
Scientists in Need of Arts Training
January 19, 2018

Scientists in Need of Arts Training

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Ziyad Marar: Building Bridges Between Big Data and Social Research
January 16, 2018

Ziyad Marar: Building Bridges Between Big Data and Social Research

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Social Science Space 2017 Round Up
January 10, 2018

Social Science Space 2017 Round Up

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Close Encounters with Behavioral Economics: Four Essential Reads for 2017
December 27, 2017

Close Encounters with Behavioral Economics: Four Essential Reads for 2017

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Report Offers Guidelines for Ethics of Technology Design

Report Offers Guidelines for Ethics of Technology Design

The big questions posed by our digital future sit at the intersection of technology and ethics. This is complex territory that requires input from experts in many different fields, including the social sciences, if we are to navigate it successfully. A new report makes an effort to give a first draft of that necessary input.

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Little Blue Birds of a (Disciplinary) Feather Flock Together

Little Blue Birds of a (Disciplinary) Feather Flock Together

The success of academic research in reaching out beyond its own scientific community is a perennial concern, even more so following the rapid adoption of social media and the ability to easily transmit information to potentially millions of people. But is increased social media attention really indicative of “broader impact”? A new study suggests social media does not broaden scientific communication, but rather replicates and perpetuates pre-established disciplinary boundaries. 

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Arts Degrees – Why Bother?

Arts Degrees – Why Bother?

Increasingly, write Ashley Frawley and Daniel Nehring, the waning societal valuation of the arts and social sciences is seen in these terms—if their value to a company’s bottom line is at all in question, then their entire raison d’etre is in doubt. Reversing this trend may involve some unpalatable decisions.

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APA Seeks Papers on Nexus of Humans and Technology

APA Seeks Papers on Nexus of Humans and Technology

Researchers and Authors from a variety of fields have an opportunity to share their innovations with a called for papers at the Technology, Mind and Society conference. Authors topics should include but are not limited to artificial intelligence, robotics, mobile devices, and more. Share your innovations here.

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How Will Big Data Affect Evolution of Social Science?

How Will Big Data Affect Evolution of Social Science?

How will social science research and teaching evolve to meet the challenges and opportunities big data creates? How can we bring down barriers to make this new computational social science accessible for all social researchers? That was the subject of a panel discussion at last month’s ESRC Festival of Social Sciences 2016.

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Report: Who Is Doing Computational Social Science

Report: Who Is Doing Computational Social Science

SAGE Publishing surveyed social scientists around the world to learn more about who engages in research using ‘big data,’ and what challenges they face as well as the barriers facing those who are interested in conducting computational social science going forward.

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Who is Doing Big Data: A SAGE Survey

Who is Doing Big Data: A SAGE Survey

A new survey shoots down the idea that early-career researchers aresomehow more likely to be digital natives and therefore more apt to conduct computational social science than those whose PhDs were issued more than a decade ago.

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Is Peer Review an Achilles Heel for Interdisciplinary Work?

Is Peer Review an Achilles Heel for Interdisciplinary Work?

Recent findings suggest interdisciplinary research is less likely to be funded than discipline-based research proposals, reports Gabriele Bammer, who argues different review processes may well be required to do justice to these different kinds of interdisciplinarity. 

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