
Management is a Social Science
June 22, 2018

Management is a Social Science

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The Conscience of the Racially Conscious: Ambalavener Sivanandan, 1923-2018
June 20, 2018

The Conscience of the Racially Conscious: Ambalavener Sivanandan, 1923-2018

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SAGE Ocean Speaker Series #3: How Technology Fails Us & What to Do
June 5, 2018

SAGE Ocean Speaker Series #3: How Technology Fails Us & What to Do

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How to Tell a Story in Your Research Paper
June 1, 2018

How to Tell a Story in Your Research Paper

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Transforming Research into an Illustrated Abstract

Transforming Research into an Illustrated Abstract

Publishing research that can be accessed as widely as possible is clearly crucial, but ensuring that research is accessible to similarly large groups of people is an altogether different challenge. Lucy Lambe explains how the LSE Library has worked with a comics creator and illustrator to create illustrated abstracts of articles that were funded to publish open access last year.

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How to Design an Award-Winning Conference Poster

How to Design an Award-Winning Conference Poster

A good academic conference poster serves a dual purpose: it is both an effective networking tool and a way to communicate your research. But many academics fail to produce a truly visually arresting conference poster which make connections are lost. Tullio Rossi offers guidance on how to produce an outstanding conference poster.

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The ‘Odyssey’ of Today’s Leadership Crisis

The ‘Odyssey’ of Today’s Leadership Crisis

Centuries ago, myths helped the Greeks learn to reject tyrannical authority and identify the qualities of good leadership. Emily Anhalt argues that the same myths that long predate the world’s very first democracy have lessons for us today – just as they did for the ancient Greeks centuries ago.

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Call for Nominations for the 2018 CASBS-SAGE Awards

Call for Nominations for the 2018 CASBS-SAGE Awards

CASBS at Stanford University and SAGE Publishing are announcing nominations to the fifth annual SAGE-CASBS awards. The award goes to researchers who have made outstanding societal contributions by using social and behavioral research to address or understand vital social concerns.

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Archive, Therefore I Am

Archive, Therefore I Am

What is one’s legacy after a half century as an academic? Although it’s not his only legacy, our David Canter considers the ‘archive’ of surveys, old journals, letters and other reputed ‘data’ that makes up a paper simulacrum of the real David Canter.

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Survey Asks Questions About Scholarly Journal Use

Survey Asks Questions About Scholarly Journal Use

In the latest iteration of a survey series she’s been running for four decades, Carol Tenopir aims to assess the value of access to scholarly journals by examining patterns of use and reading. Your input is sought.

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Nick Seaver on Dissecting the Algorithmic Organism

Nick Seaver on Dissecting the Algorithmic Organism

When discussing the nexus of computer science and social science, the transaction is usually in one direction – what can computer scientists do for social scientists. But a recent paper from Tufts University anthropologist Nick Seaver reverses that flow, using the tool of ethnography to interrogate the tools of engineering.

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‘Coding’ in School? Research Needed So Computing Accessible to All Children

‘Coding’ in School? Research Needed So Computing Accessible to All Children

Sue Sentance, senior lecturer in computer science education at King’s College London, explains some of the changes that have been happening in school around ICT and computing and calls for interdisciplinary research to explore how to make the subject accessible to all children.

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