
Sourcing Organizational Authority at Shadowed Organizations
Business and Management INK
April 20, 2022

Sourcing Organizational Authority at Shadowed Organizations

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What Has COVID Done to Our Trust?
April 19, 2022

What Has COVID Done to Our Trust?

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How Race Influences and Amplifies Backlash Against Outspoken Women
April 19, 2022

How Race Influences and Amplifies Backlash Against Outspoken Women

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What You See is Not What You Get: Photo-Elicitation’s Missing Arts-based Elements
April 13, 2022

What You See is Not What You Get: Photo-Elicitation’s Missing Arts-based Elements

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Time for Management Researchers to Tackle Tipping

Time for Management Researchers to Tackle Tipping

As take-out and delivery via apps quickly became the norm during the pandemic, the author noticed seeing many more prompts to tip and intensifying rhetoric around tipping in some media outlets. This uptick surfaced many important policy and research questions the author wanted to draw attention to.

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John List on Economic Field Experiments

John List on Economic Field Experiments

Behavioral economist John List talks about his work on field experiments and how research done in the natural world can lead to insights that otherwise might be hard to tease out in a lab.

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Understanding the ‘Undercover Autism’ of Many Women and Girls

Understanding the ‘Undercover Autism’ of Many Women and Girls

[Ed. – April 2, 2022 is World Autism Awareness Day.] Being autistic, but not diagnosed, can lead to a lifetime of struggles […]

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Comparing COVID Deaths and Political Persuasion in the US

Comparing COVID Deaths and Political Persuasion in the US

The Pew Research Center writes that “as the relationship between population density and coronavirus death rates has changed over the course of the pandemic, so too has the relationship between counties’ voting patterns and their death rates from COVID-19.”

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What Can Game Theory Tell Us About Ukraine War Negotiations?

What Can Game Theory Tell Us About Ukraine War Negotiations?

Game theory is the formal study of strategic choices between two sides. It’s useful to decision makers because it can illustrate the range of options open to combatants within a given crisis, and also map the likely “wins and losses” strategically decided upon by the parties involved. The challenge is applying a hypothetical spectrum to the range of passive and aggressive options, and their consequences in Ukraine today.

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Can That Emoji Reveal a Remote Workers’ Emotional State?

Can That Emoji Reveal a Remote Workers’ Emotional State?

A team from the University of Michigan tracked emoji use as a marker of emotions, and tracked how the use of emoji in work communications can predict remote worker dropouts.

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We Haven’t Just Suffered During COVID – We’ve Learned

We Haven’t Just Suffered During COVID – We’ve Learned

Resilience of young people, new treatment tools give Harvard psychologist Matt Nock hope amid mental health challenges posed by social media, school and campus disruptions

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Failures of Imagination: Four Experts on Science’s  COVID Response So Far

Failures of Imagination: Four Experts on Science’s COVID Response So Far

The World Health Organization declared COVID a pandemic on March 11 2020. In the two years since, countries have diverged on their containment strategies, introducing many different ways of mitigating the virus, to varying effect. Here, four health experts look at what has worked well, what mistakes scientists and policymakers made, and what needs to be done to protect human health from here on.

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