 Possibilities for Combining Data & Social Science

3 Possibilities for Combining Data & Social Science

Graham MacDonald, chief data scientist at Urban Institute gets to work on interesting issues that intersect data science and social science every day. Looking back on his work over the year he looks towards the future as he shares the three things he’s most excited about at the intersection of data science and social science

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Trans-Atlantic Approaches to Impact and Knowledge Exchange

Trans-Atlantic Approaches to Impact and Knowledge Exchange

For this fifth article in the series of measuring impact, Louis Coiffait spoke to two leading UK experts who also know other countries; Dr Hamish McAlpine, head of knowledge exchange data and evidence at Research England, and Sean Fielding, director of innovation, impact and business at the University of Exeter, and also the chair of the UK national knowledge exchange association, PraxisAuril.

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Fast Professor: WeChat and Future Academe

Fast Professor: WeChat and Future Academe

Daniel Nehring describes China’s social networking platform WeChat as ‘Facebook on steroids,’ and notes it has long surpassed e-mail as the main tool of mediating communication at Chinese universities while obliterating boundaries between work and home. Is this a cautionary tale for academe outside of China?

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Collecting Social Media Data for Research

Collecting Social Media Data for Research

How can researchers use social media data in their research? The digitalization of social life offers researchers an unprecedented world of data with which to study human life and social systems. However, accessing this data has become increasingly difficult. Jason Radford here is to help you figure out what approach is right for you.

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What Can We Afford to Forget If Machines Do Our Remembering?

What Can We Afford to Forget If Machines Do Our Remembering?

Outsourcing our memories — or actually forgetting once-vital skills that no longer matter in our daily lives — has always been with humanity. But how does the drift to artificial intelligence reflect what’s always been the case versus what should be a special case?

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Library Collections a Treasure Trove for Social Science Research

Library Collections a Treasure Trove for Social Science Research

WorldCat, an aggregate database of library catalogs worldwide, was primarily set up to aid libraries in carrying out their work in areas such as cataloging or resource sharing. Brian Lavoie offers an insight into the types of questions WorldCat data can provide answers to, and how research of this kind also amplifies the value and impact of library collections.

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