
Bridging Theory with Practice:Qualitative Research to Aid Fire & Rescue
December 10, 2012

Bridging Theory with Practice:Qualitative Research to Aid Fire & Rescue

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Sir Jimmy Savile’s Crimes
International Debate
November 20, 2012

Sir Jimmy Savile’s Crimes

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Web 2.0: Anarchy or Revolution?
November 19, 2012

Web 2.0: Anarchy or Revolution?

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Big Data: Benefit to Society, or Drowning in a Data Deluge?
Academic Funding
November 12, 2012

Big Data: Benefit to Society, or Drowning in a Data Deluge?

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Money Degrades Our Ability to Empathize

Money Degrades Our Ability to Empathize

New research finds that offering people money makes them less likely to correctly infer another person’s emotional state.

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ESRC Festival of Social Science, and the ‘Big Data’ Debate

ESRC Festival of Social Science, and the ‘Big Data’ Debate

This week is the ESRC’s Festival of Social Science, an event that takes place all over the UK where social scientists get […]

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“Social Scientists Need to Make a Stronger Case for Their Worth”

“Social Scientists Need to Make a Stronger Case for Their Worth”

Social scientists need to make a strong case for their worth inside and outside of academia.

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Campaign for Social Science Roadshows

Campaign for Social Science Roadshows

The Campaign for Social Science will hold its latest roadshows in the next few weeks.

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How Close Were We to Armageddon? The Cuban Missile Crisis.

How Close Were We to Armageddon? The Cuban Missile Crisis.

50 years on, the Cuban Missile Crisis may still prove to be one of the most important events in understanding modern International diplomacy.

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A Sociology of Financialisation?

A Sociology of Financialisation?

Beyond an economic analysis of the financial crisis

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The Geography of Drug Market Activities and Child Maltreatment

The Geography of Drug Market Activities and Child Maltreatment

If we can model the diffusion of drug markets, can we also begin to model the effects of these markets on social problems, including child abuse and neglect?

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Economic Inequality and Political Power (Part 2 of 3)

Economic Inequality and Political Power (Part 2 of 3)

In my previous post I discussed the lack of government responsiveness to the middle-class and the poor, when their policy preferences diverge […]

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